Mario Cristobal

You do realize mario was on this staff dont you? He was considered our top recruiter before he ever even left for fiu... I understand people here have hatred towards mario because hes a cane where most of them are simply fair weather & he left a dumpster fire spot with alfraud for a serious raise and to work under a man he could actually learn from at the same time. People here need to stop pretending they know **** about ****. Same morons complaining about mario as a game day coach and citing his experience etc are the same people who had the exact arguement for butch... alot of similarities there for plenty of reasons. Anyone stupid enough to think manny is now or ever will be able to become what we need is a blind fool. The man lacks in every category necessary AND when he walks into your living room to close kids parents he has a lisp that sounds eerily similar to Elmer fudd. Fvck outta here with complaining about anyone else while we have our current reality. Just fly yalls **** banners and #DOSOMETHING
P.s. el while u bring up valid points your also undermining your own logic. This man is a horrible recruiter and money doesnt trump evaluations. Something about this town being obsessed with videographers as head coaches is wearing on my nerves. If it's not spoelstra its Elmer here. You say IF Miami made such and such commitment. Well at what point have we had that commitment then since the 90s because we've been exactly what you see from a production standpoint or commitment level since late 90s yet we've NEVER been such a joke. On the field or more accurately in regards to the recruiting stance ur speaking on. Would be great if we were committed as a program but itll be minimal returns so long as we got a staff who brings in projects at every corner and we arent able to coach them up.

We're more of a joke now than we've been over the past 15 years? We're more of a joke now than we were when we lost 48-0 to UVA on national TV in the last game of our sacred stadium? We're more of a joke now than we were when we were down 52-6 to Kansas State in 2012? Come on. That's simply not true. It CAN'T be true. Nothing could be worse than that, and those games were 5 years apart....we sucked for a few years before UVA and we've sucked for 6 years after K-State.

At least now if you close one eye and look in the right light we've got halfway decent facilities, or at least not the worst in the P5 and one of the worst in the country. I don't necessarily disagree with just about all of what you said, but I think saying we're more of a joke now than at any point in the totally joke filled last 15 years is a little reactionary. It's bad, it's been bad, but it's no worse than it's been.
We're more of a joke now than we've been over the past 15 years? We're more of a joke now than we were when we lost 48-0 to UVA on national TV in the last game of our sacred stadium? We're more of a joke now than we were when we were down 52-6 to Kansas State in 2012? Come on. That's simply not true. It CAN'T be true. Nothing could be worse than that, and those games were 5 years apart....we sucked for a few years before UVA and we've sucked for 6 years after K-State.

At least now if you close one eye and look in the right light we've got halfway decent facilities, or at least not the worst in the P5 and one of the worst in the country. I don't necessarily disagree with just about all of what you said, but I think saying we're more of a joke now than at any point in the totally joke filled last 15 years is a little reactionary. It's bad, it's been bad, but it's no worse than it's been.
Better coach then shanny! Be nice if shanny has the balls to have some beef with his coordinators, Enos comes to mind. Smh
Not my point, Mario had decent staff, but started getting all public with his issues. Ran off good people.

Manny, may very well be beefing with his guys buts it's not really public outside of his messages of his involvement in the defense.

Beside Enos seems to have way more 'believers' than Baker for some reason.

Anyway, I'd take Mario any day, just not as a HC. BTW his middle name is MANUEL

We're more of a joke now than we've been over the past 15 years? We're more of a joke now than we were when we lost 48-0 to UVA on national TV in the last game of our sacred stadium? We're more of a joke now than we were when we were down 52-6 to Kansas State in 2012? Come on. That's simply not true. It CAN'T be true. Nothing could be worse than that, and those games were 5 years apart....we sucked for a few years before UVA and we've sucked for 6 years after K-State.

At least now if you close one eye and look in the right light we've got halfway decent facilities, or at least not the worst in the P5 and one of the worst in the country. I don't necessarily disagree with just about all of what you said, but I think saying we're more of a joke now than at any point in the totally joke filled last 15 years is a little reactionary. It's bad, it's been bad, but it's no worse than it's been.
Those are embarrassing individual results. But now we have far more years of mediocrity in our trophy case.
USC would beat the dog **** out of us & I'd be real intrigued how dtr would look against our aggressive prevent

Not sooooo fast my friend. lol.

Those 2 play in the current worst conference of the power 5. Our agressive prevent is the same sh*t they see every week out there in the pac 10. Any team with a resemblance of a defense will always give those teams trouble.
Not my point, Mario had decent staff, but started getting all public with his issues. Ran off good people.

Manny, may very well be beefing with his guys buts it's not really public outside of his messages of his involvement in the defense.

Beside Enos seems to have way more 'believers' than Baker for some reason.

Anyway, I'd take Mario any day, just not as a HC. BTW his middle name is MANUEL

Dude Satterfield, Ponce, Orlando, Collins, coley, Mirabal are some of the coaches Mario has had on staff. Mario has had some really good coaches on his staff.
The only for sure thing is that no one sucks at recruiting at bama. And Oregon recruits well even when they suck.
At least 10-15 teams are saying the exact same thing.
At least 10-15 teams are saying the exact same thing.
And guess what we are not one of them. We will keep worrying about the coastal for the next 10 years. Oh and he is building something real special up there. What are we doing??? Zero with this joke of a staff.
We will improve when our opponents after the game will NOT say..........."We know / or could tell what schemes they were going to bring just from their formations, and sets......"
Foster from VT, and Bronco from UVa... that right there is shouting , but I HOPE we heard it, and not whistling in the dark, like it is some sound in the distance.......
They said it out loud fellas.....that is unreal.
We will improve when our opponents after the game will NOT say..........."We know / or could tell what schemes they were going to bring just from their formations, and sets......"
Foster from VT, and Bronco from UVa... that right there is shouting , but I HOPE we heard it, and not whistling in the dark, like it is some sound in the distance.......
They said it out loud fellas.....that is unreal.
Its like this for most teams. Manny had said this pretty much about everyone we have played. Said Virginia had "very simple offense"
Oregon spends more money on recruiting than we do.

If the administration decided to stop being greedy ******** & actually put some of that money they're hoarding into the Football program you'd see a drastic increase in Miami's recruiting overall.

And I'm not saying that as a Defense for Manny, because he's not very good recruiter & never really has been. It's more about regardless of who the coach is we will continue to have trouble recruiting at an elite level because we don't spend what is required to be a winning program.

They don't pay top dollar for coaches so no big time coach would ever wanna come down to Miami to begin with in the first place & we don't have the same recruiting budgets as the top schools in college football, therefore our recruiting suffers, which results in putting a bad product on the field, which results in losses, which makes us less attractive to high level recruits. It's all a cycle.

The formula to breaking it starts with the administration deciding to spend money, hiring a competent AD & conducting a legitimate coaching search for a good coach that will then bring in a great staff. We're paying Manny only $3mill a year which is about what you would pay for a first time HC, but they didn't do their due diligence & put together a stronger vetting process before hiring him.

If we ever plan on being a competitive team that can actually eventually become a contender, we're going to have to pay the next HC $5mill out the gate & give him enough to hire a good staff around him, then we're going to have to increase our recruiting budget to be on par with the top 10 schools.

Mario is a good recruiter because he's been at 2 programs that spend money on recruiting, could he do the same at somewhere that doesn't? No... He couldn't & no coach can really.
What bothers me is that this administration is cheap as **** and keeps making terrible hires. We need an elite HC with the funds behind him to make it happen.
They think he’ll be able to get all the kids from sofla the way he did when he had bama bags and saban behind him. Unless he wins a lot in Oregon he’s not getting any recruiting bump here.
Manny hasn’t been a hc but also doesn’t have a track record of not winning sht like willie. If Mario doesn’t win that conference or string out a few 10 win seasons then what will make Florida kids consider UM If he’s our coach?
It would be just like this administration, after giving Manny two or three years with .500 seasons to then hire Mario after Phil Knight fires him for 2 or 3 more 7-6 or 8-4 seasons. Result: More of the same and they are fine with it.
Nothing to be gained with Mario.
Hindsight is 20/20. He let Arroyo make that call y la cagaron. All the hate because Mario left Al Golden’s useless staff and went to Bama. Btw JJ had a lot to do with that move.
btw, i don't hate mario, i like him and think he'd do well here. i don't think he has elite football coaching skills, from the little that i have seen, but he doesn't have to. he just needs to have a clear, competent vision, command and leadership, and good subordinates that he holds accountable.

he might have those skills, i don't know.