Mario Addresses Disgruntled Parents

In high school, me and this other guy were the last two cuts on the varsity bball team, man I was distraught, bball was my first love. The next day, the other kid was on the team because his father spoke to the head coach (had a relationship with him a lil). Man I was ****ed and wished I was put back on the team. But looking back at it, I'm happy I did not go complain to my parents to talk to the coach, always thought that was a bich *** move. Decided to lift for football. dont be a bich
Yea If I was cut because of politics and knew I was sorry af and didn’t have a future in that specific sport, I wouldn’t want nobody to get involved either and world just walk away too. 🤷🏾‍♂
Talks about not calling out **** on social media, then says in an interview for parent to come get his kid. Why not decline to comment and handle it in private the same way you want them to handle it in private? Nobodys saying the parent was right, but think its a bad look to talk like the player you just recruited is that easily replaceable.
You totally miss the point..........the actions speak louder than words.......
Mario said be man enough to speak up as an adult face to face, and not go running to Dad and Mom with your football problems, and those parents in turn post on social media with commentary
We do not wimp out on addressing issues, we do it by looking each other in the eye....(old school way of doing things)..... If this does not fit you, then pick up your kid and leave.
We are not changing how we operate to fit your social media pushing, so go......
Very explicit.
25-30 recruits. 10-15 portal. 40 new players means 47% new roster.

You include the 26 he added last year from recruiting (15) + portal (11) and you have 66 "Mario" guys on the roster.

Turned over 78% of the roster in just 18 months from when he got hired (assuming the portal guys are all done by May).
That's if you do not attrit any of the 2022 class.
I ain't have to run, dip****.
And you're lucky they deleted something a lot kore worse I wanted to say to your punk ***.
Yall need to thank the good Christ that there's a such thing called the internet and message boards yall ***** asses can hide behind.
dis gon b gud this is gonna be good GIF
Yeah but he shouldn't be dealing with parents at all..these "kids" are adults. They can have the conversations on their own and make their own decisions with their parents' guidance...

College coaches should not have to answer to parents about their kid's playing time.
It’s crazy to think that he shouldn’t have to deal with parents at all. These same coach’s sits in the parents home to recruit their son. As a parent, you trust that coach to help develop your son as a football player and as a man. Parents are sending their child off on their own for the first time so when that trust is broken, it’s human nature to step in and see what’s going on with your child.

With that said. It’s a line between being involved and being overly involved. I don’t agree with the going to social media at all but most coaches will get the parent involved if the player can’t get his act right before giving him the boot. At the college I played ball at, your parents would be contacted and brought in for a meeting with the player after a second failed drug test. So if the coach can reach out to the parent, why can’t the parent reach out to the coach if they see an issue?

Everytime a parent reaches out to a coach about an issue, it’s not always about stepping down on the coach. Sometimes they just want a better understanding of the situation because they only got half truths or one side of the story from their son. I’m most cases, I’d think the coach would rather meet with the player and his parents to work out an issue after multiple attempts because the parents might be able to get through to their child who they have raised for 18 years more then the coaches can who’ve only known the player for 1-2 years.

I somewhat understand the negative comments because the parents were a big reason why I stopped coaching little league for a little bit. I’ve also dealt with politics during my time in high school. The good ole boys and kids who had parents on the booster club was playing over a lot of us who were wayyyyy better then them. The same Timmys we were whooping and laying out in practice. (Something that was a well known issue throughout the community and my parents warned me about before going to that school but I begged and pleaded to go their to go to school and play with my friends.) And that’s why that school would only win 4-5 games a year. My dad had a respectful conversation with the coach and that was that. He didn’t blast the coach or anything extra. He simply transferred me to another school at the end of the school year and I’m grateful to him for that because I most likely wouldn’t have had the opportunity to play college ball had I just dealt with it and stayed at that school.

I say all that to say, things aren’t so black and white like this board makes everything out to be, but that’s how it is when we comment on things we don’t know the circumstances on. Just like with life, it’s about how you handle things.
Yea If I was cut because of politics and knew I was sorry af and didn’t have a future in that specific sport, I wouldn’t want nobody to get involved either and world just walk away too. 🤷🏾‍♂


My principal is why be somewhere, where you are not wanted, just my opinion
What players do you guys think will hit the portal? Purely guessing

Jake Garcia
Thad Franklin
Jalen Harrell
Romello Brinson
Avantae Williams
Keyshawn Smith
Avery Huff
Chantz Williams
Keyshawn Smith
Jacolby George
Khamari Rodgers
Tecroy Couch
Isiah Dunson
Let the chips fall where they do. No point in speculating like that. No surprises
Btw, it’s some real hoe *** dudes on this board. If you give one of them a negative reaction on a post you come across, they will go through your post history or wait until you post just to give you a negative reaction out of spite. Same dudes who are quick to call others soft. Real bytch made hoe tendencies 😂😂😂😂