Richard Sherman

Best Sherman ever

All the old guys think Sherman's disrespectful; meanwhile the youngins love it!

I'm an old guy and I have no problem with Sherman.
That stupid gator gash should not be sticking a Mike in front of his face 10 seconds after the game is over.
Fairly obvious that Sherman is not athletically gifted like Deion Sanders.
We are not talking Champ Bailey here.
This guy is a good athlete, who studies hard, works hard at his technique, and, obviously, gets himself worked up into a frenzy to accomplish his elite level of greatness.

Reminds me of a cornerback version of Brian Cox. Somebody who would kill a family member if that person was on the other team.

He's covering Crabtree, who it comes out, had personally insulted him this past summer.
They pretty much hate each other.
And, he just beat the college coach who he says talked badly about him before the draft, causing his draft stock to plummet to the later rounds.

Loved the raw emotion he showed.
Much more refreshing than the standard, "one game at a time...," bs you hear from pretty much everyone else.

And yes, it did remind me of the Old Canes. My Canes who talked the talk and then beat you to death.
This society is full of pussies. What Sherman did is what we at Miami love...... Well the real Miami fans do. That just emotion. If u can back it up u can do whatever the **** u want and say what the **** u want. Did yall hate it when Lamar Thomas talked **** to teams after he made a td catch or took off his helmet after a first down. Did yall hate when Randall hill did pelvis thrusts after a 5 yard catch. Bunch of ******* hypocrites nowadays. I'll take Sherman all **** day. Glad he doesn't give out the pc ***** responses that everyone doesn't want to hear but accept.
Wow he shut down Crabtree who just came back from injury... Wasn't he the one that Boldin "moss'd" for the td? And why take away from the team to promote yourself... Yea the canes celebrated but they never took away from the team concept... It was always "we"... A great game like that shouldn't be used as a too of promotion... if you brag talk about the team...
The kid got emotional after a great game. His comments on Bowman says a lot about his character. Obviously there is a past between him and Crabtree.

Yep, and here it is:

Report: Crabtree tried to fight Richard Sherman at charity event

By Josh Katzowitz | NFL Writer

January 20, 2014 11:41 am ET

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While Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman's postgame rant Sunday night in which he called 49ers receiver Michael Crabtree a "sorry receiver" was awfully entertaining, he also mentioned that Crabtree might have talked badly about him at some point.
Aside from Crabtree's refusal to confirm in the previous week that Sherman was the best cornerback in the league and aside from perhaps some on-field trash talking, it was hard to know exactly why the Seahawks cornerback felt so slighted.
The Seattle Times sheds light on an incident from last offseason in which Crabtree reportedly tried to start a fight while the two were at a charity event hosted by Cardinals receiver Larry Fitzgerald.
"While there, Sherman went to shake Crabtree's hand, and Crabtree tried to start a fight, according to Sherman's older brother, Branton," writes Jerry Brewer of the Times. "'I'm going to make a play and embarrass him,' Richard Sherman vowed that day."
I don't know if Sherman embarrassed Crabtree on Sunday, but Sherman certainly followed through on his promise to make a play.

"I was making sure everybody knew that Crabtree was a mediocre receiver. Mediocre," Sherman said in his postgame news conference. "And when you try the best corner in the game with a mediocre receiver, that's what happens. Game."
Crabtree responded that he was not a TV guy, unlike Sherman, and that Crabtree simply plays ball. "He made one play and he talks," Crabtree said. "It was a good play."
But Sherman isn't only a TV guy. He also pens an occasional column for, and on Monday morning, he was in a writing mood.
From his story about his reaction after he tipped the game-clinching interception:
I ran over to Crabtree to shake his hand but he ignored me. I patted him, stuck out my hand and said, "Good game, good game." That's when he shoved my face, and that's when I went off.
I threw a choking sign at 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Why? Because he decided he was going to try the guy he was avoiding all game, because, I don't know, he's probably not paying attention for the game-winning play. C'mon, you're better than that.
But that's not why I don't like the man. It goes back to something he said to me this offseason in Arizona, but you'd have to ask him about that. A lot of what I said to [Erin] Andrews was adrenaline talking, and some of that was Crabtree. I just don't like him. It was loud, it was in the moment, and it was just a small part of the person I am. I don't want to be a villain, because I'm not a villainous person ... To those who would call me a thug or worse because I show passion on a football field -- don't judge a person's character by what they do between the lines. Judge a man by what he does off the field, what he does for his community, what he does for his family.
That's only a small portion of what Sherman wrote, and I would advise you to read the entire piece, especially for his thoughts on 49ers linebacker NaVorro Bowman and his alleged treatment by some Seahawks fans.
Oh, and one other spoiler: Sherman doesn't much care for Crabtree.

Niner fans aint trynna hear this......but Sherman shouldnt have to clear his name people wont listen. Its just like here no one listens even if u bring facts, hate is hate u cant make a terroist think america is great same thing here. Tards r Tards

**** butt hurt niner fans. Did they hate it when deion got in a fight with Andre risen, then high stepped for 70 yards after and int, then in a post game interview said he owns the Georgia dome. Doubt it very much.
This society is full of pussies. What Sherman did is what we at Miami love...... Well the real Miami fans do. That just emotion. If u can back it up u can do whatever the **** u want and say what the **** u want. Did yall hate it when Lamar Thomas talked **** to teams after he made a td catch or took off his helmet after a first down. Did yall hate when Randall hill did pelvis thrusts after a 5 yard catch. Bunch of ****ing hypocrites nowadays. I'll take Sherman all **** day. Glad he doesn't give out the pc **** responses that everyone doesn't want to hear but accept.

I love it when players sell out but at the end of that game it went from it being about the team to it being about him... Hill and Thomas also acknowledge their team performance... They didn't single out a player who just came back from injury then proclaim how dominant they are... Didn't Boldin "moss'd" Sherman for that td?
Crabtree was been back for over a month. The just got back crap doesn't wash. Haters can hate if they like, but Sherman got it done.
This society is full of pussies. What Sherman did is what we at Miami love...... Well the real Miami fans do. That just emotion. If u can back it up u can do whatever the **** u want and say what the **** u want. Did yall hate it when Lamar Thomas talked **** to teams after he made a td catch or took off his helmet after a first down. Did yall hate when Randall hill did pelvis thrusts after a 5 yard catch. Bunch of ****ing hypocrites nowadays. I'll take Sherman all **** day. Glad he doesn't give out the pc **** responses that everyone doesn't want to hear but accept.

I love it when players sell out but at the end of that game it went from it being about the team to it being about him... Hill and Thomas also acknowledge their team performance... They didn't single out a player who just came back from injury then proclaim how dominant they are... Didn't Boldin "moss'd" Sherman for that td?

That was Earl Thomas that got beat. Only negative against Sherman all day was that *** *** defensive holding call.
A whole lot of butthurt ******* in here crying about class.

Pull your skirts down, ladies.
lmao what sherman does is much more mild than any pickup basketball game across america

you people who are all bent out of shape about this are the real problem
22 Brief Thoughts About That Richard Sherman Interview

1. So the Seahawks beat the 49ers to go to the Super Bowl, and Seattle cornerback Richard Sherman made the game-saving play, and Erin Andrews interviewed him on the field immediately after the game, and he hollered like a crazy person:
2. Within seconds people on social media were calling him a fool, a thug, a classless jerk and many worse things.
3. Sherman is black, and so of course there was an undercurrent of race to some — OK, a lot — of the discussion.
4. Sherman graduated second in his class in high school and also graduated from Stanford. So not only is he not a fool, odds are he’s smarter than you and me.
5. His degree from Stanford was in communications … which might explain why, while he seemed to be hollering like a crazy person, he didn’t curse and looked into the camera the whole time.
6. In other words, he might have just been auditioning for the WWE.
7. Maybe 15 minutes later, when Sherman sat down with the Fox Fox NFL guys, he was calm and funny.
8. If you stick a microphone in a football player’s face seconds after he made a huge play to send his team to the Super Bowl, you shouldn’t be surprised if he’s a little amped up.
9. Ninety-nine percent of on-field interviews are boring and useless. The TV networks do them anyway for the 1 percent of the time they get a moment like Richard Sherman.
10. As a reporter and writer, that raw emotion — whatever form it takes — is exactly what I hope for. That’s why media people fight for access to locker rooms. After players and coaches cool off, most of them turn into Crash Davis, reading from the book of cliches.
11. But we — the media, and fans in general — don’t know what we want. We rip athletes for giving us boring quotes. But if they say what they actually feel, we rip them for spouting off or showing a lack of class.
12. It’s like we want them to be thinking, Well, that was a fine contest, and jolly good that we won. Which NO athlete is EVER thinking.
13. As a side note: Richard Sherman also called out Skip Bayless on Bayless’ own show, which trumps pretty much anything bad that Richard Sherman has done in his life.
14. So: Did you watch the game?
15. Did you see the two most physical teams in football beat each other half to death? Did you see all the brutal hits? Did you see all the players who couldn’t get up after the play? Did you see all those guys who had to be helped off the field?
16. Did you see NaVorro Bowman, the stud linebacker for the 49ers, wreck his knee when a Seattle player fell on it? I’m not sure how you could’ve missed it — Fox must have shown the replay 20 times.
17. (I understand that it was a big play — Bowman recovered a fumble at the goal line, although the refs called it the other way. It deserved another look. But still: Can’t you crop out Bowman’s crumpled knee, or put a black bar over it, or something? After one or two replays, isn’t it just injury ****?)
18. Anyway: That was the kind of game it was. Rough and angry and so violent that at times it was hard to watch.
19. This, of course, is part of the attraction of football. And part of the reason so many players leave the sport crippled and concussed.
20. Richard Sherman made the big play Sunday. His team is going to the Super Bowl.
21. More important, he survived the carnage.
22. It seems to me that the only proper response to surviving something like that is to holler like a crazy person.
Alright...let's make the post-play celebration Canes-centric for a second.

What if Cie Grant had went over to Ken Dorsey after the 4th down play that ended the game on Dorsey's incompletion, made possible due to Cie Grant's pressure--and slapped Dorsey on the ***, and stood in front of him as Dorsey was trying to walk off the field with his hand stuck out like he was trying to shake his hand?

Would any of you blamed Dorsey if he hadn't kicked Grant in the nuts, threw up a 2-bird salute, and kicked him in the teeth on the way off the field? Or would that have been bad sportsmanship by Dorsey? Would Grant have been in the right doing what he did in that moment, in your opinion?

I mean, in that situation, what if Dorsey would have reacted just like Crabtree? Would we be defending him? To boot--would any of you be defending Grant in the same ways you're defending Sherman?
It's really sad that there are fans who have become so brainwashed by US news and world report that they forget what we are. Goddammit this school isn't SUPPOSED to be Wake or ND. If those type programs get u off, save all of us time and become a fan of them.

See what it comes down to is a bunch of dudes who couldn't get into Duke or ND, so they want Miami to become like that to make them feel less insecure. They posthumously get to say "I went to a top 50 institution with class"......lmfao it's some sad pathetic behavior.

No one gets to say anything posthumously.
The important thing is that kid went to Stanford. That certainly is the type of school our administration seeks to be. So, Sherman can now serve as a poster boy for how Cane football players should act. Certainly, nobody would say Standford is THUG U of the west. I think we have cover for a return to the days of old and glory. Dance, Canes, dance.
All the old guys think Sherman's disrespectful; meanwhile the youngins love it!

I'm an old guy and I have no problem with Sherman.
That stupid gator gash should not be sticking a Mike in front of his face 10 seconds after the game is over.
Fairly obvious that Sherman is not athletically gifted like Deion Sanders.
We are not talking Champ Bailey here.
This guy is a good athlete, who studies hard, works hard at his technique, and, obviously, gets himself worked up into a frenzy to accomplish his elite level of greatness.

Reminds me of a cornerback version of Brian Cox. Somebody who would kill a family member if that person was on the other team.

He's covering Crabtree, who it comes out, had personally insulted him this past summer.
They pretty much hate each other.
And, he just beat the college coach who he says talked badly about him before the draft, causing his draft stock to plummet to the later rounds.

Loved the raw emotion he showed.
Much more refreshing than the standard, "one game at a time...," bs you hear from pretty much everyone else.

And yes, it did remind me of the Old Canes. My Canes who talked the talk and then beat you to death.

so you're saying the sideline reporter should protect a player from himself? that's ridiculous. and ****, erin andrews must love the controversy, bc it creates more publicity for herself and Fox.
What I don't get about this whole thing is that why is it a problem in the first place? Had he not made the play, and Seattle would have won, who do you think would have been interviewed ? Sherman and Russell Wilson, so who knows what he would have said then. Likely the same thing.

Muhammad Ali made a career of talking **** to his opponents, degrading and making fun of them and touting his own greatness. That and the fact that he won his fights, and his personality made him one of the most beloved athletes in the world. So it was all good 30 -40 years ago and now its not? You can't love one athlete and hate the other of basically doing the same thing. Can you?

Sherman talks, yes but his on the field play backs up what he says. Its debatable on if there is DB better than him? Revis, Peterson, who? I'm sure thre is a metric that is used to determine a player's effectiveness. The guy just made the play that helped send his team to the Super Bowl and people butthurt of a 90 second interview he did 3-5 minutes after making the play. You think emotion was there? Think he was amped up STILL? Yes.

I mean **** wasn't the whole idea behind interviewing players after the game was to get their input and thoughts? RG3 is too cornball and Sherman is too brash.. I get it, Sherman gave his thoughts and now, its an issue. Its ENTERTAINMENT... He gets paid to perform, not raise other peoples kids but to blanket the opposing wide receiver. He gets paid to do his job at a high level. Believe it or not, he's really a smart guy and knows his craft. Imagine that...

Guy does nothing but ball on the field. Off the field he does __________? Runs his charity? Yes. Give back to the community? Yes. In the news for doing stupid stuff? No.

Sherman graduated from Stanford with a degree in communication, and with the buzz circling around 2 days after the game, that degree is paying off. He's trolling the world and they don't even know it.
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My whole issue with Sherman isn't his **** talking. I think he has earned the right to talk **** if he wants because he backs it up. My problem with Sherman is that he gets all butt hurt when someone has something to say back.

A better response from Sherman would have been "U mad Crabtree?" Maybe laugh it off afterwards instead of getting all butt hurt.

As far as the dispute between him and Crabtree previously, you honestly believe everything you hear in a story where someone is trying to make themselves look good? You think Crabtree might not have a different story?

Sherman seems like he has some hidden insecurity to me and covers it by being loud and telling everyone he's the best. Like I said, he works hard and backs it up, but he gives the impression like he is insecure about something.
Yes, Miami's current style, "you win some, you lose some" and bragging about thrid in the Coastal and how much the defense has improved is much better!

Wow he shut down Crabtree who just came back from injury... Wasn't he the one that Boldin "moss'd" for the td? And why take away from the team to promote yourself... Yea the canes celebrated but they never took away from the team concept... It was always "we"... A great game like that shouldn't be used as a too of promotion... if you brag talk about the team...
That wasn't on Sherman, I'm pretty sure it was on earl Thomas if not someone else