Off-Topic Mass killings

I never once moved the goal post. Maybe you should learn how to read. I will post my original statement, you can either discredit it of fvck off.

"more mass shootings of innocent people are done by white people than any other race".

And your original statement was an opinion backed up with no facts or statistical evidence. It was discredited with facts and a sourced list that actually shows it's minorities that commit more mass shootings. Let me know when you have something more.
And your original statement was an opinion backed up with no facts or statistical evidence. It was discredited with facts and a sourced list that actually shows it's minorities that commit more mass shootings. Let me know when you have something more.
Nope, it was not. My original statement has never changed. So if you discredited my statement earlier. Please discredit it again so others can read the real data.

I will post it again. "more mass shootings of innocent people are done by white people than any other race".

Since you refuse to refute this claim and instead keep changing the subject. I assume you agree with this statement?
Thought exercise:

What is too much responsibility for the general public to use accordingly?

- Autos
- Firearms
- Free Speech
- Education
- Death with dignity
- Abortion

The list is endless and the battle lines fluid.
Nope, it was not. My original statement has never changed. So if you discredited my statement earlier. Please discredit it again so others can read the real data.

I will post it again. "more mass shootings of innocent people are done by white people than any other race".

Since you refuse to refute this claim and instead keep changing the subject. I assume you agree with this statement?
OGH...quick clarification...

define "mass"?

In healthcare "mass casualty events" are generally defined as those beyond the scope of a facility's ability to handle during routine operations.

I get it so many other issues, we know "it" when we see "it"
Nope, it was not. My original statement has never changed. So if you discredited my statement earlier. Please discredit it again so others can read the real data.

I will post it again. "more mass shootings of innocent people are done by white people than any other race".

Since you refuse to refute this claim and instead keep changing the subject. I assume you agree with this statement?


Your claim has been refuted and debunked. Anyone that is welcome can go to that thread and see for themselves.

Mass shooting in Buffalo supermarket. At least 10 dead.​

Nope, it was not. My original statement has never changed. So if you discredited my statement earlier. Please discredit it again so others can read the real data.

I will post it again. "more mass shootings of innocent people are done by white people than any other race".

Since you refuse to refute this claim and instead keep changing the subject. I assume you agree with this statement?

Looks like nothing is out of the ordinary per capita.
OGH...quick clarification...

define "mass"?

In healthcare "mass casualty events" are generally defined as those beyond the scope of a facility's ability to handle during routine operations.

I get it so many other issues, we know "it" when we see "it"
So for starters, I am being credited with making that statement, when I actually never made it in the first place. This guy just assumes, that since I was arguing with him, I must have been the one that made the statement in the first place.

Basically what was said was something along the lines of. "white people are more likely to do mass shootings of innocent people than other races". By mass shooting I believe it is 8+ people shot or 4+ killed. I honestly don't remember the criteria being used.

I never even said it was true or if it was not true. KCC just kept saying it was false, without providing any info. So I wanted to know why he said it was false and if he had facts to back it up.
Thank you. We weren't discussing per capita we were just speaking in general. It was just a general statement, that got KCC to fly off the handle.

I didn't fly off the handle. I provided a list of last year which showed there were more minorities involved in mass shootings. You made a very broad statement with no criteria.
I didn't fly off the handle. I provided a list of last year which showed there were more minorities involved in mass shootings. You made a very broad statement with no criteria.
Except for that wasn't what was being discussed. We made a pretty narrow statement, you tried to widen it up.
It is nice and it goes against what you have been saying this entire time. So it looks like Imurcane was correct.

How do you figure? I provided last years numbers. When you make a statement that "more mass shootings of innocent people are done by white people than any other race" with no further context that can be disputed many different ways. That statement reads to me as something current or recent. Not historically ever. If you said more white people have committed mass shootings over time then any other race you wouldn't have gotten a response from me as that would have been accurate.
How do you figure? I provided last years numbers. When you make a statement that "more mass shootings of innocent people are done by white people than any other race" with no further context that can be disputed many different ways. That statement reads to me as something current or recent. Not historically ever. If you said more white people have committed mass shootings over time then any other race you wouldn't have gotten a response from me as that would have been accurate.
It can be read anyway you like, but providing a list of every shooter, not just "of innocent people" is why I came in. Since it didn't pertain to the statement.

If your list was just of shooters that were shooting innocent people, you wouldn't have gotten a response from me.
No it was not. We were talking about current(you were correct about that good job) mass shootings of innocent people. Gang shootings don't fall under that.

Well, if you're talking recently then that hurts your argument and as I mentioned innocent people are shot in Gang Shootings. You might want to go back to those 40 year statistics. Those fit your narrative better.