Malik Rosier on why TVD should start vs UNC

Tvd has terrible body language and is playing ******. Can’t start him over Garcia imo. Questionable playing calling or not The throws he’s missing can not happen for a starting power 5 qb. It just can’t happen

TVD has transcended to the Malweak Zone.

It's a special place that sucks more than anything has ever sucked before, a place were all dreams crash before your eyes and you utterly fail all those around you.

Quick hits? The guy can’t put touch on a ball to save his life. Here’s a rocket to your face mask as you turn. Here’s a rocket to the turf 5 feed wide.

Your right he was torching the ball on a few of his throws, but anything that takes long to develop is going to expose our OL inability to pick up the blitz. I cant say I recall that being a consistent problem with him tough.
Jake was thrown into a dumpster fire with his first real snaps in a real game where we were losing. I’ll give him that slack all day long. TVD literally **** down his leg from the first snap. It’s unacceptable.
I'm not going to disagree with. He gets a pass for limited reps.

I start TVD for the reasons I stated. If TVD has another bad outing, Jake replaces him early in the game.
May be unpopular with some around here but why should any stock be put into Malik’s opinion? I’m appreciative of some of the good times he contributed to the program, specifically in 2017, but what gives? An athletic, gritty, sub 50% passer against anyone with a pulse who admitted he did not study film for a chunk of his career here thinks his client should start. Color me shocked. I had high hopes like many others for TVD. But mentally and mechanically he’s been a disaster thus far. I’m no fan of Gattis at this point. But the reality is we have an indecisive QB with no confidence who is missing the easiest of throws. Maybe there’s a correlation between his performance and the decision to work with someone in the off-season who also missed easy throws, often had poor body language when the going got tough, and was often a mechanical disaster.

On a more important note. I hope all on the gulf coast here stay safe and blessed.
Don’t forget the girlfriend golfer whom he rather spend time with on the golf course than prepping for his job.

Just Saying Bernie Sanders GIF by Saturday Night Live
TrumpyCane thinks maybe TVD was never that good

Plenty of QBs have good first seasons and then teams/coaches have film and those QBs then struggle

Wouldn’t be the first time

Not even a full season. Struggled early last year too before they figured it out mid October of last year.

It’s around the same time as last year where things started to click for him so I’m one of the few who doesn’t mind giving him a chance vs UNC. With a much shorter leash this time though.
Tvd been overhyped from get go imo
All I see him do is clap his hands catch ball stare at primary receiver and then throw a ****** pass w no run after catch ability

Rinse and repeat

Give me Jake and let’s go
Tvd been overhyped from get go imo
All I see him do is clap his hands catch ball stare at primary receiver and then throw a ****** pass w no run after catch ability

Rinse and repeat

Give me Jake and let’s go
He was overhyped last year? No run after catch? ****** passes? I suggest you go back and look at clips from last year.

We’re all disappointed in TVD this year, but he was money last year.
If you watch CFF and even to an extent the NFL in 2022 you will see that the QB position has changed dramatically in the last 10-15-20 years. The idea of a "Drop back passer" is extinct. The game has evolved way beyond the Dan Marino, or even Manning type QB's. You have to be an ATHLETE with quick good feet to play QB these days. And that doesn't mean you you have to be Vick. It just means you have to be athletic and very mobile and have the ability to improvise and throw with different arm motions and angles on the move (This was a big NO back in the day). Look at the NFL. Look at CFB.

TVD is not that guy. He is not athletic. He is very heavy and stationary. His feet are heavy and slow and he's not a quick decision maker. His release is slow too, despite his arm. He does not IMPROVICE. TVD would benefit from losing 20+ lbs and doing agility work.

In 2022, most quality HS QB's are trained (Privately and with their HS) to be quick, mobile, and have quick shift mechanics. IMO Garcia is the QB who has the skillset to take BIG steps. The TVD "Hype" was very premature. TVD would not be good in a true up tempo dynamic offence because he lacks the ability to be a mobile threat both in plays called and as an improvised option.

Also, this doesn't mean Gattis is good. He still is horrific and bad.

PS- I grew up believing in the "Pro style QB" era, and had to grow to accept the evolution of the QB position. Bottom line is that you need to be dynamic at QB and have multiple skillsets. It doesn't matter your race, build, etc.
If you watch CFF and even to an extent the NFL in 2022 you will see that the QB position has changed dramatically in the last 10-15-20 years. The idea of a "Drop back passer" is extinct. The game has evolved way beyond the Dan Marino, or even Manning type QB's. You have to be an ATHLETE with quick good feet to play QB these days. And that doesn't mean you you have to be Vick. It just means you have to be athletic and very mobile and have the ability to improvise and throw with different arm motions and angles on the move (This was a big NO back in the day). Look at the NFL. Look at CFB.

TVD is not that guy. He is not athletic. He is very heavy and stationary. His feet are heavy and slow and he's not a quick decision maker. His release is slow too, despite his arm. He does not IMPROVICE. TVD would benefit from losing 20+ lbs and doing agility work.

In 2022, most quality HS QB's are trained (Privately and with their HS) to be quick, mobile, and have quick shift mechanics. IMO Garcia is the QB who has the skillset to take BIG steps. The TVD "Hype" was very premature. TVD would not be good in a true up tempo dynamic offence because he lacks the ability to be a mobile threat both in plays called and as an improvised option.

Also, this doesn't mean Gattis is good. He still is horrific and bad.

PS- I grew up believing in the "Pro style QB" era, and had to grow to accept the evolution of the QB position. Bottom line is that you need to be dynamic at QB and have multiple skillsets. It doesn't matter your race, build, etc.
you need good WRs, but I agree about TVDs feet; they are a big part of what is impacting his performance.
Question for Offensive Gurus (may be addressed elsewhere, didn't see it):
To me, it wasn't just Garcia's accuracy that shifted. It seemed like the play calling changed immediately with Garcia in. Seemed more aggressive. Is this true? Or did he check to different reads that TVD might have been scared of?
Same plays, more aggressive because we were down so jake took chances, some good couple could’ve been picks. Both stared down receivers and missed open guys

TVD has transcended to the Malweak Zone.

It's a special place that sucks more than anything has ever sucked before, a place were all dreams crash before your eyes and you utterly fail all those around you.

**** at least MR could get yards with his legs. Last week TVD made it to the Kirby Freeman zone IMO.

Start him or not, i don't care, but he needs to have a quick hook.