OT - Breaking Bad

Better Call Saul is absolutely phenomenal.
BB is definitely in my top 5 of all time, fa sho. But the Wire, man The Wire is on a different platform for me. The Wire & GOT as far as TV series are battling for #1, but Better Call Saul is trying to push into top 5
GoT was it for me until S8, that ruined it. I know that's a hotly debated topic but for me D&D threw in the towel and rushed it, which runs counter to what made it a great show in the first place. The entire season and even parts of S7 felt lazy.

I've rewatched BB probably 4 or 5 times in its entirety since it ended and still enjoy it, but I haven't rewatched an episode of GoT since the series ended nor have I had the desire to, which is a shame because all it had to do was nail the landing so to speak and it would have been the undisputed GOAT, IMO.
Better Call Saul is great, but I felt the first couple seasons were slow. It gets exponentially better and there are some riveting episodes right on par with the best of Breaking Bad.

I like Nacho and Lalo Salamanca's characters better than Jesse's character, and Kim Wexler is as good a character as Skyler was. Saul's character is not quite as riveting as Walt's, but I think the rest of the ensemble makes up for it.

The last two episodes of Better Call Saul were very slow, however, particularly last week's. Still, it's the best show going IMO.
Had the complete opposite experience. Watched Breaking Bad pretty much as it aired, didn't get to Sopranos until well after it was done. I love Breaking Bad and think Sopranos is way overrated, couldn't even finish it. I think hearing something is supposed to be great makes you almost always see it as overrated compared to discovering it yourself.
Very good points. I watched Sopranos starting the last 3 season as it aired and then went back. It’s definitely Top 5, but some people definitely gas it up to Once Upon A Time in America and The Godfather proportions. The last 2 seasons with the flashbacks/hallucinations while he was hospitalized was some of the best writing in TV history.
GoT was it for me until S8, that ruined it. I know that's a hotly debated topic but for me D&D threw in the towel and rushed it, which runs counter to what made it a great show in the first place. The entire season and even parts of S7 felt lazy.

I've rewatched BB probably 4 or 5 times in its entirety since it ended and still enjoy it, but I haven't rewatched an episode of GoT since the series ended nor have I had the desire to, which is a shame because all it had to do was nail the landing so to speak and it would have been the undisputed GOAT, IMO.

This is extremely accurate. The ending left a very bad taste, like I have no desire to rewatch the best TV show ever in my opinion.

Outside of resolving the decade long build ups, the last season was horrible in hindsight.

Very sad.
GoT was it for me until S8, that ruined it. I know that's a hotly debated topic but for me D&D threw in the towel and rushed it, which runs counter to what made it a great show in the first place. The entire season and even parts of S7 felt lazy.

I've rewatched BB probably 4 or 5 times in its entirety since it ended and still enjoy it, but I haven't rewatched an episode of GoT since the series ended nor have I had the desire to, which is a shame because all it had to do was nail the landing so to speak and it would have been the undisputed GOAT, IMO.

D&D can't lose what they never had. They're hacks. Season 1 was the only good season of GoT because they stuck to the source material. The more they veered from the books the more that show went off the rails. Those guys are hack writers and they will butcher Star Wars too.
D&D can't lose what they never had. They're hacks. Season 1 was the only good season of GoT because they stuck to the source material. The more they veered from the books the more that show went off the rails. Those guys are hack writers and they will butcher Star Wars too.
I dont disagree, once they lost the source material it was pretty obvious the show suffered. I do think the first six seasons and parts of S7 were still great.

They actually lost the Star Wars deal. Not going to pretend I know anything about how it went down but it wouldn't shock me if Disney was like "yeah, nah" after seeing the reaction to S8. Netflix threw them a **** ton of money though, and one of their first projects was already axed. The one based on if the Confederacy won the Civil War.
Its a really good show but IMO definitely not on the same tier as GoT, Sopranos, The Wire, or Boardwalk Empire for me.

GoT up until after season 6 (and sooner for some) was the best television I've ever watched. Not one single person in that show didn't nail their character. Worst part about that whole debacle with the directors is that they were given the green light to go for 10 seasons but they rushed it so they could do their "Dream Project" with star wars and they ended up getting fired. They ruined the GOAT TV Show for nothing basically.
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GoT was it for me until S8, that ruined it. I know that's a hotly debated topic but for me D&D threw in the towel and rushed it, which runs counter to what made it a great show in the first place. The entire season and even parts of S7 felt lazy.

I've rewatched BB probably 4 or 5 times in its entirety since it ended and still enjoy it, but I haven't rewatched an episode of GoT since the series ended nor have I had the desire to, which is a shame because all it had to do was nail the landing so to speak and it would have been the undisputed GOAT, IMO.

Same bro. All the greatness was a let down for the latter parts of S7 & S8 left a bad taste in all our mouths.
I dont disagree, once they lost the source material it was pretty obvious the show suffered. I do think the first six seasons and parts of S7 were still great.

They actually lost the Star Wars deal. Not going to pretend I know anything about how it went down but it wouldn't shock me if Disney was like "yeah, nah" after seeing the reaction to S8. Netflix threw them a **** ton of money though, and one of their first projects was already axed. The one based on if the Confederacy won the Civil War.

I had no idea they got axed already but I'm not the least bit surprised. People who liked GoT liked it for the production values, acting, setting, etc. Anyone with even a hint of a critical sense could poke holes through the writing. And if you read the books it was cringeworthy facepalm material.
If you want a show you can binge that is truly top 5 all time , the correct answer is Billions . It’s ******* outstanding .
Breaking Bad is pretty good , but it’s in a lower weight class . A little overrated given the hype it gets
During quarantine I have started binging. Almost through season 2. Now it’s a good show, but it’s not near Sopranos, Snowfall or The Wire. Does it get better?? I’m sorry, I just don’t see GOAT...at least not yet.

It picks up steam soon.... Then quickly and significantly gets pretty unwatchable IMO. I couldn't finish it.
GoT was it for me until S8, that ruined it. I know that's a hotly debated topic but for me D&D threw in the towel and rushed it, which runs counter to what made it a great show in the first place. The entire season and even parts of S7 felt lazy.

I've rewatched BB probably 4 or 5 times in its entirety since it ended and still enjoy it, but I haven't rewatched an episode of GoT since the series ended nor have I had the desire to, which is a shame because all it had to do was nail the landing so to speak and it would have been the undisputed GOAT, IMO.
I could've written this word for word
Anyone watch West World? I'm not saying GOAT conversation at all so don't get me wrong. Anyway, the first season was okay, the second I'm still not how I made it through, but the 3rd one so far is legit. Seems like a completely different show.