Richt Postgame

because Malik Rosier has been his best QB for 2/3 of the time he's been here. They also remember []__[] were #2 in the country last season and playoff bound before Malik quit at Pitt. Cooler heads also realize we've become victims of our own success.

Rosier was a. If reason we got to number 2. The whole team quit at Pitt for some reason. And Mark is in year three, shouldn’t he have his own QBs by now. Wait he does, three of them none of them seem capable of keeping Rosier on the bench.
How does one get on the BoTs? I’d love to see some real savvy people on that BoTs. I’d love to see someone solution oriented, ballsy guy like Marcus Lemonis there. He would never put up with this Cha-Cha dance going on.
He has looked defeated the past few weeks. This week though he was on the defensive before even being positive. He has the look in his eye of someone losing his job. I think he’s going down faster than Golden. The BOT now is certainly more apt to do it. It’s hard to see him continuing at this point. I can’t come up with a way myself to justify it. So how can they do it?
FORCE him to do things he doesn’t want to do. He’ll tap out.
How does one get on the BoTs? I’d love to see some real savvy people on that BoTs. I’d love to see someone solution oriented, ballsy guy like Marcus Lemonis there. He would never put up with this Cha-Cha dance going on.
Slide to the left.....
Slide to the right....
Criss cross......
How does one get on the BoTs? I’d love to see some real savvy people on that BoTs. I’d love to see someone solution oriented, ballsy guy like Marcus Lemonis there. He would never put up with this Cha-Cha dance going on.
You all act like all the BOT thinks about is football. It's probably 2%, the rest things pertaining to university, academics etc...
Thank God we didn't do something as silly as extend him....prematurely......AGAIN.

I'm truly thankful for such an intelligent, proactive, and involved BOT. Wonderful custodians for this program we all love.
They are beyond clueless and the school is suffering in all areas because of it. No longer growing academically and the athletic department is a mess with everything but basketball just miserably bad.
He donated 1 million dollars to the IPF... that’s why he’s safe.
Wrong. He is safe because our AD is impotent. He has already extended his contract, not to mention he extended Al Golden. Effin Shalala holdover.

We will NEVER be back with this guy running the athletic department.
You all act like all the BOT thinks about is football. It's probably 2%, the rest things pertaining to university, academics etc...
Whatever it is, even 2%, they’ve got to give a ***** 100% of that 2%. Do your dang jobs, man, don’t care what % it is. Anything is better than this shyteshow.
Rosier was a. If reason we got to number 2. The whole team quit at Pitt for some reason. And Mark is in year three, shouldn’t he have his own QBs by now. Wait he does, three of them none of them seem capable of keeping Rosier on the bench.

Perry and Weldon have maturity issues for sure and I think Perry was a miss based on expectations. That could be on 1 or both Richt's depending on how you wanna call it. Jury is out on Jarren, IMO. I think Richt sees a better opportunity for success with a year of seasoning and I don't disagree. He'll be the guy next season unless someone (transfer) beats him out and yes, there needs to be a complete overhaul at that position. I think there's enough with Campbell at OL in the wings to believe we'll continue to inch forward with that unit, but we need to get a stud or two at that position this class and next. We need a baller QB to compete at the highest level but we'll be ACC division favorites again next season.
Rosier was a. If reason we got to number 2. The whole team quit at Pitt for some reason. And Mark is in year three, shouldn’t he have his own QBs by now. Wait he does, three of them none of them seem capable of keeping Rosier on the bench.

Lets remember, we got to 10-0 because of a soft schedule, an over rated ND and VT, and pure luck. Outcoached and outplayed by GT, Cuse, UNC, UVA, won those by fluke TOs, some out of character calls our way, and God.

When Richt came out looking old, dead and uncaring for UVA, after the ND win, I knew we were fin
I like the way you think but even if we go 5-7 I have a hard time imagining the BOT pulling the plug. To me they are gutless and soft in addition to being completely clueless until proven otherwise.

I think that we are at a point where Frenk, James and the BOT need to sit down and figure out if they truly want to do what it takes to make this football program the best it can be. If they conclude that they want a great football program then they need to take the necessary steps and the first would be to fire Flake Flames and hire a real AD. An AD who demands the best out of this football program and has the autonomy to do what is required. Next they need to get rid of Rix and his band of fairy yes men. Then they need to go out and hire a coach that wants to win big. A bright young innovator like Briles or an up and coming program builder like Matt Campbell.

And what if they don't? Everyone claims the BOT keeps ******** up the team, but ignoring the conclusion that maybe they don't care about football enough to put out more effort.

So what if they don't, what's your move then?
Let me be clear. As much as this year stings, you don't fire a coach after 1 bad year. All this rhetoric is nonsense!!!
.Yes!! We have taken 2 steps backwards from the progress of the past 2 years. I want to see improvement over the last 2 games and bowl game heading into the 2019 Spring.

In 2019, we should see a team with a new attitude and new schemes in the offensive playbook and blocking schemes.

I expect to see most of our draft eligible juniors back because most haven't played well consistently. Otherwise, they may go undrafted or become late round picks.

If we see the same #$*@ show next year, then your "fire the coach" rhetoric has validity, but it doesn't right now.
Let me be clear. As much as this year stings, you don't fire a coach after 1 bad year. All this rhetoric is nonsense!!!
.Yes!! We have taken 2 steps backwards from the progress of the past 2 years. I want to see improvement over the last 2 games and bowl game heading into the 2019 Spring.

In 2019, we should see a team with a new attitude and new schemes in the offensive playbook and blocking schemes.

I expect to see most of our draft eligible juniors back because most haven't played well consistently. Otherwise, they may go undrafted or become late round picks.

If we see the same #$*@ show next year, then your "fire the coach" rhetoric has validity, but it doesn't right now.

Hey man... you do realize we have lost 4 straight games to really bad football teams right?
Let me be clear. As much as this year stings, you don't fire a coach after 1 bad year. All this rhetoric is nonsense!!!
.Yes!! We have taken 2 steps backwards from the progress of the past 2 years. I want to see improvement over the last 2 games and bowl game heading into the 2019 Spring.

In 2019, we should see a team with a new attitude and new schemes in the offensive playbook and blocking schemes.

I expect to see most of our draft eligible juniors back because most haven't played well consistently. Otherwise, they may go undrafted or become late round picks.

If we see the same #$*@ show next year, then your "fire the coach" rhetoric has validity, but it doesn't right now.

Lets remember, we got to 10-0 because of a soft schedule, an over rated ND and VT, and pure luck. Outcoached and outplayed by GT, Cuse, UNC, UVA, won those by fluke TOs, some out of character calls our way, and God.

When Richt came out looking old, dead and uncaring for UVA, after the ND win, I knew we were fin

I think we are kind of agreeing. Rosier overperforming was a big reason we got to 10-0 last year. He overcame Mark’s weaknesses. Once Rosier lost that little magic that was letting him pull off wins, we were in the trash. It is clear now that nothing short of a Heismen QB can cover up for mark and we don’t have one of those.