Offensive Coordinator

For the love of god no more threads about the play calling. That wasn't the problem tonight. He was rolled out, he was left in the the pocket, he ran a wild cat, he threw short, deep, intermediate, etc. he simply couldn't make a throw to save his life.

And yes I'll say it, there wasn't much more Richt could have done for him tonight. The kid is shot as a QB. He has one more game and that will be the end of it.
As much as I love Richt as a head coach I would love it if we had a more inavative OC. I know the play of Rosier makes Richt look bad but I would love to see Richt go out and hire Art Briles. I know he's tainted for what players did under his watch but I think everyone deserves a second chance sometimes and it's not like our players would be under his watch. I know he's probably got to bad of a reputation but I love his offense and respect his coaching ability.

Idc how bad playcalling is (which it isn't), there is no way to justify hiring that piece of trash. Miami wins with swag and class, scummy *** **** like that is how the turds or Criminoles win.
If Rosier hits the open guys no one is complaining about the play calling. We had an awful play call on 3rd down early screen to Berrios.. other than that, qb was missing everything.

Agree but my point is we have a QB that can't hit the open guy and that's a reflection on the offense. If your qb can't hit wide open guys your offense will not win you games and there's only so much leaning on the defense a team can do until it catches up with you, aka Clemson game tonight and Pitt game last week

What does that have to do with playcalling? You could have the best playcalling in the world but if you can't hit open guys, the result is the same.
obvioualy rosier can't do everything Richt wants out of a qb and I get that, but maybe we could play to rosier strengths a little more and put a clip board in his hand asap. That's what I want out of on OC

what are his strengths please list them
His only one was that he remained cool under pressure and at this point that trait is gone. LOL at playing to his strengths.
Scheme is too simplistic. Could see the difference between Clemson and Miami in that area.

Hopefully Richt adds to ours in the offseason

What was so dynamic about Clemson’s offense tonight?

Horizontal passes, RPOs, zone reads, curls.

They’re just better than us right now.

Everything builds off each other. The constantly presnap motion, jet sweeps, etc makes defensive players move their eyes and read plays. They can’t just react. Helps all areas of an offense. The little things add up especially when you face talented defenses.

They made ours look like ****.
Richt got to where he is in the world being and awesome OC. A new OC can not block, throw or catch for the team. If guys are wide open they were set up plays before. These plays are set up a week before in the film rooms. You practice all week and run it and the QB overthrows the wide open Wr or the Wr drops the ball. Can not hurry up 4 th downs. Sorry.

Richt got where he is right now by being a play caller in the 90's and a good HC more recently. He is a special talent as a coach but I feel like they have to many chiefs on the offensive coaching part, you have Richt calling plays and coaching QB with a rb coach/OC and Jon being a QB coach and some type of play/coverage recognition coach on game day. We need a coach that can focus solely on the offense on game day.
For the love of god no more threads about the play calling. That wasn't the problem tonight. He was rolled out, he was left in the the pocket, he ran a wild cat, he threw short, deep, intermediate, etc. he simply couldn't make a throw to save his life.

And yes I'll say it, there wasn't much more Richt could have done for him tonight. The kid is shot as a QB. He has one more game and that will be the end of it.
Honestly I'm not talking about play calling per say I'm talking about coaching. If we hired a offensive coordinator/qb coach that is a stud maybe we could get our qb playing a little better. What I want is more continuity with one really good play caller/ developer instead of 3 coaches doing one coaches job with co offensive coordinators and co qb coaches. Maybe try Jon as special teams coach idk what all he's savvy in but I don't like having 3 coaches in s qb ear. 1 is sufficient
Richt need to get Dallas the ball more every time he touches it it’s positive yards and I have no clue why richt doesn’t run up tempo more often we move the ball better as we go faster
The easy thing to do is blame Rosier like Kaaya last year. If you need an elite OL and a stud dual threat QB to be effective you're not good at your job as a playcaller.

Just look at the guy opposite of Rosier tonight. How many of Bryant's throws tonight were behind the LOS or gimme short tosses? Easy plays to guys wide open in space. How would this kid look in Richt's offense where he's asked to consistently make contested throws down the field (after two inside runs)?

The Pitt coach said Miami was the easiest offense to prepare for, I think that's a bigger concern than the QB.

And he still would have been rolled if Rosier could hit a wide open Richards and Thomas.
Scheme is too simplistic. Could see the difference between Clemson and Miami in that area.

Hopefully Richt adds to ours in the offseason

What was so dynamic about Clemson’s offense tonight?

Horizontal passes, RPOs, zone reads, curls.

They’re just better than us right now.

I think this proves my point more then anything, as a play caller if your qb struggles at throwing the ball down field why continue to play that pro set. We should be running Horizontal passes, RPO's, zone reads, curls. Ask less of our qb and more of our athletes because rosier isn't the qb for Richts scheme.
Scheme is too simplistic. Could see the difference between Clemson and Miami in that area.

Hopefully Richt adds to ours in the offseason

What was so dynamic about Clemson’s offense tonight?

Horizontal passes, RPOs, zone reads, curls.

They’re just better than us right now.

I think this proves my point more then anything, as a play caller if your qb struggles at throwing the ball down field why continue to play that pro set. We should be running Horizontal passes, RPO's, zone reads, curls. Ask less of our qb and more of our athletes because rosier isn't the qb for Richts scheme.

We literally did all of those things.
For the love of god no more threads about the play calling. That wasn't the problem tonight. He was rolled out, he was left in the the pocket, he ran a wild cat, he threw short, deep, intermediate, etc. he simply couldn't make a throw to save his life.

And yes I'll say it, there wasn't much more Richt could have done for him tonight. The kid is shot as a QB. He has one more game and that will be the end of it.

Completely agree, if anything due to Rosier's deficiencies the play calling probably has to be dialed down. Not only does Rosier miss open receivers how many times have we seen his passes blocked at the LOS.
Scheme is too simplistic. Could see the difference between Clemson and Miami in that area.

Hopefully Richt adds to ours in the offseason

What was so dynamic about Clemson’s offense tonight?

Horizontal passes, RPOs, zone reads, curls.

They’re just better than us right now.

I think this proves my point more then anything, as a play caller if your qb struggles at throwing the ball down field why continue to play that pro set. We should be running Horizontal passes, RPO's, zone reads, curls. Ask less of our qb and more of our athletes because rosier isn't the qb for Richts scheme.

We literally did all of those things.

Our scheme was to run up the middle and off tackle with no motion and throw the ball mid range to deep with no play action because we couldn't keep pressure off the qb long enough to have play action. And I feel like everyone is talking about this game alone, I would not say I want a OC based on one game, the entire season this offense has underwhelmed and that falls on the coach, our defense and mentality as a team are so much improved and players are buying in but can you really say that you have seen much improvement on offense under Richt? I guess we're 3 points better on offense then when Clemson beat is down at the Rock.
Rosier missed **** of passes and is very inaccurate but that doesn’t mean richt doesn’t need to change some things scheme wise on O
If Rosier hits the open guys no one is complaining about the play calling. We had an awful play call on 3rd down early screen to Berrios.. other than that, qb was missing everything.

Agree but my point is we have a QB that can't hit the open guy and that's a reflection on the offense. If your qb can't hit wide open guys your offense will not win you games and there's only so much leaning on the defense a team can do until it catches up with you, aka Clemson game tonight and Pitt game last week

There are no magic plays. Very straight forward food for thought. Do you think Malik Rosier could execute Clemson’s offense? If you’ve watched all season then you know the answer is a big NO. His screen passes suck, his regular passes suck. We don’t know what other plays we
Have to run becuase can’t convert a 3rd down.

Tell me one team on our schedule outside of Bethune that Rosier could start for? And maybe not even Bethune, lol! He sucks, the O-line is weak that equals disaster!