Malik Rosier on why TVD should start vs UNC

Can someone tell me why Malik Rozier is some FB/QB expert and why he has such a vocal Publix opinion on Miami and it’s QB’s?

Your asking why the guy who played and started at QB at Miami thinks he can talk about Miami and it’s QBs????
Too soon to give up on TVD. Sitting him Sat was the right move. Gave him time to catch his breath and get a different view of the O. The bye comes at a great time to give them all time to do some soul searching and figure this **** out.
Point was the change was made and needed. Maybe Mario has the balls everyone was talking about and fires gattis during the season if the offense continues to struggle
Rock and a hard place here. Jake was the better QB last week, but you also don't want to completely kill whatever's left of TVD's confidence. I'd start TVD but would keep him on a very short leash. 1 TO, and he's done for. He has to be given an opportunity to rebound, but he can't sink us again like he did this week.
He was ACC Rookie of the year and had other accolades going in…. He didnt forget how to play overnight…. Dont think Mario is ready to toss all that….

My sincere hope is that Mario and Gattis have a real “come to Jesus” moment and work with Ponce to revamp the passing game in the bye week time…
I am all for playing the better player, but the smart move here strategy-wise is TVD.

If you start Garcia and he struggles, which is entirely possible for a QB in his first meaningful action (IDC how bad UNC's D is), you have a real problem on your hands. Do you then bench Garcia and bench your 2nd QB this season only to revert to TVD (whom you've already benched in favor of Jake)? Now you have real confidence problems with both QBs.

Conversely, start TVD. If he plays well, you can rationalize MTSU as merely a bad game. If he plays poorly, then you've given him every opportunity to prove it and Garcia is the only option at that point.

In other words, ride TVD until the point he becomes unplayable. Otherwise, you risk jumping the gun too soon on a QB that may not be ready and face questions/lingering doubts whether he should have stayed with TVD.

(I can't believe we're having this discussion.)
Gattis asked TVD want plays he wanted to run and most of the plays he ran was similar to last year but TVD didn't have time to throw. and when he did he throw bricks and missed guys 10 yards away by a mile on a few occasions and 1 was a walk in touchdown
Watch Stevo’s game film breakdown. Very interesting. The OL blocking scheme stunk and no adjustments were made all game. Most plays were a losing situation from the snap
You guys are really over analyzing this. Why on earth would you play TVD when he has played this poorly.

Jake came in and gave the team a spark, got the offense moving, pushed the ball down the field and looked in command.

If Mario doesn't play Jake he's going to lose his team, his recruits and Jake will hit the portal.
People need to take a step back and relax for a few reasons. Malik is spot on.

Yes, TVD is uncomfortable and playing poorly, but he does deserve to be back on the field. 18 months of being the better QB doesn't go away based on this seasons sampling thus far. If you sit him down now, he's done here forever. Gone. We saw him play too **** well last season and teams were throwing the kitchen sink at him. It's up to the coaches to take the bye week and figure out how to get that version of TVD back.

Secondly, don't buy into the fallacy of the backup QB so fast, often their floor is even lower. We've seen that here plenty. Backup QB gets a look, plays well, and then the wheels come off even worse than they did for the starter, who you all were in such a hurry to get rid of. From Kirby Freeman to N'kosi Perry, we've seen the savior come undone. Heck, was it against Duke that Malik stepped in for Kayaa? Played well, no doubt, but was he the right answer over Brad? According to some at the time, sure, but in hindsight.... NFW!
My concern with starting Jake is he throws a couple picks and then all **** breaks loose.
All **** has already broke loose. Something is wrong with TVD. Mario says its scheme. I do not think they change the scheme but its possible with a bye. Add on he does not look off safeties and throws to his first read. Three and a half games is enough for me. Not scoring with TVD at QB that is for sure. At least Garcia gave the team a heart beat.
Not true at all. Gone Where? If TVD plays to his level he’s gone next year for the NFL.

If not, he will be replaced by Garcia at some point and TVD will be gone regardless, either the NFL or as a transfer.
TVD's play in the MTSU game was one of the worst performances by a QB I have ever seen.

Playing Jake shouldn't even be up for debate.
TVD's play in the MTSU game was one of the worst performances by a QB I have ever seen.

Playing Jake shouldn't even be up for debate.
I agree it was complete Garbage.

The debate about playing Jake is ending the TVD experience here at Miami (minus injury to Jake) forever. There is no coming back from it. Mario and Gattis will have on their head stone (I am a QB Killer) especially if he transfers and kills it or makes it to the NFL and kills it.
It's a tricky situation, which is why I think they should've made the in-game switch to Jake during the 2nd quarter or at halftime at the latest, while the game was still winable. Then you can let Jake show us what he had and make an informed decision about the QB position going forward. We got to see a bit and I think it was clear he provided a spark, but he still made some questionable throws.

Like Malik mentioned, if we go with Jake, we can't go back to TVD and that will pretty much mean the end of the TVD era here in Miami. I'm OK with that if Jake is the better QB right now.

At this point, it sounds like you have to let it play out in practice and may the best man start the next game. I don't agree with just putting TVD in because they feel that's the safer bet. If he goes in half-asleep again UNC will destroy us.

Also, Gattis and the staff need go back to the drawing board and get something together where the QBs can actually execute and score points. This is clearly not solely the players' fault.
I am all for playing the better player, but the smart move here strategy-wise is TVD.

If you start Garcia and he struggles, which is entirely possible for a QB in his first meaningful action (IDC how bad UNC's D is), you have a real problem on your hands. Do you then bench Garcia and bench your 2nd QB this season only to revert to TVD (whom you've already benched in favor of Jake)? Now you have real confidence problems with both QBs.

Conversely, start TVD. If he plays well, you can rationalize MTSU as merely a bad game. If he plays poorly, then you've given him every opportunity to prove it and Garcia is the only option at that point.

In other words, ride TVD until the point he becomes unplayable. Otherwise, you risk jumping the gun too soon on a QB that may not be ready and face questions/lingering doubts whether he should have stayed with TVD.

(I can't believe we're having this discussion.)
Starting TVD may not be the smart move strategy-wise for the following reasons (among others):

1) TVD now has considerable pressure on him to perform. As in any sport, that can make it tough to perform. He doesn't even have his legs to fall back on.

2) If TVD has a bad start against UNC, we'll likely be down by a ton of points before Jake comes in (and it will be MTSU all over again except against an opponent with higher rated recruits). We could lose a third straight game right out of the gates. UNC can score.

3) Support from the team. We've heard snippets that there are cliques on the team. WE SAW VISUAL EVIDENCE THAT THE ENTHUSIASM OF THE CANES PICKED UP MATERIALLY AFTER JAKE CAME IN. He came in and the team scored 21 points in 1 quarter & six minutes (vs 10 points the rest of the game). Yes, the Key Smith KO return for a TD helped considerably but the offense came alive with Jake in. You could see it. If there are cliques on the team, TVD's clique is hurting dawg. Restrepo is out injured & Mallory isn't making important catches. It may be far smarter to go with the QB who has the greatest level of support from his teammates.

4) Jake can run the ball. TVD cannot against any decent D1 linebackers (as they simply close too fast).

5) Jake has moxy. He's a vocal leader. The other players seem to rally around him. He throws a more catchable ball and his accuracy right now is much, much better. Anyone pointing at stats from MTSU hasn't watched the film. I stopped re-watching about half way into the fourth quarter but his 10 of 19 stat was impacted by two blatant penalties by MTSU defenders that were beaten and a drop (so that accounts for 3 of the 9 misses). I didn't re-watch the rest but we were clearly rushing things at the end.

Based on what we've seen so far this season (and terrible scoring against quality opponents by TVD so far), Jake clearly gives us the best chance to beat UNC at this point. TVD would be under a ton of pressure to perform and he just hasn't looked at all comfortable so far this year. He's been missing targets by a country mile & looks extremely uncomfortable out there. The offense was far more exciting to watch with Jake. Jake came in and made an immediate impact. The offense sprung to life. The product we put out there does matter to recruits. We also need to win the UNC game (by starting fast).