Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose 10/24

Paraphrased like that sounds bad but if you listen to the question he was asked and the totality of CMC's answer you will understand the meaning of what he was getting at.
Ok, I read the full question and answer. Just goes to show how big of a role context plays. Classic political move to take someones words out of context and drum up a false narrative. Hhahahahahha

I fell for it,

I am sorry
Holy ****!!! Wat the **** are some of you talking about!?! Most ppl are just saying beat Duke and MTSU. Why are u guys cutting these dudes so much slack?

Losing to these bad teams "needs to happen" and "the fans need to buy into the rebuild". That's garbage!!!

Duke has a 1st year head coach n flipped over the roster, they seem to have no problems on Saturday.

Hold ppl accountable geezz, why are excuses being made for grown *** men making millions and are really really really underperforming.
Ok, I read the full question and answer. Just goes to show how big of a role context plays. Classic political move to take someones words out of context and drum up a false narrative. Hhahahahahha

I fell for it,

I am sorry
I really think his heart is in the right place. He wants this **** turned around as badly as we do. ****, his livelihood and lifestyle depends on it. When you get down to it, the question everyone is asking in so many different ways; "Is he talented enough as a coach to be capable of turning it around?" and if he is, "Why can't he tap into his talents and make progress immediately with the current roster?"

We'll never get the answers to the second question because you'd have to keep this roster intact and have other coaches coach it to know for sure if it is a players' issues, coaching issue, or something far more problematic. We can speculate but that's all it will be.

Everyone wants to get paid but he doesn't strike me as the guy to jump ship from a program he had on an upward trajectory for the money. He saw an opportunity to coach at his alma mater and he took it. Can't really blame him and I don't think he has given anyone a reason to doubt his affection for the school and the community.
We will be good again eventually under Mario.

Take this for the blessing it is. Live life, mane.

Haven't even watched these L's & I'm better off for it.
What do yall want this man to say? I am going to fire my coaches and bring in 30 people from the portal in? Come on. He's got to give you coach speak while saying we aren't playing/executing well. He's even said a few times its on him and the staff.

Quit trying to derive **** from fluff media pieces. It's the same with his comments post game. He never said anyone quit. A reporter asked if any players gave up. Mario said he didn't know and would need to watch tape, but there was no room in the program for quitters. Then many of you and the media run with it.
Some of yall need to touch grass for a few months. Maybe watch the games on replay or something. Yall going stir crazy.
Wasn't Joe Brady supposedly Mario's first choice? How can you say Mario's offensive style isn't going to work when his first choice was a guy who ran a high powered offense? You ever think that he had to go with what he could get because for whatever reason the ones he really wanted turned him down?
This style of offense isn't going to work because we don't have the personnel to run the ball like Mario and Gattis want to. See below for how putrid this offense is compared to what has worked in the past. The only way we're going to succeed with the type of offense Mario/Gattis want to run is to have elite physical offensive linemen and that is going to take 2-3 years of recruiting. And given the amount of losses that will continue to pile up with this offensive style he may not even be able to recruit this type of olinemen since recruits will be expecting some results before jumping in the boat. But yea lets continue producing 18 pts per game and see how this shakes out.

TeamOCPPG vs P5 Teams
2016 MiamiRicht/Brown29.3
2017 MiamiRicht/Brown25.91
2018 MiamiRicht/Brown21.7
2019 MiamiEnos25.55
2020 MiamiLashlee34.3
2021 MiamiLashlee34
2022 MiamiGattis18.5
What do yall want this man to say? I am going to fire my coaches and bring in 30 people from the portal in? Come on. He's got to give you coach speak while saying we aren't playing/executing well. He's even said a few times its on him and the staff.

Quit trying to derive **** from fluff media pieces. It's the same with his comments post game. He never said anyone quit. A reporter asked if any players gave up. Mario said he didn't know and would need to watch tape, but there was no room in the program for quitters. Then many of you and the media run with it.
Some of yall need to touch grass for a few months. Maybe watch the games on replay or something. Yall going stir crazy.
I would be happy if instead of saying "we gotta get back to work" he said "we gotta get back to work but we also need to evaluate what's working and what's not working - and make changes accordingly". That would signal to me that he's planning on doing an honest eval and is willing to change for the good of the program. When I hear him say we gotta get back to work all I hear is we're going to keep doing the same thing and improve the players without wanting to address the scheme/coaching changes that are needed.
This style of offense isn't going to work because we don't have the personnel to run the ball like Mario and Gattis want to. See below for how putrid this offense is compared to what has worked in the past. The only way we're going to succeed with the type of offense Mario/Gattis want to run is to have elite physical offensive linemen and that is going to take 2-3 years of recruiting. And given the amount of losses that will continue to pile up with this offensive style he may not even be able to recruit this type of olinemen since recruits will be expecting some results before jumping in the boat. But yea lets continue producing 18 pts per game and see how this shakes out.

TeamOCPPG vs P5 Teams
2016 MiamiRicht/Brown29.3
2017 MiamiRicht/Brown25.91
2018 MiamiRicht/Brown21.7
2019 MiamiEnos25.55
2020 MiamiLashlee34.3
2021 MiamiLashlee34
2022 MiamiGattis18.5
Any offensive line regardless of scheme or style should be able to get enough push to get a half yard. Any defensive line regardless of scheme or style should be able to get enough push to get into the endzone from the 2 yard line in 4 tries.
Holy ****!!! Wat the **** are some of you talking about!?! Most ppl are just saying beat Duke and MTSU. Why are u guys cutting these dudes so much slack?

Losing to these bad teams "needs to happen" and "the fans need to buy into the rebuild". That's garbage!!!

Duke has a 1st year head coach n flipped over the roster, they seem to have no problems on Saturday.

Hold ppl accountable geezz, why are excuses being made for grown *** men making millions and are really really really underperforming.
We are less talented than duke. Forget the fact that their 1st year head coach went in raw on mario. Not even any spit. ******* dry!!!
I would be happy if instead of saying "we gotta get back to work" he said "we gotta get back to work but we also need to evaluate what's working and what's not working - and make changes accordingly". That would signal to me that he's planning on doing an honest eval and is willing to change for the good of the program. When I hear him say we gotta get back to work all I hear is we're going to keep doing the same thing and improve the players without wanting to address the scheme/coaching changes that are needed.
The scheme changed drastically from week 4 to 5. ****, even changed in the duke game before TVD got hurt. Let's see if it continues. Lets see what they do on defense. Everybody harping on the offense and I think more creativity is needed on defense.

They rebuilt the scheme to fit what TVD does best on offense; its apparent. Let's see what they do for Jake.

But expecting anything drastic to happen 7 games in is a pipe dream. Manny was smart enough to get rid of Enos and others after 1 yr. Let's see if Mario, Dan, and Zo are as smart come end of season. My fear is whatever stupid *** contract they gave gattis prevents it from happening and then we simply say Mario is reluctant to change. Hopefully an Alum foots the bill and they go get a decent OC who is okay with their OL line coach already being filled.
Clear difference between Duke and Miami. Duke has players and staff that believe in each other, Miami does not. The players quit. The staff needs to own that, but at the end of the day the players have no pride in themselves, each other, the school, the fans....
It was. We lost the game right there, IMO. It's like we aren't good enough to change the outcome, once the momentum goes against us. Once things go bad, for whatever reason (coaching, scheme, play calls, talent, infighting, feeling sorry for ourselves, blind *** refs, whatever the fucc), it fuccin keeps going bad. Going forward, I would like to see that change. We got to be able to make big momentum changing plays, when **** go wrong.
That sequence should in no way, shape, or form lost the game against a Duke-level squad.
Clear difference between Duke and Miami. Duke has players and staff that believe in each other, Miami does not. The players quit. The staff needs to own that, but at the end of the day the players have no pride in themselves, each other, the school, the fans....
Well said. This was my exact reaction after the game on Saturday.
Any offensive line regardless of scheme or style should be able to get enough push to get a half yard. Any defensive line regardless of scheme or style should be able to get enough push to get into the endzone from the 2 yard line in 4 tries.
This offensive line couldn’t get a push last year either and we were able to produce 16 ppg more. If we had adapted our scheme/coaching this offseason to our personnel we would have at least been as productive as last year which would have yielded at least 2 more wins. Changes need to made this off-season or we will continue to flounder.
The scheme changed drastically from week 4 to 5. ****, even changed in the duke game before TVD got hurt. Let's see if it continues. Lets see what they do on defense. Everybody harping on the offense and I think more creativity is needed on defense.

They rebuilt the scheme to fit what TVD does best on offense; its apparent. Let's see what they do for Jake.

But expecting anything drastic to happen 7 games in is a pipe dream. Manny was smart enough to get rid of Enos and others after 1 yr. Let's see if Mario, Dan, and Zo are as smart come end of season. My fear is whatever stupid *** contract they gave gattis prevents it from happening and then we simply say Mario is reluctant to change. Hopefully an Alum foots the bill and they go get a decent OC who is okay with their OL line coach already being filled.
They absolutely changed the scheme but it was too late and it’s still not producing enough points. This staff tried to fit a square peg into a round hole all off-season and then tried to make a change in-season when it was evident it’s not working.

They should have made the changes in the off-season when they could have repped and fine tuned this offense - the school is paying top dollar for the staff to evaluate this team correctly. This team with a competent offensive staff would be 5-2 today at worst.

As to if Mario will make changes - I hope so but I also get the feeling that Mario will be hard headed and continue down with this style of play. I will be more than happy to say I was wrong if he makes the needed changes.
If you were the coach what would you say? I understand they suck right now but you don't say that? Please paraphrase what you would say?