OT: "unsurvivable" storm surge projected to hit Lake Charles, La.

What a dumb thing to say. And so indicative of your lack of science chops.

Even the most fervent acolytes of this climate change theory have zero actual scientific proof that anything man has done has caused hurricanes to “get worse”, in fact any changes may be attributed to “natural variability”

Those are climate scientist’s words. Not mine.

You don’t believe in religious faith, yet you believe in the magical climate change religion.
There is no actual proof! The Bible says there wasn't even an ice age and no dinosaurs. Thats all the proof you need to know climate change is a hoax, along with dinos and ice ages.
There is no actual proof! The Bible says there wasn't even an ice age and no dinosaurs. Thats all the proof you need to know climate change is a hoax, along with dinos and ice ages.
Ice Age was a Hoax??...Lol...yeah okay...The Great Lakes were formed from the Melting Icebergs....
There is no actual proof! The Bible says there wasn't even an ice age and no dinosaurs. Thats all the proof you need to know climate change is a hoax, along with dinos and ice ages.
OMG I really really hope you're kidding. Do I believe the bible or actual facts like Fossils. Man some of this world is so brainwashed. SMH
Ice Age was a Hoax??...Lol...yeah okay...The Great Lakes were formed from the Melting Icebergs....
I've learned never to get into a science vs religion argument because they never bring facts. They just say well the bible says this so it has to be true. LOL
Gator and Nole tears.

EVERYBODY knows that.
You would think they do....unfortunately alot of people don't...I have in my personal collection several Artifacts that are 12,000+ yrs old....Ice Age if you will...but Florida never saw what there Northern counterparts saw....Icebergs stopped moving South...to where present day Chicago is....Florida was a comfortable 50° to 80° 12,000yrs ago...