No OL Coming Back This Week

The decision to start Seymore at RG is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever seen. Queerabal and Mario should just drop dead.
You can get tennis elbow without playing tennis. Shows how much you know!
I can't see Nelson going in the first 3 rounds. More likely to be 7th rounder or UDFA. He has some serious question marks: knees, willingness to help his team, ability to run block. I'm not even sure if he will make an NFL team as he just doesn't have the strength and coordination to manage larger guys at 4-5. Most NFL teams aren't going to pick a guy to develop into a starting LT so they would want him to play other spots which are really when his weaknesses would show. My 2 cents.

As for Miami's OL, tight sets aren't helping and Miami isn't taking advantage of the D's commitment to having 8 men in the box because we can't!
No clue what the deal is with Zion but if he is gone I predict he will be in the NFL for about the same amount of time he was on campus
His teammates and fellow linemen. Instead he wants to do the GDI thing and go get drafted on day 3. That, right there, is indicative of a major problem.
If true, then it's a true indication and a clear view of a culture problem. And if that's the case, then IDK how long it'll take to cut out all of the cancer in Coral Gables.
That's where I'm at with it as well. At this point if your not coming back next year just go ahead and sit out. Let Graves, bissainthe, Kelly and whoever else get as many snaps as they can.
im here w that too. the season is over. its been over. get some positives out of it and develop some young kids
What Jackson State got to do with this? It isnt Deion fault that this team imploded. That's what happened when you trash the previous regime (offense) and couldn't produce jack.
Deions teams are better coached than the garbage were seeing
Obviously, talented left tackles are highly coveted in the pass happy NFL. That being said, what bothers me and many others is if Zion is able to play and purposely sitting out to protect his draft status, it’s a pretty selfish move considering where he came from.
Guy was literally the worst OL in the country in 2019 and has the nads to sit out this year?
I would love for somebody to ask him why we have a center who’s still shaken up blocking a NT 1 v 1 while the guard leaves to help the RT? A three man rush gets home against 5 Ol.

Confusion and puzzling scheme has been the common denominator on the OL this year.
The decision to start Seymore at RG is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever seen. Queerabal and Mario should just drop dead.
Seymour is a center at best. Should’ve put Cooper at RT and Scaife at RG but I am not giving up on Mario or Mirabal.

The O-line play needs to be better but they are also trying to work with chicken **** and trying to make it into a chicken salad.

Coaching needs to be better across the board and needs to get their heads out of their ***, starting with Gattis and so on.

There is talent on this team that should beat MTSU, UVA, Duke, Va Tech that could be coached better but there is also a lot of paper/rankings Tiger talent.
Maybe because the coaches think that our banged up C is still marginally better than our turnstile at T. IDK.
Well, add that to the laundry list of miscalculations the corching staph has made.
who do you think is left to play? Perhaps you'd like to suit up and help out????
I would have tried Cooper, Sagapolu, or perhaps Scaife at RG. But to throw Seymore out there for the first time this year and then run behind him and whatever broken center was out there on 4th and 1 was

The Zion situation, especially, is beyond frustrating. If the rumors are true about him simply not wanting to come back, then I’ve lost a lot of respect for him. The team needs you, bro. Not sure how anyone can justify sitting back and watching us get destroyed in order to preserve their 5th round status…

He ain’t going higher — the dude has barely played….

If I were you I would get ready for some other people to suddenly opt out that you may not expect