P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

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As I said in yesterday’s thread, I live 10-15 mins from the epicenter of all this. This is well beyond Mr. Floyd by now. Makes me sick man. Selfish a**holes who have taken the spotlight away from Mr. Floyd and his family and tarnished peoples opinions of the protests as all they see now is literal anarchy and rioting. Burning down low income developments, burning down and destroying small businesses, destroying BLACK owned businesses that put up “minority owned” signs just to see people ignore it and still destroy it, throwing bricks off an overpass onto a highway at random cars, going from building to building stealing everything (a new TV benefits YOU only)... destroying the very community you live in and already struggle in. They are closing grocery stores across the metro because they are burning them all down. And BTW don’t forget the fact that they are taking away hundreds of low paying jobs people in the minority community relied on to pay for rent, kids, food, etc. and no, it’s not easy to just go get another minimum wage job as they are destroying them all!! Seeing people on my Snapchat going down and participating in the destruction makes me sick. Thankfully 95% of people here are condemning it, especially young people. EVERYONE agrees the cop(s) deserve the full arm of the law for what happened but destroying the very community we all work in and live in helps nobody. The firefighters can’t even put out fires, they block them! That is why the national guard has come in.. to clear paths for the fire department to put out the endless amounts of fires. They throw rocks and other items at the fire department trying to save the community! Apparently firefighters are at fault now.. it’s all madness. And apparently someone cut the gas line to the police station which other homes are connected to putting innocent people in more danger. It’s one thing to see it on TV but it’s a whole another level of crazy when you’re so close and know so many people participating and see first hand footage and insight from people you know. This weekend is going to be more of this.. no signs of slowing down yet. I watched the Joker Wednesday evening right before the real madness kicked in.. and seeing the anarchy in the movie and now seeing it in real life is just crazy. I pray this ends soon
stay safe.
He's the highest paid state employee in Minnesota. That should come with like at minimum an iota of responsibility to be visible in a situation like this- especially when he tries to be visible at EVERY other opportunity.

Why would I personally or anyone else call it a "gimmick"? All this shows is that all his other "genuine" talk is the gimmick.

I agreed with the gimmick statement but your counterpoint makes so much sense. Time for leaders to step up
Wait until the anti-abortion crowd grabs onto the "...all life is precious under the law..."

we keep this thread up but take down the Sec 230 one?

I agreed with the gimmick statement but your counterpoint makes so much sense. Time for leaders to step up
I'm more in favor of individuals using maturity and common sense. Leaders are what we make them. IMO sheep get led.
Wait until the anti-abortion crowd grabs onto the "...all life is precious under the law..."

we keep this thread up but take down the Sec 230 one?

They're still sleeping. Plus you need the morning clicks. Hopefully this crappy thread gets nixed by late afternoon.....
Complete con job bu OP. He even admitted to it. Who gives a F about the Minny HC and his social commentary.
A guy took a knee on the sidelines and was vilified for it and run out of the league (and don't hand me the crap that he isn't better than some of the dregs holding backup QB positions in the NFL). No one listened. We have a guy murdered here on video, and a guy who got murdered by vigilantes who weren't going to be charged in Georgia recently. The exact thing he was trying to bring attention to. You're supposed to get your day in court, unless I've read the Constitution wrong. And it doesn't say white guys only.
The original version did, more or less. Sadly, many didn’t get the updated version.
I don’t care for public figure’s opinion much. Especially issues like this. He’s a public employee, but he doesn’t know **** about ****. I’d rather ask the guy laying asphalt what his opinion is since he’s not a millionaire living a different life than the rest of us.

Hollywood has become especially insufferable. They can take a good cause and morph it into some agenda driven ******* child of what it should be.

I wish more people had this point of view. The ones most people look to for comments, aren’t people who are in that world. That needs to change. The ones with power will never do what’s best for you, only what’s best for them.
I don’t care for public figure’s opinion much. Especially issues like this. He’s a public employee, but he doesn’t know **** about ****. I’d rather ask the guy laying asphalt what his opinion is since he’s not a millionaire living a different life than the rest of us.

Hollywood has become especially insufferable. They can take a good cause and morph it into some agenda driven ******* child of what it should be.
I will say that I am sincerely thankful for the many police chiefs who have condemned these blue uniformed/white hooded murdered in Minneapolis.
Living in Atlanta our police chief called this action murder, and she is not the only chief to say as much.

As an attorney let me tell you what few people want to hear. We need to increase our taxes and hire better cops. Yes we need to train better, but if departments keep hiring what are at best high school grads then we will always have a lot if bad apples in the barrel. And you put a silk hat on a pig and you still have a pig (no pun intended).
At most departments around the country, starting salary is less than $40,000. So ask yourself what you get when you offer someone little money to do a dangerous job? You get losers like Derek Chauvin and the 3 guys who shot the lady in Louisville, and the murderers who killed Catherine Johnston in Atlanta 10 years back. We need to offer good salaries to entice better people to take this hard job. And until we do that we should keep expecting members of the Klan and other racist organizations to infiltrate the police ranks with their mostly retarded members.
I will say that I am sincerely thankful for the many police chiefs who have condemned these blue uniformed/white hooded murdered in Minneapolis.
Living in Atlanta our police chief called this action murder, and she is not the only chief to say as much.

As an attorney let me tell you what few people want to hear. We need to increase our taxes and hire better cops. Yes we need to train better, but if departments keep hiring what are at best high school grads then we will always have a lot if bad apples in the barrel. And you put a silk hat on a pig and you still have a pig (no pun intended).
At most departments around the country, starting salary is less than $40,000. So ask yourself what you get when you offer someone little money to do a dangerous job? You get losers like Derek Chauvin and the 3 guys who shot the lady in Louisville, and the murderers who killed Catherine Johnston in Atlanta 10 years back. We need to offer good salaries to entice better people to take this hard job. And until we do that we should keep expecting members of the Klan and other racist organizations to infiltrate the police ranks with their mostly retarded members.
Increase our taxes? Lmao.
On the other part of raising LEO's pay, teachers say hold my beer...
Great idea, but I can tell you being a guy that has literally strapped mental patients to stretchers and have them break my straps I can tell you that somebody who’s angry enough is breaking through that. That definitely a tool that could be used but it’s not an end all.
Stock is cheap. Actually up 25% today
I’m surprised I didn’t see somebody run out with like 8 12 packs of toilet paper...
Wouldn't have gotten 10 feet before everyone else jumped his *** and took them. You can get home with 80" but not a 12 pack of TP and it doesn't matter what hood you are in. TP is gold.
I know kids who went on recruiting visits to bama and said they have segregated parties there wifh the Greeks
That’s not uncommon with Greek parties. To me there are 4 types of Greek Dom. Primarily white, primarily black, academic, and socials orgs which are blended with race and gender. Now if you’re saying they prevent entry based on your color then yeah that’s bad. Went to plenty white frat parties and saw a lot of white ppl at my frat parties. Not saying you’re wrong just wanted to provide more context.
The kneeling cop was charged with 3rd degree murder and manslaughter. Nothing on the other 3 yet.
I will say that I am sincerely thankful for the many police chiefs who have condemned these blue uniformed/white hooded murdered in Minneapolis.
Living in Atlanta our police chief called this action murder, and she is not the only chief to say as much.

As an attorney let me tell you what few people want to hear. We need to increase our taxes and hire better cops. Yes we need to train better, but if departments keep hiring what are at best high school grads then we will always have a lot if bad apples in the barrel. And you put a silk hat on a pig and you still have a pig (no pun intended).
At most departments around the country, starting salary is less than $40,000. So ask yourself what you get when you offer someone little money to do a dangerous job? You get losers like Derek Chauvin and the 3 guys who shot the lady in Louisville, and the murderers who killed Catherine Johnston in Atlanta 10 years back. We need to offer good salaries to entice better people to take this hard job. And until we do that we should keep expecting members of the Klan and other racist organizations to infiltrate the police ranks with their mostly retarded members.

And police unions. Imagine if pilots that drink on the job just went to another airline? Police Unions are the only ones that protect members that are clearly unfit. Most other circumstances unions want the bad actors gone because they make the job harder for the competent members. Just look at the history of the organization to understand why that happens to be.
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