OT- Shalala

During that season she also did several interviews in support of Golden.

The current President supporting the current head football coach in the media?

Knock me over with a feather!

You only took part of that statement. Good job. The full statement was the reports from those in the school were than she would not allow Golden to be fired during her last year in office. The next statement supported those sources. She did several interviews in support of him. A president supporting the head coach in the media is nothing new but in her last two years she spoke with the media about the head coach more than I have ever seen a president do. It was very clear to see that Al Golden was her guy. It was also clear in the language from the athletic director. Blake was fully supporting Golden even after the 6-7 season. However, as soon as Shalala left the office Blake's language changed to a much less supportive tone. Then pulled the trigger quickly after the Clemson game which was something he wouldn't do the year before under Shalala.

Now all that clearly back up the reports from those close to the program that Shalala wouldn't allow Golden to be fired the year before.
In office June 1, 2001 – August 16, 2015, it's the one constant during the decline...

Correlation vs. Causation

She was also the only constant remaining from the last national championship.

Mean anything?

Not really.

Edward Tad Foote helped build the Miami football program, Donna Shalala almost destroyed it. May I ask your relation to her?


Tad Foote was WELL-KNOWN for taking actions that DID NOT support the football team. Bernie Kosar threw a football at his head when he belatedly came out to a football practice.
No you've got it backwards. People didn't accept donations from Bernie. He took their money. And yes. The NCAA REQUIRES us to know know where our money is coming from and to do due diligence to make sure that it isn't funds obtained through illegal or nefarious means.

Bernie Madoff was a huge philanthropist with the money he earned by defrauding people.

You seem to be as ignorant of financial history as you are of UM history.
And yes. The NCAA REQUIRES us to know know where our money is coming from and to do due diligence to make sure that it isn't funds obtained through illegal or nefarious means.

The federal government didn't know that Shapiro was running a Ponzi Scheme!

How exactly would a small research University be able to uncover it?

You are delusional.
So what exactly was her role in getting the IPF started. Surely she directed the board of trustees in some manner.

I never said she was involved.

You just laughably claimed that it never would have happened if she was still around.

You just don't know anything about UM and so you you throw out rhetorical questions and ridiculous assumptions.
No, you're incapable of processing a complete thought. Try to refute the whole comment instead of pulling a single line out of context and ing about how it has no context, you complete ****ing moron.

You post so many inaccuracies and falsehoods that it requires more responses.
The proof, as they say, is in the pudding, but you're still failing to address the reality.

This is not an answer at all.

You're just incapable of posting anything relevant or insightful.

No, you're incapable of processing a complete thought. Try to refute the whole comment instead of pulling a single line out of context and ing about how it has no context, you complete ****ing moron.

You need to go buy a wagon and a ficus, put the ficus in the wagon, and pull it around with you everywhere you go to replace the ****ing oxygen you're wasting.

And your constant need for expletives proves that you're not articulate enough (to go along with your ignorance) to make an argument on this topic.
This claim is NOT in dispute. You're the only ****ing moron who doesn't realize that she was in charge during the time our football program collapsed.

She was in charge of the University.

There were other highly paid people in charge of the athletic department.

Those in charge of the athletic department are responsible for day-to-day operations.

That's how this stuff works.
Speaking of waste, I've allowed you to waste just about enough of my time. See ya

Which is usually the last move of somebody who has run out of things to say.

Good thing for you is that you never had anything to say in the first place as demonstrated by your posts.
And I'm sure she wouldn't have spent the money on him.

Because you're full of assumptions without any evidence.

We get it. You hate Shalala viscerally and want to destroy her at every turn despite all of your evidence being laughably debunked.

The fact is unless one has emails or notes from board meetings, no one has "hard" evidence. We have what is know as circumstancual evidence. Did I spell that wrong ***. prof.?

And you've debunked nothing. You've provided no evidence, your using the same argument just the opposite side of the coin. And I'm not even a lawyer.
No, I said she was cheap. And I never said the university was cheap.

But, as usual, this makes no sense.

The University was cheap long before Shalala arrived. As anybody who has followed this program would know.

So the entire basis of your argument is false.
I said she failed to appropriate the proper amount of money to the football program to hire high level coaches.

Which is what the University, not Shalala, has always done!

Any high level coaches we've hired have been about finding diamonds in the rough and a little bit of luck.
So what exactly was her role in getting the IPF started. Surely she directed the board of trustees in some manner.

I never said she was involved.

You just laughably claimed that it never would have happened if she was still around.

You just don't know anything about UM and so you you throw out rhetorical questions and ridiculous assumptions.

You insinuated that she had a role...In a failed attempt to make her look like a jock lover.
Academics were not at the top of her list, her first priority was $$$$, and even when Randy Shannon told the entire football team to stay away from Nevin, she still let him on the field chasing him for dollars.

Newsflash: Academics is a lot about money.

And since when was Donna Shalala on the football team?

Nothing that you say makes any sense.

I just know you get invited to lots of parties.

What a stick!

This is exhibit 501 why our fan base is so embarrassing.

They think that the antidote to not knowing what they're talking about is to down-vote, post silly memes and/or just make snarky comments.

I can assure you that this isn't a substitute for knowing the facts.

I don't downvote. Never.

If someone's clearly a dip***tt, negging them won't make it any more obvious.

"Exhibit 501?"

You gotta be ****ing me!

I'll give you a fact. I'm not an attorney, nor do I play one on Television, but in court, I'd beat you like a rented mule - right in front of a jury.

I'm retired. Don't you have any clients?
No, I said she was cheap. And I never said the university was cheap.

But, as usual, this makes no sense.

The University was cheap long before Shalala arrived. As anybody who has followed this program would know.

So the entire basis of your argument is false.

The university may have been cheap. Personally, I never said that. So yes, my argument is valid, even if it is based on circumstancial evidence. There's that word again and I still spelled it wrong. Why do lawyers use such big words, is it an attempt to appear smart? Uh oh, more rhetorical questions.
Do you know that was 1985?

Do you know that's my point?

Jimbo Fisher was only making 1.7 million in 2009 when Randy was negotiating his second contract. It's a different money game today than it was then.

(and Jimmy's first year was actually 1984 but you don't know anything about Miami football so there's that)