Kirby Smart

Smart was Saban’s right hand DC for years. A transition from Richt to Smart was acceptable, maybe expected.

Diaz was fired by Mack Brown mid-season, and had to rebuild career at Louisiana Tech and Mississippi State.

Big difference.

So because he was under Saban means something?

Maybe thats why hes Saban's *****
So because he was under Saban means something?

Maybe thats why hes Saban's *****

Well, it means he had enough his resume to afford him some time to transition. Unlike Manny.

Smart: Defensive Assistant/Coordinator on multiple NCs at LSU and Alabama
Diaz: DC at Mississippi State, Texas (fired during season), and Louisiana Tech
Ah yes the anecdotal evidence thread. Love these.

The “mess” he inherited was never mentioned until now. So convenient.

Manny was part of this staff and contributed to the mess.

Kirby was at Alabama winningn title after title learning from the greatest college coach ever.

Just stop.
How did Manny contribute to the lack of offensive line development? As DC, how is he responsible for Jarren’s lack don playing time in 2018? Our problems continue to be offensive...and specifically related to o-line. In this regards, Manny is little different than any other Year 1 Head Coach in terms of responsibility.
In Dabo’s first full season, he went 9-5. This was in 2009. He took over on an interim basis in 2008 (he went 4-3).

Bowden went 9-4 in 2007. He was fired (mid-season) in 2008 after going 3-3.

My bad, thanks for the correction.

haha! The logic... we're four games into his coaching career and he can't recruit.

4 years just at Miami genius...Hes the main reason our LB depth is crap. and he hired the defensive staff when he got hired by RIcht so hes responsible for them and their recruiting as well.
Idk why y'all having these discussions like we'll ever be legit title contenders. We will be like everyone in the coastal. Drop 3 games a year, middle of the road team. It's like trying to compare UNC to Clemson, Bama, Georgia. We are now like Duke, UNC, Louisville, Syracuse, wake Forest etc.
#1 Clemson: Dabo Swinney went 7-6 in his first year at Clemson
Clemson was not 'committed to winning', as we like to say on CIS. Tommy Bowden went 10 seasons without a 10-win season before Clemson fired him. Dabo went 4-3 as interim HC, and only kept the job by beating arch-rival USCe in the last game. His words, not mine. Clemson was fortunate Dabo worked out. Anyone who tells you they believed Dabo would build this dynasty is lying.

Dabo is smart. He knows he's a CEO-type and hires the best he can. The Clemson pro-style offense was struggling, so he hires Chad Morris as OC from Tulsa. Morris set records at Tulsa and was one year removed from being a state multiple-championship high school coach. Clemson gave up 70 to West Virginia in a bowl game. Dabo hires Brent Venerables away from OU.

Clemson has seen the ROI on winning big they aren't going back.

#2 Alabama: Nick Saban went 7-6 in his first year at Alabama (actually 2-6 if you count that they had 5 wins vacated)
Saban won a NC at LSU a few years earlier, and Bama was coming off years of mediocrity. Patience was warranted.

#3 Georgia: Kirby Smart went 8-5 in his first year at Georgia
Smart was Saban's right hand DC for many of Saban's NCs. He hired top assistants and coordinators. One year of transition wasn't unrealistic.

I'm fine with being patient with Manny. But, he needs to make changes this off-season for me to believe. He doesn't have the resume for me to accept 'staying the course' will work out.
How the **** is he suppose to make changes when he’s 4 games into a tenure? One of which he’s two plays away from being 4-0. He was left with shot on the oline thanks to Mork taking 1 olinemen in 2016 who’s no longer on the roster.

He was hired basically in January. Most coaching changes happen first week of December plus his DLine coach got a promotion and bailed after signing day. So many hindsight guys with these coaches that started off bad.
Thats all well and good......but what F do you mean he "inherited"????
Like he hasn't been here and essentially responsible for half the team for the entire tenure of the previous regime.
He was a DC. His defense finished top 5 last year. His defense will be loaded next year. Am I missing something on what he did wrong. Did he hire a fat lazy strength and conditioning coach who was late to his own workouts? Explain how “he” is “essentially” responsible.
How the **** is he suppose to make changes when he’s 4 games into a tenure? One of which he’s two plays away from being 4-0. He was left with shot on the oline thanks to Mork taking 1 olinemen in 2016 who’s no longer on the roster.

He was hired basically in January. Most coaching changes happen first week of December plus his DLine coach got a promotion and bailed after signing day. So many hindsight guys with these coaches that started off bad.

Manny can:

1) change how the offense is called, removing the slow-PA that is clearly an issue
2) change how the defense is called by returning to how he called it last season
2) make staff changes if the struggles continue through the end of the season
4 years just at Miami genius...Hes the main reason our LB depth is crap. and he hired the defensive staff when he got hired by RIcht so hes responsible for them and their recruiting as well.
There’s 2 guys out for the season and one who broke his shin and hopefully will be back by November. What the **** are you talking about?
He was a DC. His defense finished top 5 last year. His defense will be loaded next year. Am I missing something on what he did wrong. Did he hire a fat lazy strength and conditioning coach who was late to his own workouts? Explain how “he” is “essentially” responsible.

He made lazy hires
He was a DC. His defense finished top 5 last year. His defense will be loaded next year. Am I missing something on what he did wrong. Did he hire a fat lazy strength and conditioning coach who was late to his own workouts? Explain how “he” is “essentially” responsible.

He made Patke the ST coach that was lazy.
He didn't bother to search for a DL coach, just promoted the guy he had hired to be an analyst. That was lazy.
I could make the argument that hiring his friend Baker with out a real search for a DC is lazy.
Manny can:

1) change how the offense is called, removing the slow-PA that is clearly an issue
2) change how the defense is called by returning to how he called it last season
2) make staff changes if the struggles continue through the end of the season
1) they did do that after game 1 and we put up 500 yards of offense the following week
2) aside from 2 bad plays in the UNC game the D isn’t the issue
3) again you just answered you’re own dumb response by saying he needs to make staff changes after the season if the struggles continue but we’re 4 games in?
He made lazy hires

He made Patke the ST coach that was lazy.
He didn't bother to search for a DL coach, just promoted the guy he had hired to be an analyst. That was lazy.
I could make the argument that hiring his friend Baker with out a real search for a DC is lazy.
You’re making all these assumptions after 4 games? And what DLine coach is he suppose to find in Feb/March? Just idiotic. Sit on your thumb for the next couple months then you can see if changes are made. He was hired in January.
1) they did do that after game 1 and we put up 500 yards of offense the following week
2) aside from 2 bad plays in the UNC game the D isn’t the issue
3) again you just answered you’re own dumb response by saying he needs to make staff changes after the season if the struggles continue but we’re 4 games in?

1) How was the offense against CMU? I'll give you a hint. It was bad.

2) The defense gave up a number of big plays against UNC, not two. CMU WRs were running open all day but dropped passes all day.

3) I'll try and simplify for you since English may not be your first language.

At end of the season, Manny could determine one or more of his assistant coaches performed poorly, enough to warrant termination. He could then hire one or more new assistant coaches with better resumes. A better resume means a job history of developing and coaching players in P5 conferences, and not the MAC. AAC, or another G5 conference.
1) How was the offense against CMU? I'll give you a hint. It was bad.

2) The defense gave up a number of big plays against UNC, not two. CMU WRs were running open all day but dropped passes all day.

3) I'll try and simplify for you since English may not be your first language.

At end of the season, Manny could determine one or more of his assistant coaches performed poorly, enough to warrant termination. He could then hire one or more new assistant coaches with better resumes. A better resume means a job history of developing and coaching players in P5 conferences, and not the MAC. AAC, or another G5 conference.
YOU JUST SAID AT THE END OF THE SEASON AGAIN. Yet you wanted him to do that after 4 games. Am I in the twilight?

#1 was referring to changes that were made on offense after the first game. Did anyone ever imagine a day where CMU would dominate our oline, no. Hence why we were 30 point favorites. Changes will be made again.