Manny Navarro on Jaccuri

It's these same dudes who get their feelings hurt any time there's even a rumor that a kid might transfer. If the kid sucks so bad, why get all bothered about him leaving?
Bruh, I can't rap my head around it lmao
I can't understand the infatuation with this player. Not sure if you remember just how bad he was at throwing the ball. Just because hes a great athlete, big and can run doesn't make him a great qb. Seems like he was beaten out by the true freshman. I'm ok if he tranfers, anywhere. Weve beated qbs way better than he's shown. I get wanting to see him play when the starter has 11 picks or maybe have some packages for him to run the ball. But if he was ready he would have won the back up job at least.
But he wasn’t that bad though. And the stats prove it. Yeah he was inaccurate at times, no doubt, especially on his deep ball, but he overall completed 64 percent of his passes and many of the incompletions were drops. Behind a depleted oline due to injuries last year in SHATTIS’ trash *** offense! He has had another season of training, so how could not have improved as a passer? He ain’t sitting around while other players are at practice smh. He practices everyday just like everyone else during team, individual and position group sessions. He (and his family) WANTED to redshirt, and EVERYONE knows that. So you saying he lost the backup spot to Williams is just stupidity.
I’m completely bewildered as to why he hasn’t played at all that’s why Navarro’s explanation made sense. It hadn’t crossed my mind that was why he was being held because he’s leaving.

His skill set seems ideal for the strengths of this team- strong offensive line and physical running game. Also as a passer based on what we saw last year it doesn’t seem any worse than Emory. Plus he’d be playing behind a line where the quarterback has forever to throw so he’d be mechanically sound and wouldn’t have to rush his throws like he did last year.

We know Emory is a gamer and maybe he processes well but he’s a horrendous passer of the football. I can’t imagine Jaccuri let alone any D1 quarterback having a game like he did against FSU. I’ve never heard of a quarterback going 8-23 in a game. Not even the old wishbone quarterbacks did that.

I guess Dawson is incapable of making adjustments and sticks with the plan no matter the circumstances. As an aside it was such a contrast to the Michigan Penn State game right before where Michigan completely scrapped their game plan after the first two series when they realized they couldn’t handle Chop Robinson and the penn state pressure on passing plays. Instead they decided to turn the penn state strength into a weakness and brought in the extra lineman and sealed the edges to bust the long runs.
He's way worse of a passer than Emory....
There was a lot of talk last year that Jacurri wanted to redshirt because he knew he wasn't ready just yet, but was thrust into a starting position because of injuries and Garcia's uneven play. If the discussions internally and the intention was to redshirt him this year, that's an entirely plausible explanation too. Mario expressed an affinity for him too. I don't think he's leaving. He's likely got as good a position to start here given how bare that room may be next year; leaving and starting over elsewhere doesn't seem to make too much sense.
I don’t know why people say he wanted to redshirt because he thinks he wasn’t ready lol. Who told you this? Did Brown himself tell you this?
I view things in this way:

1) Jacurri should be getting a chance to play now and not Tyler.

2) Jacurri has a skill set being dual threat that as coaches, they should want to develop and at least see where it is in live play vs just what they see in practice.

3) QB development (lack there of) is very concerning. I want to see Jacurri for better or worse.

4) Emory was ok. He didn’t show me anything to say, yeah, he’s a dude we can build with in the future. He has a lot of nice intangibles that I don’t see with Tyler but he has no where near the set of skills even Jacurri or Tyler have let alone other top freshman. He certainly has room for growth but nothing he’s shown so far tells me to put any eggs in that basket long term.

5) We are going to need 2 portal QBs if Jacurri leaves.
He's way worse of a passer than Emory....
In a vacuum, yes. But if we’re going to run a bunch of quick screens and passes within 5 yards, I honestly don’t know that he’s shown to be “way worse”, and I definitely don’t think it’s enough of a gap to make up for the advantage he brings with his legs.

Lake mentioned it on the pod they put out yesterday, but Knighton had his best rushing day as a Cane in the GT game Jacurri started. I don’t know if there’s a database showing yards per carry for backs with a certain qb in the game, but I’d be curious what that looked like for our backs last season.

It blows my mind that some (not saying you, just in general) still can’t understand the gravity a mobile qb brings to the field. It’s the same argument that was happening in basketball with teams that loaded up on shooting before people finally realized the advantage it gives a team. It creates space, which creates advantageous situations.
Doesn't matter how long you watch football....that old saying always holds true. The most popular player within a fanbase (when things aren't going well) is the backup QB, or in this case the backup-backup QB.

He's not a good QB. It's hilarious to me how overrated he is by some of you. He's an inaccurate QB who makes bad decisions and is NOWHERE NEAR AS "ATHLETIC" as most of you think he is. If he was a dynamic runner I could at least see it.....but there's a big difference between being mobile and being an uber athletic athlete/runner.

Let's just say I'd be absolutely thrilled if he ended up at FSU. Miami's 2024 QB isn't on the roster yet....and for that you can point your vitriol at the person that deserves it, Mario Cristobal. We're on his third recruiting class and he STILL hasn't landed a high pedigree recruit at THE most important position within the sport.
I don’t know why people say he wanted to redshirt because he thinks he wasn’t ready lol. Who told you this? Did Brown himself tell you this?
Sure. Stuff gets thrown around here and it somehow turns into gospel. Is it true? I don't know. I do think there may have been articles or little quotes here and there that verified this but I honestly don't recall at this point.
In a vacuum, yes. But if we’re going to run a bunch of quick screens and passes within 5 yards, I honestly don’t know that he’s shown to be “way worse”, and I definitely don’t think it’s enough of a gap to make up for the advantage he brings with his legs.

Lake mentioned it on the pod they put out yesterday, but Knighton had his best rushing day as a Cane in the GT game Jacurri started. I don’t know if there’s a database showing yards per carry for backs with a certain qb in the game, but I’d be curious what that looked like for our backs last season.

It blows my mind that some (not saying you, just in general) still can’t understand the gravity a mobile qb brings to the field. It’s the same argument that was happening in basketball with teams that loaded up on shooting before people finally realized the advantage it gives a team. It creates space, which creates advantageous situations.
Pretty sure everyone understands the benefits of a mobile QB.

What some are pushing back on is JB appears to struggle passing so any advantage is likely negated by the lack of a passing threat.

No right answer here but maybe I'm naive that I think the guys making $10M a year with their jobs on the line are playing the QB they believe gives them the best chance to win.
Pretty sure everyone understands the benefits of a mobile QB.

What some are pushing back on is JB appears to struggle passing so any advantage is likely negated by the lack of a passing threat.

No right answer here but maybe I'm naive that I think the guys making $10M a year with their jobs on the line are playing the QB they believe gives them the best chance to win.
Not saying people don’t understand what the benefits are. I’m saying I think there are a lot of people that downplay how significant those benefits are, especially in the college game.

And yeah this would be the first time a coach has ever failed in determining who gives them the best chance to win. Definitely feels like they’ve been making the right choice all year.
All I can say is that if Brown transfers out, we sure as **** better have something in play with a transfer replacement.
Brown is a tremendous athletic talent, and although he might not be the best option as a passing QB right now, he will have success in the right system or even with an OC that can adapt to what he can do.

Regardless, we have a lack of depth at QB right now, especially in guys that we can trust to lead our team behind our OL, backfield and WR core.
Agree he’s a good athlete but throwing is a pretty important skill in and non-triple option offense.
What does Emory do better than Jacurri? The numbers certainly don’t indicate that he’s a better passer?

I know we all like to nitpick PFF but Jacurri had a 72 grade last year vs Emory with a 62 this year. And Emory has a dramatically better supporting cast.

FYI Travis was a 69 his first year playing.
the fact that we are even having a conversation like this and a guy like Navarro even has a voice on the subject is due to the incompetence of one person.....
The amount of gossip and bs being put out on this situation is beyond f’d up. If he was told to go in the game he would 100 % play. Most expected him to get snaps last week and that’s why he took the snaps he did last week.
Do you know if there is any expectation this week?
What does Emory do better than Jacurri? The numbers certainly don’t indicate that he’s a better passer?

I know we all like to nitpick PFF but Jacurri had a 72 grade last year vs Emory with a 62 this year. And Emory has a dramatically better supporting cast.

FYI Travis was a 69 his first year playing.
Yeah, I don't know that Emory is that much better a passer to give him an advantage over a guy in JB that can extend plays and add a different element to an offense. An admittedly small sample size for both.
I’d love to know how that all got started, because the idea of someone telling Mario he wouldn’t play and Mario not losing his **** immediately and kicking him off the team with a rant that would make everyone think Kiffin is a saint is absolutely hilarious to me.