Pump the brakes???


Jan 16, 2012
I don’t Fvckibg think so!!!

I wanna know right now why we can’t win the ACC this yr? Clemson took a big step backwards last year and lost both OC and DC. Who by the way are pretty **** good.

UNC and Pitt lose their top tier QBs. Are we concerned about Wake? Va Tech? UVA? I mean who is it?

We have the best staff in the conference.
We return the best QB (IMO)
We will add a couple pieces on D.
We just pumped the overall talent level up a notch or two.
We have coaches that we KNOW can coach dudes up. Like guys get better under these coaches, there’s not speculation there’s previous results.

I just cannot help but think we can win this conference this year. I am balls deep, jacked up on mtn dew, all In, whatever analogy you wanna use, I’m it. I cannot wait to see the transformation YEAR 1! Be ready.
lol we've been battered for so long.. all I wanna do this year is win the corstal outright and win a ******* bowl game. A good bowl game. I've nutted so much in the last couple of months I'm probably still gonna be relaxed when the season starts. DO NOT WAKE ME UP.
Clemson, for all they lost, were a **** good defensive team last year. As good as anyone not named Georgia and just a step below. They just didn't have the offense.

We should be in every game and there is sure to be growing pains. I expect a fundamentally more sound team, but we may lack the horse at certain positions to win the conference.
While we have a chance for the above mentioned reasons, what we need to pump the breaks on is the dropoff of Clemson until we see them. The roster is still stacked and they “took a big step back” to another 10 win season and another top 10 recruiting class
While we have a chance for the above mentioned reasons, what we need to pump the breaks on is the dropoff of Clemson until we see them. The roster is still stacked and they “took a big step back” to another 10 win season and another top 10 recruiting class
I can live with that. I hear you.
Coaches don't play, player's do. The last time I checked our d line was weak our linebackers were non-existent our safeties are potentially great and our corners are average. On offense our skill players are very good, maybe the best in the ACC but the line needs a major upgrade or TVD will be running for his life. Am I excited about the changes? Absolutely, but winning the way people on this board are expecting is pie in the sky, which is fine until you start crying when we lose because the team is not living up to your unrealistic expectations. This is probably a three year rebuild. What I'm hoping for this year is a disciplined, aggressive, smart team with improved tackling and special teams. Give me that with nine wins and I'm happy. Then kill it in recruiting and come back next year and potentially win the ACC and after that the sky is the limit.