Lane Kiffin is realistic (info).

Smart to get the buzz out there early. Ppl are easy to sway once they know your intent. Smart move CLK.

I dunno, if he doesn't get the job now he's living in a world of ****. Remember when Fuentes went and interviewed at Baylor? Also hurts recruiting. Only way to thrive there now is to sign an extension. Which might be what this is about anyway.
Whoever that Monsta guy on twitter said Our next coach will be going to Tootsie’s with him. Is that a strip club? lol
It's actually not.

I'm not totally opposed to the guy, but please don't underestimate the risk/humiliation aversion discussion that will arise when many on the BOT are considering the possibility of paying him millions of dollars per year.

Too many people on this board want to make this all about wins or playcalling. More to it than that.

It might happen. But there is WAY too much irrational exuberance at this point.
you mean there could be a conflict of interest?
If we get 3 years out of Lane, that's enough for me! Bring him back to SoFL!!!

Honestly, I vacillate between Mario and Lane. They really are 1a and 1b for me. Bring in Lane!!
If he gives us 3 good years where we are competitive and get people talking about Miami again, he will have set us up nicely. Will make Miami potentially a destination for coaches again.
Can't wait to see the raise he's going to get haha especially with the rumored contract we all just heard about