Puke Campbell at it again

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So he's threatening to steer kids away from the U again ... Something he's been doing all along.

And that Manny Navarro ... Sure Manny, all we need is to hire another inexperienced Dade County High School Coach on the offensive staff.

Idk how a reputable HS would hire him as a coach.
My father is a college professor with a phd, I have a masters. we still get the police called on us every time we bike through neighborhoods, on the weekend especially in coral gables or littie havana.

We're haitian and we constantly have to correct cubans and venezuelans etc.. who love to talk about how much better we are than american black people.Even some idiot Haitians like to flex on black americans.

It's real easy to come here, especially when most of us were upper class back home and profit from the sacrifices that black american people had to make in this country. we get to go to desegregated schools, neighborhoods, attend colleges etc, but never had to pay the hard price to earn those freedoms. Never lost anyone to the racist justice system, never got lynched or suffered extrajudicial violence, or had neighborhoods burned down by the KKK and other racist vigilantes.

There are so many good black coaches in the football world, that you would literally have to go out of your way not to hire a single one.
I SALUTE U and your FATHER for being a man and a great example!!!

Great post and thanks for recognizing and acknowledging the oppression and sacrifices black Americans have dealt with to make this place advantageous economically, socially, and politically for all immigrant groups. U hardly ever hear that appreciation but instead mostly disdain.

I HONOR that revolution your people won against your oppressors. U are an inspiration.
Manny better hire some black coaches. Go into black homes nowadays with an all white "Hispanic" staff and no MONEY. LOL sorry it's not going to work either unless we're going to field an all Cuban team he better.

We're seeing through bull**** and calling it nowadays so either hire us or pay the kids like alabama and florida etc.
8 years ago
****! No ****** coach! No Evangelical Christian coach! No Asian coach! No woman coach! No transgender coach!

What is this? Every group needs to be represented! Title IX! Title IX!

Everybody go hire a lawyer!

When Jews become 70+% of football relevant d1 schools or asians or tranny or women then we'll talk about them being represented. Until then hire black coaches or pay the parents.
I grew up in a MUCH worse area than ******* Florida city lmfao. You are speaking out of your ***. You don't know AT ALL what it is like growing up in an African American neighborhood. I would have killed to have the luxury of being a cuban refugee instead of being born in that neighborhood.
****, they were getting a better education and healthcare in Cuba than you were in Florida City.
We really do need a political board.....oh wait we have a chat room...take this **** there.
U had nothing to say about this topic until 3 pages in when the tide changed from solely bashing Luke’s character, words and/or intentions. There are 1,000 other threads, if U don’t like what U are reading the exercise your right to pick another. No one is holding you hostage.
Hire the best. I'm sure there are a lot of outstanding Black coaches out there, so hopefully they will make the cut and there will be one or several who will end up staff.

This cannot be a racial thing. No coach could survive being that way. Manny's defense was almost entirely Black kids.

Exactly so if you think we black aren't going to look at your all white Hispanic etc staff and think you're racist you're crazy. I have 4 black sons and they will all be recruited I bet. If you don't have a black person on staff its almost an immediate no.
There are so many good black coaches in the football world, that you would literally have to go out of your way not to hire a single one.

And yet we’ve hired literally no one.

So why do people think our staff will be whitewashed when we’ve had a diverse staff for over a decade?
I played for coach Ice Harris at Booker T. With ex- cane Antonio Dixon. He didn't pan out the way he wanted at Miami but he's one the best coaches I been around. He pushed me and my teammates to be great on the field and in the classroom. Believe it or not, HE CARES MORE ABOUT GETTING YOUR EDUCATION THAN SCORING TOUCHDOWNS. I admire coach Ice for that, and appreicate him for being tough on us. He mentors young men from our neighborhood in overtown to get out of there, get your degree, come back, and build overtown back up to the way it's suppose to be.

Manny must hire a coach that can relate to the kids of Overtown, liberty city, opa locka, carol city. Someone that knows the pain the kids in the inner city goes through, the everyday struggle, not knowing where the next meal going to be. Don't know when the light bill money is coming from or not knowing if you will live tomorrow.

Manny must do the right thing and hire a guy that knows these kids and who can understand them.
Cubans aren’t racist towards black people. Cubans who came here with nothing and have been successful just think to themselves, if I can come from nothing and be succesful, then you have no excuse. If you were born in the U.S. you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
What indigent Cuban refugees faced when they started coming in the late '50's, early '60's was nothing like the barriers and disadvantages faced by African-Americans. When the Cuban kids came in they were placed in the segregated schools with other whites. The Blacks still had to go to segregated all-Black schools in Dade County. I'm sure those all-Black schools were inferior to the schools attended by whites.

I don't ever remember the kind of bigotry toward Cubans that was similar to the racist views I heard expressed by some whites toward Blacks.

American Blacks were NOT born with a silver spoon. There were not the number of relatively affluent Blacks that I think we have now. There seems to be a substantial Black middle class that did not exist when the Cuban migration to the U.S. started.

Just curious...when did Manny's family arrive?

Not to take anything away from the Cubans who have accomplished a great deal.
Desmond Howard shouted him out today on game day after Mannys interview. He got so big headed after the first 30 for 30.
And yet we’ve hired literally no one.

So why do people think our staff will be whitewashed when we’ve had a diverse staff for over a decade?
Progress is made because people ensure that their interests are represented. We live in a marketplace of ideas. It's not so much that people think the staff will be whitewashed, inasmuch as people want to ensure that it won't be.
LMFAO. Lower middle class neighborhoods across the country have gangs and they try to keep the kids separated. You are beyond ignorant. Florida City averaged 1 murder a year for the past 10 years.

None of this matters. Those 2 guys you spoke to have no idea what they are talking about. The other poster summed it up nicely.

As a black man you are less likely to get hired for a job when you have the same qualification as a white man, foreigner, asian, etc. That is a fact.

You have to deal with getting wrongfully convicted of crimes. I too know MANY people serving sentences for something he never did. Police want to boost their conviction rate so they will arrest anyone in the area of the crime and plant evidence on them when given the opportunity. Even if you only get a year or 2 that still ruins your ability to get a good job.

I can go on and on and on about the differences, but these are just 2 quick ones.
Not ignoring it. But also lots of Cuban hate. That’s pretty clear.

No Cuban hate just being clear about the fact the we will be included on this staff or we will tell other blacks to look at the fact the this head coach chose to hire NO blacks but wants ALL THE BEST BLACK PLAYERS.

Its not complicated its just the truth.
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