Lane Kiffin is realistic (info).

you mean there could be a conflict of interest?

Conflict of interest? No, I mean that there are plenty of red flags that might not concern an SEC school, but which the UM BOT might take issue with.

Again, I'm not against Kiffin, but consider this. Well-known nutbag Dan Mullet has interviewed with UM twice. TWICE. And failed to get an offer both times. Kiffin was available all those other times (or would have made himself available), and has yet to even be interviewed.

You know who else couldn't get an interview at UM the last couple of times? Butch. And Butch actually proved he could do a great job at UM.

I'm really not sure that Kiffin even gets a full in-person interview at UM, though he definitely has some fans on the BOT. We'll see. I'm not opposed, but I would be very surprised if it gets serious with Kiffin, let alone "he's hired". A lot of things are changing right now, I'm just convinced the BOT gets over the hump with Lane's personality/behavior.
I have my reservations about Kiffin (well literally any realistic candidate) but I can’t deny this would be a lot of fun….at least at first haha

the reality is that our short list is probably Mario/lane/Aranda/stoops (possibly in that order). I have reservations about all of them but they would be solid hires. Mario would be the only guy that I can see being a long term hire so that’s something to consider
Conflict of interest? No, I mean that there are plenty of red flags that might not concern an SEC school, but which the UM BOT might take issue with.

Again, I'm not against Kiffin, but consider this. Well-known nutbag Dan Mullet has interviewed with UM twice. TWICE. And failed to get an offer both times. Kiffin was available all those other times (or would have made himself available), and has yet to even be interviewed.

You know who else couldn't get an interview at UM the last couple of times? Butch. And Butch actually proved he could do a great job at UM.

I'm really not sure that Kiffin even gets a full in-person interview at UM, though he definitely has some fans on the BOT. We'll see. I'm not opposed, but I would be very surprised if it gets serious with Kiffin, let alone "he's hired".
well, him having people who like him who are bot members could maybe help. idk whether mullen had that or not.
Wdym? Mario ain’t coming?
No but he’s super flawed. He’ll win here but there would be a cap because he’s a horrible gameday coach. Kiffin will as well because he doesn’t prioritize defense.

Mark stoops
Dave Aranda
Dave Clawson
Bill Clark as the last resort

Guys who understand you need both. That’s what somebody who wants to win should have as a list. Not gimmicky coaches like Kiffin.
This is whats going on. They been had backchannels with Mario for weeks as I and others previously said. Mario is all about coming home if they show commitment and Blake was gone. If he doesnt come, Lane is 110% looking to take the job. that wasnt a slip up on game day. There is no option #3 at this point.
My biggest concern with Lane is that he's a climber. If Bama or the NFL come calling, I think he leaves Coral Gables.
You don't want to be the guy to replace Sabag even if he starts to slip at the end like Bowden and Paterno. You want to be the guy that replaces the guy that replaced Sabag. And by then Baga might* not be the job that it's viewed as today. Not saying it'll drop as precipitously but it's not that long ago that FSU was universally viewed as an elite college job and it's not too long ago that Baga wasn't.
All of you that want lane…don’t you see? He’s a mercenary, if he does come here and has any sort of success, he WILL leave for a better job as soon as it opens. He’s proven that every place he’s gone.
Not too many better jobs than Miami when we are dominating. Especially if the Coach is getting big time money.