Malik Rosier on why TVD should start vs UNC

I say the future is now go garcia let's see what he's got as a starter?What happens next year when tvd comes back because he didn't have a good enough season.?Are we ready to see Garcia transfer? I doubt he will want to sit behind tvd again.we are constantly wanting young guys to get a shot at every other position well let's do the same here.
Garcia needs to start...

The peanut gallery needs a new scapegoat.
Andre The Giant No GIF
I have mixed feelings about our offense under Lashlee. On one hand our passing game really took off, but people forget how horrid our running game had become, and I think it caused our O-Line to develop a soft mentality. I just don’t want Miami to ever become a program that drops back and throws it 40-50 times a game...that’s never been our M.O. There’s times throughout the season where a power run game is extremely beneficial. The problem is that we just aren’t taking nearly enough shots downfield.
Saying if you start Garcia next weekend, means you have to stick with him, is 100% correct. But if the offense doesn’t change, you don’t have a choice. As it stands today, TVD is unplayable. Like I’ve said for a couple weeks now, change the offense or change the QB. Period. There are no half measures that will work.
I have mixed feelings about our offense under Lashlee. On one hand our passing game really took off, but people forget how horrid our running game had become, and I think it caused our O-Line to develop a soft mentality. I just don’t want Miami to ever become a program that drops back and throws it 40-50 times a game...that’s never been our M.O. There’s times throughout the season where a power run game is extremely beneficial. The problem is that we just aren’t taking nearly enough shots downfield.
Run game looked really awesome Saturday. It seemed to this untrained eye it was the same crap of running up the middle into the teeth we saw last year.
Right now, hard to see an NFL future for TVD. Not much call these days at the professional level for lumbering, highly "sackable" QBs.
Funny thing, though, is that there was plenty of interest last season when he was a QB who threw for over 300 yards with multiple TDs in six games.

But now he’s a confused, lumbering, sackable interception machine. Wonder why.
What does his ability/play as a QB have to do with anything?

He knows more about football than likely every poster on this board. You want to trust him or #1canesfan69 or some other random, nameless, faceless poster?

He offered an intelligent opinion. You can disagree with it but to criticize his play is not necessary.

TVD set the tone on the MTSU game. That alone is a demotion. It cannot happen. You add in no fire or leadership to own it and rally the guys on the sidelines. He also struggled vs A&M and Southern Miss.
Garcia needs his shot. If anything, you get a better idea if Gattis is the one who should be canned. If Garcia struggles too than we know it’s more than just TVD having a sophomore slump. Either way, I think we lose one of them to the portal bc TVD ain’t going pro after this year.
Right now, coming off a bye and an extra week to prep, I would roll with TVD.
Why? NC going to stack the box, taking away the short passes and the run, forcing TVD to go more down field. He won't have time and he's not very mobile, nor is he very good throwing on the run. He's going to get killed back there.
Some of yall... my goodness. Just like everything in life you want the shiny new things. Based off what tvd did last year and even game 1 this year you have to give him another shot for multiple reasons. First Mario has been thumping that hes one of the best in the nation. If you bench tvd it possibly ruins his dream to go to the NFL which honestly could have been the coaches fault for forcing this b10 offense down their throats and not catering to what aided us to go 5-1 down the stretch that's on the coaches who are refusing to cater the offense which i remember a certain coach saying they tailor to the players.. cough. Another huge negative would be from a recruits standpoint all they have seen is tvd preseason AA and what not if you straight bench him what does that tell other players? have 1 or 2 bad games and you're done for good? come on be sensible.

alright finally if you hooligans go back and watch the game yall loved Jake because he like to rip it but ill tell you what you guys will be complaining your asses off when we have multiple 3 and outs because hes not taking what he should be and going for the big plays all the time. which i understand hes young and will do that. but just like the last couple of drives we saw glimpses of Jake sputtering because he wasn't hitting the deep ball. You have to start tvd with a prove it or lose it agreement to see if he can get out of his head. its a perfect time with a bye week to prep both guys. but you have to give him one more shot. for everyone getting on the qb I'm surprised we haven't seen more about the defense because honestly they are the reason we lost. Anyways hope yall are coping well, I'm trying stay busy but seem to still creep to this **** board