Keondre Coburn 18 DT

Seen this movie before.
Spoiler Alert: allow me to share the script.

1) Tells recruiting sites that UM has always been his dream
school (drops a reference to a Cane great in NFL).
2) Confides that he may even take an OV to soBeach.
3) Takes OV.
4) Tweets picture of cookie in hotel room
5) Tweets picture of bay from hotel room
6) Tweets picture of him and UM coaches throwing the U from South Pointe.
7) On Sunday afternoon, none of the UM beat writers can't get him on the phone
because he's tired from trip
8) Monday: still no trace of him.
9) Middle/late week: re-commits to UT.

and adds something to the effect of "it's been a life long dream of mine to wear the orange and white" or some mealy mouthed nonsense.
Seen this movie before.
Spoiler Alert: allow me to share the script.

1) Tells recruiting sites that UM has always been his dream
school (drops a reference to a Cane great in NFL).
2) Confides that he may even take an OV to soBeach.
3) Takes OV.
4) Tweets picture of cookie in hotel room
5) Tweets picture of bay from hotel room
6) Tweets picture of him and UM coaches throwing the U from South Pointe.
7) On Sunday afternoon, none of the UM beat writers can't get him on the phone
because he's tired from trip
8) Monday: still no trace of him.
9) Middle/late week: re-commits to UT.

and adds something to the effect of "it's been a life long dream of mine to wear the orange and white" or some mealy mouthed nonsense.

He feels like Texas's version of Nesta
Kareem isn’t with the program anymore and has not been for some time. Brooklyndee’s constant lying is tiring.

This is the problem with people like you. Nah,you know what thisbis my fault ill clarify. Never once did i say he has a coaching role anymore with us. He has a support role. Just like adrian, just like demarcus and several others. They are people we call on when we need help with kids due to timing or relations. Kareem was very good friends with this particular kids father. Didnt help one sliver of a percent to get his help though. My bad for not explaining better. Let pete or whoever else confirm this for u. Than youll pull his johnson rather than responding like a butthurt cheerleader. Either way believe what u will and have a great night.
Wrong. Kareem doesn’t currently work for UM and has not for some time.

Per this article (all the way at the bottom) Kareem left the staff back in the fall. He is no longer listed in the staff directory: Practice notes: N?Kosi Perry opens Miami Hurricanes fall camp as third-stringer | Canes Watch
some of us been questioning kool on this, but these white knight idiots had every excuse in the book. this falls on diaz, imo. he's the boss on defense. what the **** has he been doing? richt might want to look into hiring a second dline coach, that coach either Tackles or ends like some other schools do

Nah. Kool #1 doesnt answer to anyone but richt. Hes considered on the same plate as diaz etc.#2 coaching wise hes fine. Got that in oodles. Problem is (and i think that was part of the problem at mizzou)hes very old school. Parts of the game might be passing him by to an extent. He needs help with all the recruiting aspects. He should prioritize the kids he wants than let staff work on elvauating & targeting those kids we have legit wants or needs towards. I personally feel hes overwhelmed with everything on his plate.

What are your thoughts on Rumph?

Not worried about Mikey at all...

I been saying this the whole time. People who are down on Rumph got no clue.
Exactly fam!!!
This is great work by the staff. Get a kid on campus and he might just fall in love with palm trees and beaches.
Lol meant get kul on him to close the deal show him every years his players to the league and has a slew of first rounders

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If kid doesn't see how thin we are depth wise on top of the A+ coaching (even though his crooting skills suck) he will receive to take to the NFL