Mike Bakas makes his prediction on Scouts

I like Mike and last I knew, he was a quality human being.

I do however hope he's wrong as can be. If not, we'll have essentially hired the coach nobody has wanted since he left UNC and thus have struck out on numerous people ahead of him.

That's what 2nd tier programs run by 3rd tier administrations do.
Looks like someone broke the code of silence at UM. Seems like a lot of people are suddenly making this prediction.
Some people are trolls for sure but why when someone gets info wrong you peoole act like they are wrong all the time because you dont the info. Funny dynamic.
I like Mike and last I knew, he was a quality human being.

I do however hope he's wrong as can be. If not, we'll have essentially hired the coach nobody has wanted since he left UNC and thus have struck out on numerous people ahead of him.
I with you on this. The fact that not a single school in the country wanted Butch and this pack is stroking his jock like he's thr best thing ever baffles. Look, I hope Im wrong but Butch had one 11 win season, no 10 win, several 8&9 with a 5&4 sprinkled in there. Please tell me what I'm missing.

I remember banners flying over thr OB wanting Butch to get lost yet somehow all s forgotten. It's simply amazing. Please someone explain why not even a high school, a sub-series school, nobody called Butch but this fan base see a documentary and go apes over him. Only our fans.
Didnt bakas say gruden was a done deal?
Don’t even ask how/why I came across this thread but the Ferman talk reminded me of Bakas. Anyone know what he’s doing these days?

And to answer this question 8 years later, no he did not. Actually the insiders on the board claimed Gruden was a done deal and Bakas was the only one saying he didn’t believe it.

Don’t ask me why I remember that.

Respect my decision…
Please Dont Season 2 GIF by Paramount+