Oregon Pounds the Buffs

Colorado being ranked makes a bigger mockery of polls than I originally thought. Props to the Head Salesman , I mean coach. It was a nice story though but time to assume the position.
Every single year pre season polls are a complete joke which takes a few weeks to sort out. You somehow will always deal with the hype teams early. For me hearing that silly itch at the game day set say floriduh state deserves to be the number one team simply helped to remind me what morons we have voting on these topics.
Every week from here on out that Grime is exposed is actually more of an indictment of TCU and Sonny Dykes. They and they alone were essentially responsible for alllll the overreaction and lunacy the last few weeks around Colorado.

Nebraska is obviously straight trash and Colorado State is what they are- a team pretty much on par with Colorado right now.

It's a sign of our times but still comically absurd that you have people from Barstool (they've obviously been in bed with Grime for a while) saying people are "telling on themselves" - ie exposing their racism- by laughing at Grime or celebrating CU's embarrassment. Barstool. Playing the race card. Welcome to 2023.
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Over the top stuff like this is gonna make me root against Deion :pgdead:

I will say to flip that team and win triple the amount of games from last year in just four games is impressive. But all they have beaten mediocre to bad teams thus far.

The biggest question to me is how do these guys handle losing? Deion talks and displays a winning bravado but that will fall on deaf ears as the loses pile up. He will need to humble himself or that team will be in shambles in four weeks.