
Im not so sure about that...This coming from someone who watched them from close up...
@dsddcane would be the person to ask...
Voters would have gone with Morgan. He was squeaky clean, and a tackling machine. Webster had off field troubles that most award voters don't like. I'm not saying who was better, just that Morgan won EVERY award in 2000, and Webster coming back wouldn't have meant Webster wins those awards. Morgan was a 4 year monster, and voters love that. Don't get me wrong, that 2000 D could have used him, but Morgan won those awards for a reason.
Im not so sure about that...This coming from someone who watched them from close up...
@dsddcane would be the person to ask...
They were just very different players and people. Hes right in that dan was more popular with voters. Because dan was a more the poster child you look for in a recipient. For me I'd take nate as a player. Both were very good but night and day in their approach. Dan was text book and did it all naturally. Nate on the other hand was a typical old school cane. Violent explosive player who made sure you knew what he thought of you. Would literally blow u up then spit on you. Tell you about your moms and all. As a player I loved knowing nate was on my side. But that's just me.
Shaq Quarterman was a much higher rated recruit than Nate Webster was. Webster was under the radar because he was really small for a linebacker. Amazing how good coaching made him into an NFL draft pick.

Maybe I'm not remembering correctly but I dont remember Webster being an under the radar recruit.
I remember it was a big deal when we got him.