Sauce on Jurich


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Gotta be some FSU and Gatah alums employed by the firm.
And we thought Miami hired Turnkey for some CYA stuff. Turnkey doing the same. You can talk to him if you want but we don't want anyone thinking we recommended him.
Exactly - we’re paying their fee. If they are not going to go with the wishes of the client - well then show them the door.
The client can do what they want. Miami knows who Jurich is. Turnkey just said if you interview him we're not helping you in your search any further.

I say this from a place of ignorance, so I'm not necessarily challenging the info here BUT why would a search firm threaten to resign over what UM decides to do? Isn't a search firm hired to do research and present potential candidates? Why does the search firm care about who's getting hired? As long as they're getting paid, they're getting paid...
Weird happenings going on. Never heard of such an instance. Behind the scene strings being pulled? This kind of strangeness seems to be the result when a third party is involved