On why Rosier is starting - Miami Herald

Richt is for sure starting to crack.

Coaches never, ever, EVER point out individual blame on individual plays to the media. Ever. It's always a group thing, or it's coachspeak. It's always "we missed a protection", or "we ran the wrong route". It's NEVER Brevin Jordan ran the wrong route.

He's for sure hearing the noise and he's responding. 100%. Whether what was said in this article is true or not, I'm not sure, but I know for absolute certain he's feeling heat because nobody talks to the media like this.
So far this week we've had Richt tell the fanbase they know nothing about football, Brown publicly state there are cancers on the team, and now Richt publicly nitpick every mistake and naming names to protect himself and his QB.

Amateur hour from a coach that's been doing this for 30 years. He's completely lost it, both on and now off the field.
He sees the last drive againt FSU last year and thinks Rosier can be that QB all the time for whatever reason. Only thing that makes a ounce of sense if you take him at his word that Perry isn't on secret suspension.

I'm not sure... I wouldn't be surprised if Richt is at home losing his mind just like we are. Only a blind person wouldn't...
I said before the season Cager doesn't play like a 'big' physical receiver. He has light feet for his size and would be extremely effective as an inside receiver in bunch or stack alignments where he can create separation off a 2-way go and provide a big target for these inaccurate QBs.

Instead Richt continues to use him as an isolated X receiver running slants and fades where he has to make tough catches in traffic against physical coverage. And now he wants sympathy for his awful scheme and stupid personnel usage? FOH!
I wish the media would respond with informing Richt that Perry is 3-0 and Rosier 1-3. And, Perry has a better passer rating. What else matters?

*Excluding Savanna St.
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Sorry but Cager and Langam are JAG's - 2 huge plays vs FSU & Ga Tech yes but zero separation

They are at least better than Wiggins right now. The fact that Wiggins is playing the majority of snaps after dropping easy passes is asinine.
Lmao at his ability to read defenses.

************ has read the defenses to the tune of one of the lowest completion percentages in the entire country and a A losing record va power 5 teams.

But sure , he can read a defense.

**** outta here man..****.

Everyone in the world saw that blitz coming off the edge except for Rosier's dumb **** last game. That play alone killed momentum. It was painfully obvious. Perry at least has the scrambling ability to avoid a rusher. What should be talked about isn't just running yards by the QB but avoiding the rush and throwing the ball. Rosier NEVER looks to throw once he feels the pass rush. He always runs the ball which makes it easy for teams to put 8/9 in the box.
Hey Jeff....listen, on those vertical routes, you are running a little too fast and Malik just can't process it. I'm going to need you to stop trying to get so far behind the guy and slow down a bit so when Malik finally makes a decision to throw it, he doesn't under-throw you by quite so much and you'll be in a better position to play defense and prevent the interception.
CMR has stated numerous times why he sticks with Rosier. I am not saying I PERSONALLY support it, but he has already addressed it a bunch of times that it is all the other aspects of being a QB that makes him believe Rosier gives us a better chance to win, not purely based on who is a better passer. It's getting the plays in, recognizes defenses, making adjustments, moving blocking assignments, etc. Basically the field general stuff, not just who has a better or more accurate arm. This also fits into the narrative, whether you believe it or not, that Perry hasn't dedicated himself to the film room and getting better as much as he could have been.

Again, I'm not personally saying with this post "We 100% should start Rosier!", it's just so stupid hearing this crap pitched over and over here that CMR wants to lose, has no interest in winning, has a personal vendetta against Perry, etc etc etc. Whether you agree with the rationale or not, CMR has already explained why he has kept #12 under center many times.
Rosier “gives us the best chance to win” yet he is 1 - 6 in his last 7 starts against P5 opponents. Sorry if I’m not taking Richt at his word when he shovels that nonsense.
So the other 10 guys on offense are normally lost on their assignments, but Richt wants to keep Rosier in there because he can call audibles?

Bravo, Corch.
There is plenty of blame to go around, but the fact none of Malik’s deficiencies were highlighted in that article says a lot.

This right here. Look, people do make mistakes regardless how they’re coached that’s life. The other team might be coached perfectly too, one guy is going to lose the battle, one guy may choke too.

The problem with this article is it makes it seem like that guy who may have been coached correctly yet still makes a mistake is NEVER rosier, and that’s horse sh*t. The dude misses all kinds of reads, throws, checks all on his own.
Everyone in the world saw that blitz coming off the edge except for Rosier's dumb **** last game. That play alone killed momentum. It was painfully obvious. Perry at least has the scrambling ability to avoid a rusher. What should be talked about isn't just running yards by the QB but avoiding the rush and throwing the ball. Rosier NEVER looks to throw once he feels the pass rush. He always runs the ball which makes it easy for teams to put 8/9 in the box.
I'm in no way a Malweak supporter but he did call the protection against the edge Blitzer but the tackle decided to triple team the DE intead. That doesn't excuse all the numerous other issues though
All I know is the offense looks better, in general, when Perry is in there. I know the coaches see the mistakes, because they know the assignments, but it's not like the team suddenly decided to start making those mistakes with Rosier and not Perry. Perry makes plays that Rosier just can't. I'd rather lose with Perry, hoping he'll improve, than with Rosier, knowing he won't.
All of what Richt has said is a fancy way of saying "our offensive line f-ing sucks bro"

We can't run the ball consistently and are constantly in 3rd and long with ****** protection.
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Now i have passed the Mark Richt test to be a coach or player at miami.
Freshman receiver Dee Wiggins dropped two catchable balls against BC.
Two? That's all they counted? Hm...I could have sworn it was closer to 5 or 6. He was bad against BC. I know he's young, but WR's are supposed to be able to catch the ball...and he ain't doing it.

That being said...yes, this is systemic. Rosier sucks, our OL sucks, our RB's are average because they don't get any blocking and the playcalls don't help them at all, the WR's have too many drops, the TE's are young...and as has been pointed out ad nauseum...our playcalling is pretty darn terrible.

On the playcalling front - one thing that jumps out to me is what we call given important downs where we need to convert. We've seen draws on 3rd and 8+ that never seem to go anywhere. We've seen the same old crap on 1st down (clap, RB motion, clap, snap, RB zone left/right for max 3 yards). There's nothing creative about this offense. These types of things have to change and get better if we want to win any more games this year.

I'll say this - I get what Richt is saying. I think he believes that yes - the plays he is calling have multiple options to get the job done against anything the defense runs. However...if your guys aren't executing those plays well enough, sometimes a change to simplify or use more motion to give them better reads, or scheming to get your playmakers (JT4) the ball in space more is the route to go. At this point - running the plays that Richt wants to have in there to have multiple options to beat any defense ain't working...we're not beating any defense on any given play as a result. Rosier can't read his keys well enough (nevermind the physical limitations), our OL can't block it up consistently enough, our RBs aren't getting it done, and our WRs/TEs aren't executing at a high enough level.

So...time to find something they CAN do well, and work with that.
It is ludicrous and completely bewildering that Richt is willing to alienate so much of the fanbase, and more importantly, his entire team, for a guy who not only won't even be here next year, but is and has been performing poorly.

You'd think Malik was Richt's son the way he protects him.

RICHt is absolutely protecting his son.

The only position not executing properly happens to be the position his unqualified son is in charge of?
If Rick wants to admit he made a mistake with Weldon and Perry, so be it. That means he needs to give William's reps with the 1s.

Rosier can't throw on the run; he can't adjust his passes if a receiver gets pushed off his route; and if someone gets past the OL and Rosier doesn't have room to run forward, the play is over as he simply doesn't have the ability to escape the pocket and keep his eyes downfield while moving and make an accurate throw.

Rick's offense might be beautiful on the chalkboard and works if everything goes perfectly. It rarely does, which is why we are 1-6 against P5 teams over the last 7 games.

I'm selling Rick. The team isn't improving and is going to be breaking in a new qb next year, which means more chances of imperfection and more losses. Best thing to do is fire him now, take the hit, and go hard after Brohm or even Dino Babers. I'm done with coaches whose pride supersedes common sense.

This 100%.. Well said.