Miami Is NEVER coming back

What you don't understand is, the only real fans left in this degenerative fanbase are the individuals who are fans of this program despite accepting the reality that MIA will never again win a NC.

The rest of these dudes are lying to themselves by believing we are currently on the path towards winning a NC, or are only 1 HC away from being on that path. This self-deception is how these individuals can justify spreading negativity & toxicity, by threatening to withdraw program support, and hoping that the program implodes.

The structural & systemic issues currently plaguing this program need to be analyzed just as much as the current football program HC & AD, because those are only symptoms
will be back esp since players will now get paid. way more opportunities in sfl then these other states
It took some of us longer than others. For some, it was not rehiring Butch, for me it was Richt succeeding at Georgia and not having that same level here, for you it is today. I just want to see some football with some decent wins. I have lost faith in the athletic department at Hecht.

Richt was better than Shannon and Golden, but his tenure at Miami was a disappointment. Kind of depressing that his 2016 and 2017 teams are the relative “glory days” since 2006.
Richt was better than Shannon and Golden, but his tenure at Miami was a disappointment. Kind of depressing that his 2016 and 2017 teams are the relative “glory days” since 2006.

Yes, and I always defended Richt. People were glass half empty on him. I always appreciated that he had a better resumè than any coach we hired in 20 years.
You mopes have no clue. I was a Cane way before our first NC and will be a fan until my ashes are swimming with the fishes.

Has it been a long time since we were relevant? Of course it has. And it may be a bit longer no matter who the HC is. Am I content with where our team is? **** no!

Hopefully, this team can get their **** together and have a great remainder of the season.
Did you watch game?

we we beaten in every aspect

I think Clemson’s popcorn Poppers RUTS

I sure did, and yes we got thumped badly. I also remember during Dabos early years where he got boat raced quite frequently. I remember a Clemson team that got beat 70 - 33 by WVU in the Orange Bowl. We can't just keep firing coaches every 2 or 3 years, we're going to have to be patient. And while yes they did beat us in every phase except special teams, this team did something that it hasn't done in decades. It didn't fold and quit. Those kids kept fighting for 60 minutes. Any other year they would have quit playing mid way through the second quarter. So while losing sucks, this teams is making progress. It's just going to take time.
ND hasn’t won a title since 1988, Michigan 97, Nebraska 95, Tennessee 98, USC 04, I mean it’ll take a lot for Miami to do it, we have very limited funding
I sure did, and yes we got thumped badly. I also remember during Dabos early years where he got boat raced quite frequently. I remember a Clemson team that got beat 70 - 33 by WVU in the Orange Bowl. We can't just keep firing coaches every 2 or 3 years, we're going to have to be patient. And while yes they did beat us in every phase except special teams, this team did something that it hasn't done in decades. It didn't fold and quit. Those kids kept fighting for 60 minutes. Any other year they would have quit playing mid way through the second quarter. So while losing sucks, this teams is making progress. It's just going to take time.

You just can’t compare Dabo’s first few years and UM. The difference being the Clemson administration actually wants to be relevant in football. That’s why they spend what they do. UM doesn’t and that’s why we are average.

Manny isn’t Dabo and UM isn’t Clemson in terms of spending money.
ND hasn’t won a title since 1988, Michigan 97, Nebraska 95, Tennessee 98, USC 04, I mean it’ll take a lot for Miami to do it, we have very limited funding
UM doesn’t have limited funding. That was the excuse 20 years ago. It’s not true today. Admin has given football everything it needs
Richt was better than Shannon and Golden, but his tenure at Miami was a disappointment. Kind of depressing that his 2016 and 2017 teams are the relative “glory days” since 2006.
FWIW... 2006 was a crappy season. Now 2005 was the last season Miami was nationally significant, i.e., ranked in the Top 10 all season long.
But then, the SCALPING by mighty LSU was the beginning of the down fall and what not. Because, since then Miami has only had TWO seasons to boast about. Onion Head's third season and Grandpa Richt's second season. huh?
And very limited interest from the AD and the administration.
I've been yapping about this for one hundred years. But as long as Miami athletics get's their " cut of the financial pie ", the AD/administration will be content. In other words, that financial welfare pie is the revenue from both the bowl games and the men's NCAA Tournament. One can also throw in the TV revenue too. There's also the revenue from Addida's.
Miami can still salvage the season and come back and make something out of it. I'm just hoping Diaz ;earned that he isn't as good as he thinks he as and that changes will be made. For one put a real set of eyes in the ***** press box. If pope and Mallory play words with friends when their suppose to be lifting weights punch them clowns dead in they chit. The older players that have been here are lazy af. WHY IS THAT? That's on Diaz. I wanna see how people react to this beast down they just got. That third down stop when Roche lined up off sides and then almost had an interception.... different ball game if he makes that play...thats how close this team is...I hope they realize that. These guys are either gonna tank or bounce back. Pitt is the perfect test. Offence got exposed. How is LaSalle gonna bounce back? Is pope gonna delete words with friends off his phone? DJ scarife needs to be replaced, dude has played like trash all season, Atari carter needs to get with the times this ain't 1980. How is he gonna respond? These guys are sclose how are they gonna respond?

Now, i'll admit, the ad and the administration are trash and until Miami hires a real coach this is what we will have to deal with.
FWIW... 2006 was a crappy season. Now 2005 was the last season Miami was nationally significant, i.e., ranked in the Top 10 all season long.
But then, the SCALPING by mighty LSU was the beginning of the down fall and what not. Because, since then Miami has only had TWO seasons to boast about. Onion Head's third season and Grandpa Richt's second season. huh?
2005 was the last great overall team. It had a great defense, at least until the bowl game.
2006 still had a great defense, but the offense lost two much talent to the NFL and Coker had failed to recruit wide receivers at a replacement level. We were down to 3 scholarship wide receivers by mid-season, and it's not coincidence we started 5-2 and finished 2-4.