I watched his whole tape again, and it somewhat reminded me of an ex-Cane and former south Florida high school star that also had long arms, covered a lot of ground on defense, had great ball awareness, knocked people out, and played some **** fine running back, too. Just an all around great football player and a natural on the field.
I shouldn't have turned across' highlight off after one play the first time. I'm covered in shame.
I watched his whole tape again, and it somewhat reminded me of an ex-Cane and former south Florida high school star that also had long arms, covered a lot of ground on defense, had great ball awareness, knocked people out, and played some **** fine running back, too. Just an all around great football player and a natural on the field.
I shouldn't have turned across' highlight off after one play the first time. I'm covered in shame.
Not a Georgia lean and not a free trip. Serious interest.
I watched his whole tape again, and it somewhat reminded me of an ex-Cane and former south Florida high school star that also had long arms, covered a lot of ground on defense, had great ball awareness, knocked people out, and played some **** fine running back, too. Just an all around great football player and a natural on the field.
I shouldn't have turned Ross' highlight off after one play the first time. I'm covered in shame.
Staff we need an interview on this kid!! Kids a stud!
I watched his whole tape again, and it somewhat reminded me of an ex-Cane and former south Florida high school star that also had long arms, covered a lot of ground on defense, had great ball awareness, knocked people out, and played some **** fine running back, too. Just an all around great football player and a natural on the field.
I shouldn't have turned Ross' highlight off after one play the first time. I'm covered in shame.
That is one nasty as **** uppercut!