Nebraska to acc Ohio to sec ?

I wouldn't quite phrase a) that way, and I think the answer to b) is quite clearly "no" based on the substance of my post. Have you reviewed the contract(s) at issue?
Actually contract interpretation is always in the eye of the beholder. It is never truly objective or definitive. Anyone who thinks otherwise has no actual experience with courts interpreting contracts.

Nope, but I've read the media rights contracts for two separate conferences so I have a pretty good idea of how schools can and cannot leave a conference. Got paid to do so. Have you read any contracts at issue?
big 10 makes more than the SEC. dont see ohio state ever leaving and same with Neb. theyd be losing a ******* ton of money going to the ACC.
One of the GOAT endings to a political ad ever. The whole video is just gold. Nothing says trustworthiness like a creepy af smile. :LOL:
You ever see the one of his campaign manager smoking a cigarette? Even better.
Thread Reply Ban - You Too
One of the GOAT endings to a political ad ever. The whole video is just gold. Nothing says trustworthiness like a creepy af smile. :LOL:
His ability to meme fortuitously was unmatched. May he RIP

No way Ohio State leaves Michigan. No way any school leaves Big 10 $$$ to $$$ in any other conference - including SEC. At least not until the SEC Network starts blowing away the Big 10 Network's head start.
I could see Nebraska eventually going somewhere particularly the Big 12. I do not see Ohio State anywhere but the Big 10.
I couldn't give two ****s if they do and I'd gladly welcome Pedo State into the ACC but all this wishful thinking about the demise of the Big Ten is just that. That conference ain't breaking up or losing anyone significant over anything that goes down in 2020.

It's seriously like the brainwashing about the mightyyyyyy SEC has caused collective ignorance about the financial power of the Big Ten. The only reason the SEC even has the power it does is because the Big Ten presidents were too stupid to realize that SEC presidents care more about football than almost anything else.
If there's even an ounce of validity to this, why wouldn't Nebraska just rejoin the Big12 instead? The ACC makes zero sense for them.
Exactly The Big 12 already said they would welcome them back. Additionally, there are all sorts of legal hurdles to jump just for even the possibility that this might happen.
Abso****inlutely not... Keep Nebraska away from the ACC as far as possible, the ACC shouldn't touch any B1G school that wants to leave the conference.

The SEC would be dumb to allow Oh St in too, fck these lame *** schools who jumped the gun & thought they had enough power to sway the rest of the conferences & now they're looking stupid because they're about to cost dozens of schools millions upon millions of dollars in lost revenue all because they made a knee jerk reaction based on false pretenses.

The Big XII has an incentive to accept at least 2 B1G teams for their conference, although it would probably be virtually impossible to re-modify the schedules for 2 brand new teams less than a month out from kickoff.

The B1G & Pac-12 schools that originally voted NO on cancellation & still want to play should organize between themselves & put together a 10 game schedule where just those teams that want to play & meet that criteria could play each other.

But otherwise, no other conferences should throw any of these teams a life reserve, they made a stupid over reactionary decision & they need to lay in it. The ACC, SEC & Big XII all had meetings, they took a vote & smartly decided to continue to play football, those conferences deserve to enjoy the fruits of making the right decision while the B1G & Pac deserve to suffer for their bad choice.
I could see Nebraska eventually going somewhere particularly the Big 12. I do not see Ohio State anywhere but the Big 10.
You do understand that Nebraska left what was then the Big 12 to join the Big 10, right? And that they left because of inequities between the University of Texas and most of the rest of the conference including Nebraska? Nebraska jumped at the chance to be in the Big 10 and it didn't really belong there at the time. It could jump now, but, seriously, where could they possibly get a better deal?

No way Ohio State leaves Michigan. No way any school leaves Big 10 $$$ to $$$ in any other conference - including SEC. At least not until the SEC Network starts blowing away the Big 10 Network's head start.

This is a pipe dream being propagated by someone who sounds like their version of Danny boy cane.

The Big Ten reversing their decision is more likely than this.
A decision reversal could be entirely possible, considering that Warren has been labeled an incompetent a$$ clown, info about how the decision was made is leaking out, and coaches, AD's and parents are looming like vultures. The Big 10 may have to punt to restore the "prestige" of the conference.
And this new rumor coming out as to whether or not there was actually a vote by the B1G conference is bogus AF.

No way in **** would B1G commissioner Kevin Warren just decide to cancel the Fall without their being a direct vote by the school Presidents, the conference commissioner works on behalf of the collective of the Presidents not the other way around, he couldn't nor would he make a decision of that magnitude without consulting the school Presidents.

It sounds like the powers that be within the B1G are setting it up to make him the fall guy & say he made the decision on his own without vote, so they can fire him & reverse the decision & act like they wanted to play all along but the commissioner went into business for himself.