2024 Prentiss "Air" Noland 4* QB from GA (Langston Hughes - Commits to Buckeyes)

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Dam I didn't know he committed already
Anything can happen but this seems like a tall order given where we’ve been and are at and where Ohio State has been and is at with QBs and WRs too. They’re sitting with Jeremiah Smith for Noland to throw to in this class on top of it. Right now our best selling point is the OL we’re building to protect the QB.
I'm not even mad if we lose air. I would be tight if we can't get Stone. U can get a qb anywhere that no one expected anything from and u hit on them. So I'm coo with losing a qb. A great scheme can make ordinary qbs look like great qbs in college. Bring me AJ I think he's legit too and can run this offense and he's accurate asf
I was just thinking, Miami does this and we are toast. Doesn’t matter if we are dream school.
Frontrunners have that luxury.
Remember when Crowley was basically a done deal but they came calling? He visited and bounced within a week.

Christian Harris was also gonna be a cane. Visited Bama and committed a few days later.

Hopefully we have the staff now that has enough juice and is showing the changes that are happening and continue to happen in order for recruits to stop treating us like the side chick.

The playoff teams can slow play almost anyone they want and make a call. Even players that have been committed to teams for months have bounced to them.

Heck, they even steal their players from each other sometimes. Remember when Battle was committed to the suckeyes and dipped to Bama right before nsd?
Anything can happen but this seems like a tall order given where we’ve been and are at and where Ohio State has been and is at with QBs and WRs too. They’re sitting with Jeremiah Smith for Noland to throw to in this class on top of it. Right now our best selling point is the OL we’re building to protect the QB.
Feel like the difference maker is would he want to go to a ready made program or a up and coming program. Plus location too warmer vs colder
I'm not even mad if we lose air. I would be tight if we can't get Stone. U can get a qb anywhere that no one expected anything from and u hit on them. So I'm coo with losing a qb. A great scheme can make ordinary qbs look like great qbs in college. Bring me AJ I think he's legit too and can run this offense and he's accurate asf
The other good news is that we are building the OL like an elite team and I think that’s what’s going to happen on the DL too. That’ll ultimately pay off I believe.
Ohio State will likely stack blue chip QBs, so maybe Cristobals best chance is to hope for sloppy seconds with Noland. Stay in contact with Noland after he commits to tOSU, then if all goes well and The Hawk's offense produces good numbers next season, maybe Noland can be enticed to transfer instead of sitting on the bench. Sucks to be in this position, but that's just where we are now.

On the bright side, UGA showed its possible to win championships with an unremarkable QB. Cristobal just needs to add 18 more 5 stars to the rooster and we'll be cooking with gas.
Because we ended up with Emory Williams last year and likely Judd Anderson/AJ Hairston this year.

And we can save the debates on how sturdy Emory Williams looks in spring.
I think he’s trying hard for a QB. I don’t think he can do it right now based off of his year 1 offense and the bro-style story out there that he didn’t help. I’m positive it’s not for lack of effort. And no mistake about it, he did it to himself.
I'm not even mad if we lose air. I would be tight if we can't get Stone. U can get a qb anywhere that no one expected anything from and u hit on them. So I'm coo with losing a qb. A great scheme can make ordinary qbs look like great qbs in college. Bring me AJ I think he's legit too and can run this offense and he's accurate asf
You mean like Emory Williams? Lol
Because we ended up with Emory Williams last year and likely Judd Anderson/AJ Hairston this year.

And we can save the debates on how sturdy Emory Williams looks in spring.
Not sure you’re aware or not but Emory had been looking pretty freaking good. You’re acting like we settled for a low tier prospect. You’re also acting like we lost Air already. Lol
That's another one of my favorite lines these shysters concoct. The "community" perpetuates this double standard, dismissing OOS schools for slow playing a SF stud, while vilifying UM for the exact same thing. It's just more full of **** talk from the locals. It's alllll cap.
Throw in academics and early playing time as another bs narrative.

But imo we still have more than just a puncher’s chance.
Him saying positive things after visiting a good program is exactly what he’s supposed say.
Get your dive gear ready. He commits this week.
Black And White Loop GIF by Pi-Slices

Based of those we've offered so far, if we miss on Air, next best (by rankings) & uncommitted would be:
- Van Buren, who seems to be leaning Oregon
- Isaac Wilson, younger brother of Zach Wilson. Visited once last year.
- Maealiuaki Smith, 3 star from JSerra out in Cali. Told Canesport he may visit for Junior Day but never came.
- Luke Moga, 3 star project from AZ.
- Adrian Posse, 3 star. Local guy from Mater Academy in Hialeah, FL (at the moment, transferred more times than Tathan Martell.)
- Judd Anderson, 3 star developmental QB from GA.
- AJ Hairston, unranked QB. Local from Monarch HS.

So gotta lock down Air, start pressing some of these committed QBs and pray to flip someone or talk yourself into Moga, Anderson or Hairston as your QB1.
I haven't heard anything on Wilson in a while, which leads me to believe he's no longer on the priority list.

The odd thing about Posse is he was one of only 6 scholarship offers handed out by OSU before the one they just gave to Noland. I'm not a fan of Posse but i found his early offer from them peculiar when they were being so selective.
Feel like the difference maker is would he want to go to a ready made program or a up and coming program. Plus location too warmer vs colder
The difference maker is 1) can he get me to the college playoffs, and 2) can he get me drafted in the first round. (Not necessarily in that order)

It's a shorter path for a team that's already been there. These kids have a 4-year window if they're don't believe they're an early entry.
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