Richard Sherman

Didn't read the whole thread but what is OP's point?

We need ******* incredible players?

Agreed OP, agreed.
Baldy for the win. You can win in a classy way. There's a difference between swagger on the field and being an ******* and poor winner.

After blowing Texas out, Miami stomped and danced on the Longhorn's logo. Poor winners.

Actually, that was some funny shizz. But what many youngsters do not understand, is that when you whoop Texas and the powers that be, and then rub their faces in it on national TV, that comes with consequences. That consequence, and the point really is inarguable, was that when the NCAA had their chance to return the favor, they handedUM the 2nd worst sanctions in history in 95. Those college Presidents UM had spent the prior decade embarrassing made certain that their little bulldog got its teeth deep into UM's hide. 30+ schollies? Read about it. It was payback.

Play with a merciless swagger, as in 2001, but do it with class. That is what the 2001 team perfected. So this noise that UM is missing Richard Sherman type antics is idiocy. UM is missing Shermans skill and intensity, not his hysterics. Being a douche does not make you better.
Well right you are cupcake, I just can't find anyone who said differently so what is your point?


There is a difference between doing your talking between the whistles (83 and 01) and the idiotic soul train dancing antics of ERRickson's bunch.

Is that really so hard to understand?

No, just a poster will little tolerance for the stupid.

Tell me, did Howard's 83 team start UM's rep as bad boys?

No, they did not, so that is 2 of 5 NC teams that do not fit your theory, whatever that might be. So you are only 40% wrong. Feel better?

History lesson for the ignorant

The last UM team that won the title also was the greatest UM team to win the title. And that team was universally lauded for exhibiting class. In fact, post game after the NC game against Nebraska, the refs sought out the UM coaching staff in the locker room specifically to praise the Canes for their behavior. They graduated, they stayed out of trouble and the most incendiary thing a cane said all year was Portis predicting UM might hang 60 on Penn State. The media was stunned at how well-behaved they were and did story after story about how UM had grown up. I read them all.

People who think all UM teams were full of Randall Hills or face mask phugging James Burgess' are ignorant revisionists who do not know Cane history. Because the best team in Cane History also was the best behaved. No classless Randall Hill "look at me" douchebaggery, no Richard Sherman rants, just dominance. And they broke the mold, curb-stomping everyone and emphatically putting to rest the idea that UM had to act like azzes to win.

The day Nolan Ryan tossed his 7th (?) and record No-No was the day Ricky Henderson broke Lou Brock's stolen bases record. Post game, Nolan praised his teammates for their great defense. Henderson, on the other hand, pulled a Sherman and basically *********ed all over himself in public. Both were the greatest, but there was a critical difference which made one beloved and the other less respected than his accomplishment otherwise would merit.

Learn the difference.

And don't re-write UM history to make your point, because you could not possibly be less correct.
So 1 team erases what the program did every year for the previous 2 decades? Obviously it's hyperbole to say that those teams were comprised of 85 Richard Shermans. But there were a **** of a lot more Kevin Patrick's, Randal Hill's, and Lamar Thomas' than there were Steve Walsh's and Craig Erickson's.

Yet another instance of a poster using an outlier to prove a point.

The '83 team most certainly had all the bravado and swagger. The football establishment just saw them as a novelty and flash in the pan that would go away so that team was looked at as a great underdog story.
That team had Clinton Portis and Jeremy Shockey on it. Your argument is invalid.

I don't want some sister ******* refs from middle America or some pearl clutching precious sportswriters to "praise our behavior." I don't want their validation. **** them and if you're down with them, **** you too. Chino XL? **** you too.

Baldy for the win. You can win in a classy way. There's a difference between swagger on the field and being an ******* and poor winner.

After blowing Texas out, Miami stomped and danced on the Longhorn's logo. Poor winners.

Actually, that was some funny shizz. But what many youngsters do not understand, is that when you whoop Texas and the powers that be, and then rub their faces in it on national TV, that comes with consequences. That consequence, and the point really is inarguable, was that when the NCAA had their chance to return the favor, they handedUM the 2nd worst sanctions in history in 95. Those college Presidents UM had spent the prior decade embarrassing made certain that their little bulldog got its teeth deep into UM's hide. 30+ schollies? Read about it. It was payback.

Play with a merciless swagger, as in 2001, but do it with class. That is what the 2001 team perfected. So this noise that UM is missing Richard Sherman type antics is idiocy. UM is missing Shermans skill and intensity, not his hysterics. Being a douche does not make you better.
I love the stuff on the field the old Canes did. Can't say I like mouth in interview so much. Talking, dancing, showboating on filed is great. Off the field, it always seemed to bite us in the rear.
Baldy should've been a Penn State fan with all this " class " garbage. Joe Pa would've rubbed one out to these cheesy posts .

Btw, that 2001 team had Jeremy Shockey, class has never been used to describe him. Dude talked trash every game he ever played here.

I'm amazed that a little trash talk can rustle so many jimmies , but then again we live in a soft *** time. So it makes perfect sense.
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Swagger and taunting is ok, but do it the right way? LMAO. That's code for I don't like those dudes for what ever reason, so their way isn't the proper way to be over the top. You clowns are hysterical with your imaginary douchebag/swagger line of demarcation. Think about how absolutely ridiculous that sounds.
Swagger and taunting is ok, but do it the right way? LMAO. That's code for I don't like those dudes for what ever reason, so their way isn't the proper way to be over the top. You clowns are hysterical with your imaginary douchebag/swagger line of demarcation. Think about how absolutely ridiculous that sounds.

Absolutely hilarious
Well right you are cupcake, I just can't find anyone who said differently so what is your point?


There is a difference between doing your talking between the whistles (83 and 01) and the idiotic soul train dancing antics of ERRickson's bunch.

Is that really so hard to understand?

No, just a poster will little tolerance for the stupid.

Tell me, did Howard's 83 team start UM's rep as bad boys?

No, they did not, so that is 2 of 5 NC teams that do not fit your theory, whatever that might be. So you are only 40% wrong. Feel better?

So 1 team erases what the program did every year for the previous 2 decades? Obviously it's hyperbole to say that those teams were comprised of 85 Richard Shermans. But there were a **** of a lot more Kevin Patrick's, Randal Hill's, and Lamar Thomas' than there were Steve Walsh's and Craig Erickson's.

Yet another instance of a poster using an outlier to prove a point.

The '83 team most certainly had all the bravado and swagger. The football establishment just saw them as a novelty and flash in the pan that would go away so that team was looked at as a great underdog story.

Calling me cupcake. Name calling is the first sign of someone losing a debate.

So you consider the '87, '89 and '91 teams to be classless, douchebag, thugs? Sounds like a self loathing Miami fan. Or more like a fan of a team like Alabama, Nebraska, Michigan, etc... that frowns upon any showing of emotion on or off the football field! How dare college kids have fun playing a game!?!?!?

Sorry, but using the term 'thug' to describe former Miami football players is pathetic. A thug is generally defined as a criminal. Football players having fun, celebrating and talking smack hardly makes them a 'thug'.

Those Miami teams that you consider classless thugs are what I consider teams with confidence. They were better than you, they told you they were better than you and then they backed it up on the field. What you call antics is what I call having fun playing a game. It seems like your real problem is that they didn't act the way you or people around you act and thus you must label something that is different as bad or wrong.
The 2001 Hurricanes released a rap song about beating Nebraska.

But you see ,that's an appropriate medium for swagger because they got it approved by Campus Life, first. Bravo to those old chaps getting one over on those sports over at Nebraska!
We need what happened on the play more than we need what happened in the interview.

But with that said:


Lulz at canes fans being disgusted with Richard Sherman. Smh

Man shut your **** *** up. The U was built with REAL tough guys straight from the hood. Not pretenders like Sherman.

Sherman is a fake *** tough guy who went to stanford and was a 4.0 student in HS. He is faker than a black woman's hair. He is not a goon. He is not hard. He is not tough. He is only pretending to be and he is just an actor. He only runs that tough guy act on soft WRs.

When Sherman tries his fake tough guy shtick against real men he gets his *** punked.


So don't you dare compare this fake, pretending *** tough guy to the old Canes who were REALLY about that life and not just some loudmouth pretending to be a tough guy.

So because he is an educated man who didn't grew up in the hood makes him "fake" or not a "tough" guy ? That's just stupid.

Robert Beck/Sports Illustrated/The MMQBIn This Corner

‘To Those Who Would Call Me a Thug or Worse …’

I show passion on the football field—but that’s only a small part of who I am. If you want to judge me, I can handle it.

Richard Sherman

· More from Richard·


What a night, and what a finish.
Near midnight I still had about 70 unread text messages from friends and family, most of which read, “Best interview ever!” Many of my Twitter mentions were less supportive. My body ached. I was thrilled and proud and upset, all at once.
Here’s what happened …

I spent most of the game on an island: I was targeted only twice during the entire NFC Championship. The first produced a BS holding call against me; the second ended the game. Michael Crabtree stutter-stepped out of his break on first down and sprinted toward the end zone. I was in good position for a pick until he pushed me in the back. My interception became a tip and an interception for Malcolm Smith in the end zone.
Game over. The Seahawks are in the Super Bowl.

I ran over to Crabtree to shake his hand but he ignored me. I patted him, stuck out my hand and said, “Good game, good game.” That’s when he shoved my face, and that’s when I went off.

I threw a choking sign at 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Why? Because he decided he was going to try the guy he was avoiding all game, because, I don’t know, he’s probably not paying attention for the game-winning play. C’mon, you’re better than that.

“It was loud, it was in the moment, and it was just a small part of the person I am.”

Erin Andrews interviewed me after the game and I yelled what was obvious: If you put a subpar player across from a great one, most of the time you’re going to get one result. As far as Crabtree being a top-20 NFL receiver, you’d have a hard time making that argument to me. There are a lot of receivers playing good ball out there, and Josh Gordon needed 14 games to produce almost double what Crabtree can do in a full season. And Gordon had Brandon Weeden, Brian Hoyer and Jason Campbell playing quarterback.

But that’s not why I don’t like the man. It goes back to something he said to me this offseason in Arizona, but you’d have to ask him about that. A lot of what I said to Andrews was adrenaline talking, and some of that was Crabtree. I just don’t like him.

It was loud, it was in the moment, and it was just a small part of the person I am. I don’t want to be a villain, because I’m not a villainous person. When I say I’m the best cornerback in football, it’s with a caveat: There isn’t a great defensive backfield in the NFL that doesn’t have a great front seven. Everything begins with pressure up front, and that’s what we get from our pass rushers every Sunday. To those who would call me a thug or worse because I show passion on a football field—don’t judge a person’s character by what they do between the lines. Judge a man by what he does off the field, what he does for his community, what he does for his family.

But people find it easy to take shots on Twitter, and to use racial slurs and bullying language far worse than what you’ll see from me. It’s sad and somewhat unbelievable to me that the world is still this way, but it is. I can handle it.

One thing I can’t accept is what I read after the game about Seahawks fans throwing food at 49ers linebacker Navorro Bowman as he was being carted off the field with his knee injury. If it’s true, it’s beyond terrible. That’s as low as it gets. I’m sure whoever did this is in a small minority of fans, because I don’t think that kind of action is an accurate representation of the character of the 12th man. Navorro Bowman is a great player who plays the game the right way. When he went down, I dropped to a knee and prayed for him. He deserves better than having food thrown at him as he’s carted off a field. All players deserve better than that.

So here we are, in the Super Bowl. New York-bound. There will be a lot of talking, but at this point, after 18 games, there’s nothing left to say. We have the right mindset, and nothing can change that. We’ve treated every week like a championship opportunity and we’ll obviously continue to think that way. We deserve to be here. We didn’t sneak into the Super Bowl; we earned our way. Now every goal we set forth at the beginning of the season is in front of us.

The Broncos stand in our way, and it’s a large obstacle. They’ve got the smartest quarterback in football and receivers who are large (mostly), explosive with the football and run great routes. Wes Welker is quick and elusive, Eric Decker is a great receiver with hands and speed, and Demaryius Thomas is as strong as they come. And Peyton knows how to get each of them in spots.

It’s the No. 1 offense vs. the No. 1 defense. It’s a match made in heaven, and we couldn’t be more excited. If you’re any kind of competitor and you have any kind of dog about you, you want to play against the best. Finally, we get the opportunity.

(Robert Beck/Sports Illustrated/The MMQB)

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Those Miami teams that you consider classless thugs are what I consider teams with confidence.

Swagger*.. It's a real thing. More often then not these days it's faked or forced. Not with Sherman. Dude is old school.
Richard Sherman is from Compton. LOL at him not being from the hood.

Sure he's from Compton, but he went to Cranbrook, that's a private school.

Oh , ok. Six hours a day in a private school makes him soft? What about the other 18 hours? He was living in one of the most dangerous places in the country.

I love the street cred police.