OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

I just asked my nerd brother and he said its dance of dragons most likely and no white walkers. Theres no source but I trust his nerd judgement
If I can't have white walkers ****ing **** up, I'll take dragons burning **** down ftw. Count me in for a spin off.. or two.
Dwins, I'm ready for a video with said nerd brother discussing GOT with some commentary on walkers or dragons.. maybe even a hottie or two.

Lol my brothers head would explode me and him are total opposites. I wanted the spin off to be with the first chosen one.....idont know if he fought the ww or whatever but i need ww's

George r r Martin said it himself that he's talking with writers on 5different ideas. That's about as good of a confirmation as possible.
There is about zero chance hey do the original long night story line since it's pretty similar to the one that they are currently doing. So that means no white walkers.
The dance of dragons is probably what they end up doing, like I said. It's basically targaryans killing the **** out of each other using dragons.
But honestly the world Martin created is so big and there's so much history, they can do anything. It just depends how large of a storyline they want. if they want to go big, it'll be dance of dragons tho

I like the dragons but we need starks and different story lines not dragon vs dragon. Or let the night king live and do it set way in the future who knows.

The Starks would definitely be involved if the do the DoD....there's something called the "Hour of the wolf" that takes place during the DoD.. Basically the king Targ had a daughter in his first marriage who he wanted to succeed him when he died. But he remarried after his wife died and had another couple kids. When the king died lots of lords didn't want to support a woman, so they had a coup, and tried to give crown to the son from 2nd marriage. Starks, Arryn's, Tullys, Tarlys, Freys, etc all sided with the daughter. Lannisters, Hightowers, Baratheons, etc sided with the Son....basically north vs south, just like the American civil war. There was a **** load of betrayals, dragon riders betraying each other, greyjoys doing what they normally do, etc. by the end of the war, there were only like 3 dragons left (20 before the war).
Will watch again sunday and i cant wait till after season 8 a new game of thrones show will start right afterward.

My bad on the downvote was trying to quote you. But what new show?

They have four ideas on the table for a new game of thrones show

5 ideas.
Not going to be Roberts Rebellion or Dunk and Egg.
I'd bet it's going to end up being the Targaryan civil war (aka Dance of Dragons). Or Aegons conquest.
The Dance of Dragons is most likely I'm and it will be awesome as **** if they do it

I would love to see GRRM and/or HBO explore Sothoryos and then Ulthos. I think there's a lot of potential there to make a great show or shows.
We all know that the Night king has the arm to play P5 college ball, but Im not sold that he can make all of the necessary reads.
Benjin could have easily hopped on with Jon, he didn't have to go out like that.

The Night King's spear throw was crazy.

Dany's bossiness became **** asf last night!

Where's Dario?

I don't think Jon should go to King's Landing, I've learned to never trust a Lannister and never count Cersei's out.
Night King = Jan Zelezny
Gendry = Usain Bolt
Ravens = IMs
Arya = The Jackal
Tyrion = hypocrite (Blackwater)

Still gotta love Petyr Baelish. He's the only mystery as a lot has been predictable.
Bran! Yo, Bran, you there? Little help, please? Sam, do something; Bran over here playing.
Grey Worm standing tall and I'm getting Missandei withdrawal pains.
Euron/Yara/Theon. I wonder is Theon more hated than Joffery and Ramsay?
Lol last night was the first episode I've ever seen. Pretty good but man am I lost trying to read through all of this.
I was just thinking that: where is Bran? My expectation level of his involvement in this war went maybe unrealistically through the roof after his scenes with the one-eyed Raven and the Children. My favorite line was, "you'll never walk again...you'll fly", but beginning to see that it only means he will be able to see thru the eyes of flying ravens. That ability is a great contribution, but I just expected more (maybe it will come). Bran literally flying himself, would've been kinda corny in hindsight.
I was just thinking that: where is Bran? My expectation level of his involvement in this war went maybe unrealistically through the roof after his scenes with the one-eyed Raven and the Children. My favorite line was, "you'll never walk again...you'll fly", but beginning to see that it only means he will be able to see thru the eyes of flying ravens. That ability is a great contribution, but I just expected more (maybe it will come). Bran literally flying himself, would've been kinda corny in hindsight.
When they first said that I thought maybe he would get to see through the eyes of one of the dragons...that woulda been dope but I don't see it happening now...I do see Jon riding the other dragon tho since he's a Targaryen
I was just thinking that: where is Bran? My expectation level of his involvement in this war went maybe unrealistically through the roof after his scenes with the one-eyed Raven and the Children. My favorite line was, "you'll never walk again...you'll fly", but beginning to see that it only means he will be able to see thru the eyes of flying ravens. That ability is a great contribution, but I just expected more (maybe it will come). Bran literally flying himself, would've been kinda corny in hindsight.
More than that was when Jojen Reed told him "No one can do that." When talking about warging into Hodor. Most wargs can do the bird thing, remember the Thenn's (bald things beyond the wall), but they can't warg into people.
I was just thinking that: where is Bran? My expectation level of his involvement in this war went maybe unrealistically through the roof after his scenes with the one-eyed Raven and the Children. My favorite line was, "you'll never walk again...you'll fly", but beginning to see that it only means he will be able to see thru the eyes of flying ravens. That ability is a great contribution, but I just expected more (maybe it will come). Bran literally flying himself, would've been kinda corny in hindsight.
More than that was when Jojen Reed told him "No one can do that." When talking about warging into Hodor. Most wargs can do the bird thing, remember the Thenn's (bald things beyond the wall), but they can't warg into people.

Very true! Thanks, my expectation level for Bran just went back up.