Manny Navarro on Jaccuri


@Cribby done told yall there is more to the situation! It’s obviously nobody’s business or it would be known. The kid has been a model teammate on the sideline and had enough self awareness to want to redshirt.

For folks to just be badmouthing this kid with absolutely NO PROOF or EVIDENCE, is ****ed up. @Cribby said if he were asked to play, the kid would play. What more you need to know to get off the kid’s back? Why are the mods even letting these “rumors” swirl around like this? Da ****?

@Cribby done told yall there is more to the situation! It’s obviously nobody’s business or it would be known. The kid has been a model teammate on the sideline and had enough self awareness to want to redshirt.

For folks to just be badmouthing this kid with absolutely NO PROOF or EVIDENCE, is ****ed up. @Cribby said if he were asked to play, the kid would play. What more you need to know to get off the kid’s back? Why are the mods even letting these “rumors” swirl around like this? Da ****?
He would’ve played and wanted to. Regardless if he were to leave it has no barring on him playing. The redshirt is saved. He practiced as if he was getting burn and players thought he would.

This stuff is so irresponsible.
I mean we went off in the 2nd quarter. So you wouldn't want him in there. We were trying to comeback in the 4th so don't want him in there. I'd say Jacurri could have gotten snaps in the 3rd... But I don't walk out of the FSU home and really think Jacurri was the difference in Winning and Losing. He probably could have helped our run game after Don Chaney went down...
I'm amazed of the near sighted thinking on this board when it comes to Jaccuri. Many of you are trusting the evaluation of Mario which to not only laughable but hilarious. This man has no clue how to develop a QB. Some of you have even said he is not a good runner or athletic. My goodness leave the kid alone. He has been a MODEL teammate and hasn't been a moper. When given the chance to play he has done fine. May I point out the progression of Travis Jordan and when came up he couldn't throw nor was he accurate. That kid will be in NY for the Heisman award. That's what happens with good coaching. The kid has a rocket for an arm, is physical, and a heck of a runner. He may or may not play QB but another position may suit him well. Mario has not given this kid a chance and who cares what he did in practice because that's not a real game situation. MARIO HAS ROCKS IN HIS BRAINS and I think some of you here may be in the same boat. THIS KID WAS NEVER EVER GIVEN THE CHANCE IN A LIVE SITUATION PLAYING THE ENTIRE GAME. I wish him well and I hope he proves Mario wrong along with many of you. I don't blame him one bit for wanting to leave because Mario has no clue what he's doing on offense and the players know that. The kid has a ton of natural talent and we just don't have the coaching acumen to fulfill Jaccuri's upside. I dont what the upside playing TVD is but I can sure see the downside.
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Manny said he was purely speculating and that he had no real information. This is what happens when everyone’s eyes are telling them, “Man this doesn’t make any sense”. People start making shît up to make sense out of what is inexplicable.

Jacurri should’ve played at some point last game. Why he isn’t getting an opportunity is mind blowing. You don’t need accuracy to throw a screen pass.

Mario’s decision making and evaluation of the quarterback position should be questioned. We’ve seen too much bad to have blind faith.
I'm amazed of the near sighted thinking on this board when it comes to Jaccuri. Many of you are trusting of the evaluation of Mario which to not only laughable but hilarious. This man has no clue how to develop a QB. Some of you have even said he is not a good runner or athletic. My goodness leave the kid alone. He has been a MODEL teammate and hasn't been a moper. When given the chance to play he has done fine. May I point out the progression of Travis Jordan and we came up he couldn't throw nor was he accurate. That kid will be in NY for the Heisman award. That's what happens with good coaching. The kid has a rocket for an arm, is physical, and a heck of a runner. He may or may not play QB but another position may suit him well. Mario has not given this kid a chance and who cares what he did in practice because that's not a real game situation. MARIO HAS ROCKS IN HIS BRAINS and I think some of you here may be in the same boat. THIS KID WAS NEVER EVER GIVEN THE CHANCE IN A LIVE SITUATION PLAYING THE ENTIRE GAME. I wish him well and I hope he proves Mario wrong along with many of you. I don't blame him one bit for wanting to leave because Mario has no clue what he's doing on offense and the players know that. The kid has a ton of natural talent and we just don't have the coaching acumen to fulfill Jaccuri's upside. I dont what the upside playing TVD is but I can sure see the downside.
Jacurri has done nothing to make anyone believe he can complete even the must basic passes on a consistent basis.
I mean we went off in the 2nd quarter. So you wouldn't want him in there. We were trying to comeback in the 4th so don't want him in there. I'd say Jacurri could have gotten snaps in the 3rd... But I don't walk out of the FSU home and really think Jacurri was the difference in Winning and Losing. He probably could have helped our run game after Don Chaney went down...
The perfect opportunity to put Jacurri in the game was right before halftime. 3rd and 1 on the 4 yard line. We don’t call a timeout for some reason after Emory hits Breshard for a 9 yard game. We lose 6 yards on a mark Fletcher handoff and end up kicking a field goal.

The end of that drive is a perfect example of Mario’s horrific game management skills. At minimum you call a timeout with 30 seconds left on 3rd and 1 and you get a play that you love. Even if it’s not JB read option with Fletcher get your guys into a better situation.

We end up leaving our 3rd timeout in our pocket and kicking a field goal to tie the game. Life with Mario lol
He has never played in a full game so your argument is meaningless. Please tell me what TVD has done in the past 4 games. Yeah it's been a stellar preformance and let the kid play. He certainly makes things happen with his legs and can get the ball downfield. Please tell me in a game siuation how poorly the kid has done. The answer is NOTHING at all. Your argument is baseless because there is nothing to fairly judge Jacurri EXCEPT PRACTICE!
Just listened to Navarro discussing Jaccuri and he said the only reason that Miami isn't playing him is because he's transferring and doesn't want to get hurt before entering the portal. Basically that's the only plausible reason that he hasn't played. Actually makes a lot of sense. One place I would not want to see him is FSU. If Norvell did what he did with Travis imagine how good Jaccuri would be.
Travis was a poor passer but ... still had better results than we've ever seen from Jacurri. Travis threw picks (correctable) but not dirt balls (maybe not so correctable).
TVD needs any chance he can get to improve his rock-bottom draft stock.
I hate to break this to you…. Tyler isn’t getting drafted this year. It doesn’t matter what happens over the next 3 games. You should’ve said he needs to play well so he doesn’t end up at UCONN next fall.
First of all, he didn’t say that this is what’s actually going on.
He literally said that he has no inside information and he’s just a reporter and gives his opinion. He said that no one in the program has told him anything about J Browns status with exception that he’s redshirting. He’s also perplexed on why he hasn’t been out on the field at any capacity especially since he can’t burn his redshirt now even if he starts both games.

He said that he believes the most logical explanation on why he hasn’t played appears to be that he doesn’t want to get hurt and go onto the transfer portal.
Similar to what King did.

But just as many insiders are saying that J Brown ain’t leaving.

I’m not trying to defend him, but the way this post started made it seem like he was actually telling everybody the facts about brown when it’s just him guessing just like we all are.
Wow! Good stuff man. It's very rare to read A voice of reason!!
I view things in this way:

1) Jacurri should be getting a chance to play now and not Tyler.

2) Jacurri has a skill set being dual threat that as coaches, they should want to develop and at least see where it is in live play vs just what they see in practice.

3) QB development (lack there of) is very concerning. I want to see Jacurri for better or worse.

4) Emory was ok. He didn’t show me anything to say, yeah, he’s a dude we can build with in the future. He has a lot of nice intangibles that I don’t see with Tyler but he has no where near the set of skills even Jacurri or Tyler have let alone other top freshman. He certainly has room for growth but nothing he’s shown so far tells me to put any eggs in that basket long term.

5) We are going to need 2 portal QBs if Jacurri leaves.
We need 2 no matter the outcome, even though that is not the Miami way. If Jacurri leaves, we will need 3.
We need 2 no matter the outcome, even though that is not the Miami way. If Jacurri leaves, we will need 3.
Agree on 3 if we don’t take 2 high school QBs but that is going to be really hard to pull off trying to convince 3 transfers. Hard but easier to convince 2 to come.
I'm amazed of the near sighted thinking on this board when it comes to Jaccuri. Many of you are trusting the evaluation of Mario which to not only laughable but hilarious. This man has no clue how to develop a QB. Some of you have even said he is not a good runner or athletic. My goodness leave the kid alone. He has been a MODEL teammate and hasn't been a moper. When given the chance to play he has done fine. May I point out the progression of Travis Jordan and when came up he couldn't throw nor was he accurate. That kid will be in NY for the Heisman award. That's what happens with good coaching. The kid has a rocket for an arm, is physical, and a heck of a runner. He may or may not play QB but another position may suit him well. Mario has not given this kid a chance and who cares what he did in practice because that's not a real game situation. MARIO HAS ROCKS IN HIS BRAINS and I think some of you here may be in the same boat. THIS KID WAS NEVER EVER GIVEN THE CHANCE IN A LIVE SITUATION PLAYING THE ENTIRE GAME. I wish him well and I hope he proves Mario wrong along with many of you. I don't blame him one bit for wanting to leave because Mario has no clue what he's doing on offense and the players know that. The kid has a ton of natural talent and we just don't have the coaching acumen to fulfill Jaccuri's upside. I dont what the upside playing TVD is but I can sure see the downside.
You wanna hate Mario fine but just cause you put **** in caps doesn't make it so. He has in fact played entire games...i believe started a few. Just not this year - maybe they don't want to waste snaps on him if he ultimately wants to leave. Whether that's the right decision or not is debatable. I personally want to win games and if he can help us win the max 4 he can play then play him. But all the other stuff is you piling on Mario cause he hasn't won. He may have rocks in his brains but at least he's won a couple more conference titles in the last few years than we have in two decades. He may not have developed Herbert as much as you like but his numbers looked alot better every year from 2017 to 2019 when he coached him. And he isn't exactly winning **** in the nfl either. So maybe we give it a chance and get behind it cause the alternative looks awfully bleak as yet another coach fails here. As much as people like to come in here just to hope it into reality it seems sometimes.
Agree this is probably false info, but wouldn't surprise me as Mario seems like a beta versus the alpha he tries to be

All the people who were worried...
