Rhett to South Carolina?

He just signed an extension.

Liberty had to. They want to up the buyout they’ll get when he leaves. Did you see the “rumblings” coming from USCe athletic department? They said that lack of support from boosters and sales bc they suck would justify paying a buyout and getting a new coach. Expect every school that’s laid off people and furloughed employees to use this tactic. It’s the perfect excuse really. Covid isn’t stopping a major P5 school from getting a new coach.
How come Venables' name never comes up with head coaching candidates? The guy is not only one of the best defensive coordinators, but one of the best coordinators, period.

/as you can see from my earlier post in this thread, I want to break up the happy Clemson home.
Just saw this post, yea this is the move.. Venables seems like he isnt trying to be a HC just to be a HC.. Wants a legit shot at being successful at big job? Or maybe wants to coach his kids at clemson?
Enos and his miserable personality would still be here if King was here last year. King is the difference in the offense. Not lashlee. His play calling is nothing remarkable.

We don't incorporate the tight ends whatsoever and the running game is horrible. But i guess since he runs fancy uptempo then for some reason fans think his runs up the gut into 7 defenders is somehow better than when Richt did it
Have you seen our offensive line play??
going to South Carolina and getting your **** kicked by the elite of the SEC, didn't Hugh Freeze already see that movie at Ole Miss? Why wouldn't he wait for a better job than that to be offered.

The smart coaches realize when they have a good thing going for themselves and winning for a few years at Liberty might actually have some appeal after getting your teeth kicked in for years in the SEC.

As for Rhett Lashlee taking over a program now after 1 year at UM and some great experience on the offensive side of the ball previously that is just crazy, I mean what self-respecting program hires a coordinator to be their head coach with no previous head coaching experience (whether it is a 6 hour search or not!)? Only poorly run administrations would go with that approach.
Idk what your talking about getting his *** kicked my the elite of the sec because if my memory serves me correctly Freeze beat numero uno sec elite bama two years in a row and dang near made it three years in row.
Enos and his miserable personality would still be here if King was here last year. King is the difference in the offense. Not lashlee. His play calling is nothing remarkable.

We don't incorporate the tight ends whatsoever and the running game is horrible. But i guess since he runs fancy uptempo then for some reason fans think his runs up the gut into 7 defenders is somehow better than when Richt did it
Having a great quarterback will make any offensive coordinators job easier. Otherwise, the rest of your take is hot garbage. This offense is out producing every offense we had under Richt or Enos in pretty much every statistical category. Our tight ends have combined for 36 receptions for 503 yards and 7 touchdowns. That’s with Jordan missing half the season. They’re averaging over 70 more yards per game and 8 more points per game this year over last year. Yes, King is responsible for a lot of the success but it’s not so easy as to plug in a quarterback and have an instantly better offense. Case in point , Houston. They had King for the first four games last year and flopped. If just having a good quarterback was enough to make any coach look good, why did it not work for Dana Holgerson last year?
Enos and his miserable personality would still be here if King was here last year. King is the difference in the offense. Not lashlee. His play calling is nothing remarkable.

We don't incorporate the tight ends whatsoever and the running game is horrible. But i guess since he runs fancy uptempo then for some reason fans think his runs up the gut into 7 defenders is somehow better than when Richt did it
No, no, no . . . the guy who brought about all the changes was Bubba Baxa. He directly impacted 3-4 losses a year ago - either outright misses or decisions made because the coaches had no confidence. Let's say Miami wins 3 of those games. Then, Enos is still the offensive coordinator, OL coach still has a job, King isn't here, Jarrid Williams isn't here, Borregales isn't here.

So, painful as a year ago was, thanks Bubba.
South Carolina is a ****** job, whoever takes that job will be gone in 3-5 years
It's a mixed bag. You're going to have a tough schedule between the SEC and playing Clemson every year but the standards aren't ridiculously high. Spurrier was generally successful there. The fan base will be perfectly content winning 8 games a year. Although winning 8 games every year there isn't an easy task.
I would be very surprised if he does not say no. He just got an extension and the money is far better in a low risk/high return program than an SEC school with the win now mentality. He can stay there and ride it out to retirement with little worries about being fired, with the exception of a morality issue. Stranger things have happened though.

So let me see if I understand your claims.

Freeze just got a pay raise to $3 million per year. He could be expected to make at least $5 million per year at South Carolina. He's 51 years old.

So you think he would bypass $2 million per year for the next 10 to 20 years (and we all know the SEC money will escalate faster than the Liberty money) so that he can have "low risk" and "ride it out to retirement"?

While that might be logical for the 9-to-5-ers on this board, I don't think that is an accurate reflection of how college football coaches feel on a competitive basis, and what they are willing to do to continue an upward progression in their careers.
jerry Falwell money is just as long as anyone at SC..he won't leave liberty because of money.if he did leave it will be to prove he can coach at a higher level. but they loving him up here in Lynchburg. and money is not an issue

Jerry Falwell is no longer in charge.

He has an extension with Liberty, and I doubt Liberty would renege.

But Freeze has topped out. He's never going to get any more money out of Liberty. He's not getting an extension/raise every time he beats a P5 school. Liberty only has so much money to spend, and Falwell is no longer the president.