RIP Coach Leach

I just spent the last hour revisiting his interviews and locker room tantrums. He’s one ot those coaches who you cannot help but like. His “that was last f-ing week“ post-game speech is a classic. Recently, he had the “fat little girlfriend“ comment when asked about player effort that was hilarious.

He is unfiltered, brilliant, and hysterical. A national treasure.

I like the one when he was at Washington St discussing the mascots of PAC-12 lol
Happened to my grandma shortly after I turned 18. Perfectly healthy, had a heart attack the night before, and was rushed to the hospital. In a coma for about a month. Seemed to be improving, but brain function was not improving much (if at all). She ultimately was able to express that she just wanted to be let go. Died within a couple of days. Life is crazy scary like that. Hope Leach pulls through, but goes out in peace if he can't
I lost my mother July 26th this year. She had just turned 60 in may. A severe stroke, out of nowhere. She was in a neuro ICU for 3 weeks. She went from unresponsive, to able to talk and communicate within the first week. Many signs pointed to a long recovery. Then, "delayed swelling" the doctors said. She went to sleep on a Thursday. I never got to speak to her again after that.

Life is unfair and sudden. So many prayers for Coach Leach and his family right now.
I lost my mother July 26th this year. She had just turned 60 in may. A severe stroke, out of nowhere. She was in a neuro ICU for 3 weeks. She went from unresponsive, to able to talk and communicate within the first week. Many signs pointed to a long recovery. Then, "delayed swelling" the doctors said. She went to sleep on a Thursday. I never got to speak to her again after that.

Life is unfair and sudden. So many prayers for Coach Leach and his family right now.
Sorry for your loss. Sucks losing a parent. Makes me that much more appreciative of my mom after my dad passed way back.
Last year my dad had a heart attack. Ignored symptoms for hours and my mom called ambulance when he couldn't get off the couch.

Rushed to cardiac cath lab, angiography shows total occlusion of the upper left ventricle's pathways outside the heart. His entire upper left chest and shoulder looked like a grey desert compared to flow in all other quadrants. Cardiologist tells my mom, we'll either save him or he's gonna die.

45 minutes later, comes out of with new angiography and my dad in a gurney. Restored full flow and his upper left quadrant looks like a neon Rand McNally Map of Golden Glades Interchange.

"Well Dad, looks like you dodged a bullet (again)."

"Empy, god damnit, get this shït off of me, I'm fine. Get these 'fəking tubes off me or I'll rip them off myself."

Death is brutal. Every. *******. Time.

Some times are slightly easier than others, but barely, and likely a trick of my mind to help it make sense.

Be good to each other and make sure to take time for ourselves.
We all have two days, our first and our last.

What matters most is what we are able to do with the days inbetween.
I lost my mother July 26th this year. She had just turned 60 in may. A severe stroke, out of nowhere. She was in a neuro ICU for 3 weeks. She went from unresponsive, to able to talk and communicate within the first week. Many signs pointed to a long recovery. Then, "delayed swelling" the doctors said. She went to sleep on a Thursday. I never got to speak to her again after that.

Life is unfair and sudden. So many prayers for Coach Leach and his family right now.
Deeply sorry for your loss. God bless her soul and your family. I lost my mom years ago, but it still hurts every day.
Any Miss St recruits we can make a move on?

We byke.
season 3 go to hell GIF by A&E
View attachment 219178

If Miss St's top recruits flipped to Miami tomorrow the recruiting board would be lit up.

C'mon now friend with the sensitivities.
You post a lot of useless bs for attention, but man…this is disgusting. Have some self-respect for a coach on his deathbed. There’s nothing funny about this.