Puke Campbell at it again

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Progress is made because people ensure that their interests are represented. We live in a marketplace of ideas. It's not so much that people think the staff will be whitewashed, inasmuch as people want to ensure that it won't be.

My question is why do people think it will be when it hasn’t been?

You really think Manny’s gonna have a whole staff of crackaz in Miami?

Manny better hire some black coaches. Go into black homes nowadays with an all white "Hispanic" staff and no MONEY. LOL sorry it's not going to work either unless we're going to field an all Cuban team he better.

We're seeing through bull**** and calling it nowadays so either hire us or pay the kids like alabama and florida etc.

When Jews become 70+% of football relevant d1 schools or asians or tranny or women then we'll talk about them being represented. Until then hire black coaches or pay the parents.

Dude, I'm just joking.
Hey ********!

Last staff had 3 black coaches with two of them being touted as ace recruiters...worked out great right?
Lazy logic. Alabama , florida, doing great with black coaches. The point is if you are hiring the best you will inevitably hire at least one black coach given the demographics of the profession.

no black coaches= going out of your way to not hire black coaches
No Cuban hate just being clear about the fact the we will be included on this staff or we will tell other blacks to look at the fact the this head coach chose to hire NO blacks but wants ALL THE BEST BLACK PLAYERS.

Its not complicated its just the truth.

I don’t disagree that coaching staff should represent the community. But, unless people are completely incapable of reading, there have been a lot of anti-Cuban talk on this thread. Hypocrisy...it’s a thing.
Lots of broad generalizations about people of a certain ethnicity. There is a word for that.
And that word is.......PREJUDICE! Not Racism.

Now does he and his people have 500 years of experience with these groups exploiting and murdering his group for no other reason than its color? Does he have reason to PRE JUDGE? Does his life not depend on his awareness of his past and the inter generational pathologic behaviors of certain groups towards him??
If Luke knew anything about Orinda CA he’d have people rioting to prevent Dorsey from being QB.

Let’s wait until Manny makes some hires.
My question is why do people think it will be when it hasn’t been?

You really think Manny’s gonna have a whole staff of crackaz in Miami?

It doesn't matter what I think, what matters is what I want. I'm advocating for what I want, not what I think is going to happen.
And that word is.......PREJUDICE! Not Racism.

Now does he and his people have 500 years of experience with these groups exploiting and murdering his group for no other reason than its color? Does he have reason to PRE JUDGE? Does his life not depend on his awareness of his past and the inter generational pathologic behaviors of certain groups towards him??

The answer is No. That doesn’t make the blatant anti Cuban comments on this thread anymore acceptable than blatant anti black comments.

I don’t think my point is all that complicated to understand.
You can tell who from Miami and who not, alot of people dont know the history of Miami, and the riots, when diaz pops was mayor siding with the crooked cops. People want to act like luke just popped up, that man like many of us in Miami knew and know how racist the UM administration was, and if people were smart, they'd realize when the downfall of the football program began, when the female version of tad foote took over in troll shalala. They didnt give shannon the necessary support but opened the doors to some penn disgrace outsiders, and shannon outcoached and out recruited those morons. Than after coach shannons best year, they start slow draggin that man on a raise, they never wanted coach shannon to succeed, they only wanted him for obvious reasons.

Alot of people on here keep crying about alot of the top players leaving South Florida, if they had a clue they'd know, you'd be way better off having luke as an ally. Alot of people are real clueless on who luke is and how Miami even started winning national championships, if people want to believe it was just schnelly, no, schnelly was smart enuff to listen and saw the light, he didnt just barge his way into Liberty City, that **** had to get escorted in, and how do alot of yall think that happened. Keep thinking luke is irrelevant if yall want too, Bama and UGA will keep racking up. Coach richt said to **** with all the recruiting politics, now we'll see how coach diaz deals with alumni as well, cause he cant avoid Dade County! He wont be held accountable for the sins of his father but coach rumph better be on staff!
So then the obvious question...

If the admin was racist, and didn’t want a black coach to succeed, then why did they hire a black coach to begin with?
Lazy logic. Alabama , florida, doing great with black coaches. The point is if you are hiring the best you will inevitably hire at least one black coach given the demographics of the profession.
Maybe you’re not understanding me. It doesn’t matter what skin color somebody is...half of these coaches down here are full of themselves(like Luke) and need to be told where to go with themselves from time to time...Mario was good at that and so was Randy. Guys like Ponce and fedora(and Seider even though he hasn’t been mentioned) are perfect because they will do that. We get bullied because we keep playing Mr. Nice Nice...
Luke causing discord 24 hours after Manny become HC. A true community leader /s

I don’t disagree with many of the comments regarding representation made by others on this thread. I also think Luke is a piece of ****.
Maybe you’re understanding me. It doesn’t matter what skin color somebody is...half of these coaches down here are full of themselves(like Luke) and need to be told where to go with themselves from time to time...Mario was good at that and so was Randy. Guys like Ponce and fedora(and Seider even though he hasn’t been mentioned) are perfect for that because they will do that. We get bullied because we keep playing Mr. Nice Nice...
It does matter what skin color they are. We have to advocate for our own interests, because if we left it to y'all we would be screwed

So then the obvious question...

If the admin was racist, and didn’t want a black coach to succeed, then why did they hire a black coach to begin with?
I agree with this. I don't think the admin didn't want Randy to succeed.

I was thrilled with his hire and saddened that he wasn't able to do better.

I simply don't know how the admin undercut him. Please explain.

It does seem like the school is willing to pay more for coaches than they were back then.
Plantation owners didn’t work closely with slaves. They hired low class white people to do that. So no they didn’t.

So do you think the overseers liked working with slaves? Also, that isn't entirely true. Often times the smaller operations had the owners working directly with the slaves. Even the bigger operations worked directly with the house slaves on a consistent basis.
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