Mario Addresses Disgruntled Parents

Give it all you want homie but don't run to the law like a ***** when you get it
I ain't have to run, dip****.
And you're lucky they deleted something a lot kore worse I wanted to say to your punk ***.
Yall need to thank the good Christ that there's a such thing called the internet and message boards yall ***** asses can hide behind.
January will be six years driving a semi truck for a living. 650,000 miles.

I ran the roads, hauled the freight, through snow, mountains, high winds and heavy rain. I've been in some dangerous areas (philly was NO joke, you didnt **** around in there) to deliver freight.

And I did it without mommy and daddy holding my hand. We send 18 year olds to combat, and mommy and daddy aint there either. I'm sorry, there comes a time where you have to cut the apron strings.

You are either willing to put the work in or your aren't. As biggie said, "There ain't no such thing as halfway crooks.". On the '01 team, what do you think would happen if a player walked off the field? The coaches would be the least of their problems. The players would step up.

Major Payne said it best:

*pop your ***-tay out his mouth*
Yo, man...

Find a different gif you stealing my CIS shtick

In the past few seasons, he’s been contacted by USC (allegedly), Auburn, Florida & I’m sure others. Add in what Miami ponied up to pay him & what Oregon was willing to go up to (rumor was $10 million)..

Not too bad for Average Joe. 🤷🏻‍♂️
We should all be so average.