Sam Bruce......

So the offer = Status?
I got 28 offers and you only have 17, which means I am > you?
School A offered me in November of my Junior year, so I am going with them, because School B didn't offer me in March of my Junior year. Even though both schools have been recruiting me.

Sure there is a timing deal in that you don't want to offer too late in the process but it seems as if these kids want the offer while they are in middle school or something. Again timing is everything and maybe its me, but I don't see this same mind set nowhere else, but in SFla.
Lose- lose situation...

Offer them early they go elsewhere it's goldens fault

Offer late they get offended still don't come and it's goldens fault

Games being played in S fla that Miami can't play right now or else...

LULZ at lose-lose situation. It's only a lose-lose situation if you're a loser. Here's a novel idea: Offer early and get the recruit to come to UM. Win-win situation.

Chise - you ****er - are slowly working your way off many ignore lists

I'm not a recruiting analyst, but I follow enough of the jock sniffers that are to understand that there is a list of elite and excellent players that should be offered as soon as possible. If you are Miami, just offer some of these **** players and recruit their position to match your need throughout the process.

I understand the Golden does not get SFL recruiting, but where the **** are Barrow, Coley and Hurlie then?

Results is all I care about. I'm sick of hearing all this strife from local recruits and local "handlers" and HS corches.

Part of the job title is to smooth that **** out and make UM the place that recruits want to go, not a place that is becoming a local joke. If you can't handle the politics and all that goes along with the job, then this might not be the right locale for you as a corch.
Lose- lose situation...

Offer them early they go elsewhere it's goldens fault

Offer late they get offended still don't come and it's goldens fault

Games being played in S fla that Miami can't play right now or else...

LULZ at lose-lose situation. It's only a lose-lose situation if you're a loser. Here's a novel idea: Offer early and get the recruit to come to UM. Win-win situation.

So offering guys like Bruce during their sophomore year isn't early enough?

I agree with you that the lose-lose situation offered up by that dude was stupid, and I think we should have offered McFadden earlier, but Bruce ain't got **** to talk about. We offered that kid when he was a freaking sophomore.

Where did I mention Bruce in that general statement?

Considering this thread is titled "Sam Bruce", I made an assumption that people would actually be talking about Sam Bruce in this thread.

Great assumption because every thread only discusses exactly what is contained in the initial post or thread title. You found the need to be your normal d1ckish self and couldn't bring yourself to actually agree with something that you agreed with, so you had to throw a d1ckish caveat in there.
Lose- lose situation...

Offer them early they go elsewhere it's goldens fault

Offer late they get offended still don't come and it's goldens fault

Games being played in S fla that Miami can't play right now or else...

LULZ at lose-lose situation. It's only a lose-lose situation if you're a loser. Here's a novel idea: Offer early and get the recruit to come to UM. Win-win situation.

Chise - you ****er - are slowly working your way off many ignore lists

I'm not a recruiting analyst, but I follow enough of the jock sniffers that are to understand that there is a list of elite and excellent players that should be offered as soon as possible. If you are Miami, just offer some of these **** players and recruit their position to match your need throughout the process.

I understand the Golden does not get SFL recruiting, but where the **** are Barrow, Coley and Hurlie then?

Results is all I care about. I'm sick of hearing all this strife from local recruits and local "handlers" and HS corches.

Part of the job title is to smooth that **** out and make UM the place that recruits want to go, not a place that is becoming a local joke. If you can't handle the politics and all that goes along with the job, then this might not be the right locale for you as a corch.

True that. I think Golden is working on it, but the play on the field leaves him with no wiggle room -- i.e. - A man can understand the PSU situation, but that left the door open for criticism that Golden does not currently have the equity to overcome as easily. Tough situation, not all his own doing, but he has to figure it out.
Kids down here have turned into divas, all this *** kissing now has turned them into it

Now that being said its the staffs job to see this new trend of how kids are and change their recruiting tactics to fit the new trend
Whoa whoa whoa, wtf is wrong with some of you doom and gloomers? There are PLENTY of stupid things this coaching staff does to complain about, how about when a kid is acting stupid you just call them on it or keep your mouth shut and move on? This dude has 2 full seasons of football to play before he signs! People on here apparently think we need to send out offers to every 3,4,5 star kid in Florida 2 years early or we might offend someone or their handlers. God forbid some of those kids might develop late or not develop into a D1 player at the age of 16. I mean by this logic we better just go ahead and offer every male athlete in the state of Florida at 14 because god forbid we are the 3rd offer for someone like D Jackson who hasn't even played football yet and turns into a 4 star.

Seroiusly, how about instead of *****ing about the staff just this one time, you tell this kid to ask his future hall of fame uncle how long it was until all the big programs offered him? **** happens, move on.
Bruce using our lack of local attention to his advantage.

Kid is recruiting for FSU
Bruce is a uschool
Quincy chad diva.

It's just rudiculous since we offered diva Bruce before free shoes, and Miami does more for the local ungrateful community than the guys from trailerhassee or jortville.
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Lose- lose situation...

Offer them early they go elsewhere it's goldens fault

Offer late they get offended still don't come and it's goldens fault

Games being played in S fla that Miami can't play right now or else...

LULZ at lose-lose situation. It's only a lose-lose situation if you're a loser. Here's a novel idea: Offer early and get the recruit to come to UM. Win-win situation.

Chise - you ****er - are slowly working your way off many ignore lists

I'm not a recruiting analyst, but I follow enough of the jock sniffers that are to understand that there is a list of elite and excellent players that should be offered as soon as possible. If you are Miami, just offer some of these **** players and recruit their position to match your need throughout the process.

I understand the Golden does not get SFL recruiting, but where the **** are Barrow, Coley and Hurlie then?

Results is all I care about. I'm sick of hearing all this strife from local recruits and local "handlers" and HS corches.

Part of the job title is to smooth that **** out and make UM the place that recruits want to go, not a place that is becoming a local joke. If you can't handle the politics and all that goes along with the job, then this might not be the right locale for you as a corch.

We've been willing the buy into the cloud effects for the last 2 plus years, but now anything other than results is just a story! Stories are for losers that can't close. These last 2 weeks will tell what kind of recruiter Al really is.
Lose- lose situation...

Offer them early they go elsewhere it's goldens fault

Offer late they get offended still don't come and it's goldens fault

Games being played in S fla that Miami can't play right now or else...

LULZ at lose-lose situation. It's only a lose-lose situation if you're a loser. Here's a novel idea: Offer early and get the recruit to come to UM. Win-win situation.

Lol'd that work out for Sony?
Lose- lose situation...

Offer them early they go elsewhere it's goldens fault

Offer late they get offended still don't come and it's goldens fault

Games being played in S fla that Miami can't play right now or else...

LULZ at lose-lose situation. It's only a lose-lose situation if you're a loser. Here's a novel idea: Offer early and get the recruit to come to UM. Win-win situation.

Lol'd that work out for Sony?

You're defending a stupid point. There's zero benefit in offering local studs late
Lose- lose situation...

Offer them early they go elsewhere it's goldens fault

Offer late they get offended still don't come and it's goldens fault

Games being played in S fla that Miami can't play right now or else...

LULZ at lose-lose situation. It's only a lose-lose situation if you're a loser. Here's a novel idea: Offer early and get the recruit to come to UM. Win-win situation.

So offering guys like Bruce during their sophomore year isn't early enough?

I agree with you that the lose-lose situation offered up by that dude was stupid, and I think we should have offered McFadden earlier, but Bruce ain't got **** to talk about. We offered that kid when he was a freaking sophomore.

My comment wAs made for certain posters on here that claim we offer kids to early and don't get them or too late...yes it's a lose lose situation when they go elsewhere and all the crying and *****ing start when they go somewhere else,

As for my other comment yes games are being played down here by other schools because they know we can't play that game right now...
Lose- lose situation...

Offer them early they go elsewhere it's goldens fault

Offer late they get offended still don't come and it's goldens fault

Games being played in S fla that Miami can't play right now or else...

LULZ at lose-lose situation. It's only a lose-lose situation if you're a loser. Here's a novel idea: Offer early and get the recruit to come to UM. Win-win situation.

Lol'd that work out for Sony?

You're defending a stupid point. There's zero benefit in offering local studs late

No I'm making fun of posters on here is what I'm many other schools have offered a kid late and got them. Plenty have...

Yet we have been on a ton of kids early and got crapped on in the end. So what's the point of offering super early. There no prize in offering first
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They can do all this slow playin if they are winning but since u arent winning and ur losing in a crappy fashion you have to kiss *** and not play games