OT- Shalala

Doppelganger, If you are going to give her props for some things that occured during her tenure, you have to fault her for other things that went on during her tenure:

I'm totally open to credit and fault.

The problem is that the CIS knuckleheads are not.

They just want to trash her because they hate her.

And they don't even know enough about the University to be honest if they wanted to.
Indeed, Shalala's work got UM up to #38 in the US News Ranking and she was UM's President's during the last National Championship, but if she is credited for these accomplishments (including the Momentum campaigns raising sugnificant $$$) as captain of the ship, she has to take the blame for Shapiro and the Chronicle feud taking UM out of the US News Top 50 and the Football Program's precipitous slide.


It' may not be her fault but it's her responsibility. It comes with the territory of being President.

But good luck getting these clowns and sycophants to buy that.
It is absolutely her job to know what kind of people we are accepting money from.

So everybody who accepted donations from Bernie Madoff should have known how he got his money?

That is simply retarded.

No you've got it backwards. People didn't accept donations from Bernie. He took their money. And yes. The NCAA REQUIRES us to know know where our money is coming from and to do due diligence to make sure that it isn't funds obtained through illegal or nefarious means.

So yes. Me and the NCAA compliance office are retards. You're the only smart person alive.
IPF, would she even try?

Another rhetorical question.

Which proves how incompetent you are since you somehow believe that the IPF just fell out of the sky on August 16, 2015.

Rhetorical questions were used to show you how silly you are, OCF.

So what exactly was her role in getting the IPF started. Surely she directed the board of trustees in some manner.
When she became president of the University of Miami we were the greatest football team the world has ever seen. With her at the wheel, we suffered the greatest decline in sports history. She was the President. either through her direct action or inaction, that is what happened. Obfuscate all you want, but the reality stands on its own and as president, she was the one person who was ultimately responsible for every aspect of the university.

This is an amazingly childish point of view.

But this is at least a tacit admission that, no, you can't really pin anything on her despite all the previous lies. It's just her responsibility ultimately.

Which has never been disputed.

The disputed claim was that she destroyed the football program.

Good luck with that.
The proof, as they say, is in the pudding, but you're still failing to address the reality.

This is not an answer at all.

You're just incapable of posting anything relevant or insightful.

No, you're incapable of processing a complete thought. Try to refute the whole comment instead of pulling a single line out of context and ing about how it has no context, you complete ******* moron.

You need to go buy a wagon and a ficus, put the ficus in the wagon, and pull it around with you everywhere you go to replace the ******* oxygen you're wasting.
When she became president of the University of Miami we were the greatest football team the world has ever seen. With her at the wheel, we suffered the greatest decline in sports history. She was the President. either through her direct action or inaction, that is what happened. Obfuscate all you want, but the reality stands on its own and as president, she was the one person who was ultimately responsible for every aspect of the university.

This is an amazingly childish point of view.

But this is at least a tacit admission that, no, you can't really pin anything on her despite all the previous lies. It's just her responsibility ultimately.

Which has never been disputed.

The disputed claim was that she destroyed the football program.

Good luck with that.

This claim is NOT in dispute. You're the only ******* moron who doesn't realize that she was in charge during the time our football program collapsed.
Yes. Totally stupid of me to place any blame on the President of the University. Not like she had any control over anything...what did the NCAA call it? Oh yeah..."Lack of Institutional Control.".

Institutional Control for athletic violations falls under the auspices of the Athletic Director.

The President does not monitor day-to-day operations.

Just like the current Louisville scandal was entirely at the feet of Tom Jurich and not the President.
And what does Shapiro have to do with this? We're talking about her commitment to football.

You whined that the University was cheap and then when they raised money (from dubious figures in retrospect) you whined about that.

So they don't spend money and you whine.

Then they raise money to spend on football and you whine.

No, I said she was cheap. And I never said the university was cheap. And I never wined about where they got the money from. I said she failed to appropriate the proper amount of money to the football program to hire high level coaches.

You are a poor associate law professor.
But I'm certain they were directing that to someone else. Not the president, who's supposed to be in control of the institution.

You meant to be facetious here but you actually backed into a correct statement.

Presidents don't lose their jobs because of athletic scandals. Coaches and AD's do.

The President is merely informed that her athletic department failed to exert institutional control.
When I was a student, everyone loved what she had done in terms of academics, but hated what she had done to the team. The orange bowl was demolished and the basketball stadium was built on campus. She wanted us to be a bigger basketball school and didn't want us spending a ton on a great football coach. After a few ****ty seasons, she gave Golden a 5 year extension that left everyone in disbelief. Even though we didn't know for sure if Golden would work out, it was unreasonable to give him that kind of extension for subpar performance.

Again, everything you just said is bunk.

You didn't provide a single scintilla of evidence to support any of it. You just threw out a bunch of silly and unsubstantiated rumors and opinions.

And not even clever ones either.

Here's something to ponder:

1) What did she do to the team? Specifics please.

2) What did she have to do with the demolition of the Orange Bowl?

3) How was building a basketball "stadium" (calling it a stadium shows how clueless you are) a bad thing?

4) What evidence do you have that she wanted to be a bigger basketball school?

Jesus you really just have a **** personality. Why are you freaking out about this so much?
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Within a year of her being fired we offered a DC 1 million. There was a time while Shannon was head coach that he wasn't making much more than that.

So you don't understand the concept of contract inflation?

Jimbo Fisher was only making about $1.7 million at the time of Shannon's last contract with Miami. You can't compare contracts almost a decade later.

Shannon's contract at Miami was about average for the ACC at the time.

A good DC today goes about 800K to 1 million.