Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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I'm hoping that is the case. But even still, what benefit to not having it publicly out there does it provide? There are kids who likely aren't even thinking about us because the name Josh Gattis is still associated with us. You fire him and who knows, maybe a couple of kids might become interested. Even more so once we actually hired the replacement. IDK, I'm not a coach so it's not my choice, but it seems the benefits to letting him go SIGNIFICANTLY outweigh the benefits of having him on staff.
I don't disagree with you. I am just trying to think of a plausible reason why this is seemingly taking so long. I am quite confident that Gattis is gone too. It's as strange to me as everyone else why there has been no announcement though. At a minimum, news of a job opening likely opens up some interest nationally which may broaden your search and open up opportunities he may not have contemplated.
I'm certain Gattis was told to find another job. He hasn't.
I'm also certain Mario has looked at other OCs. He hasn't hired one yet.

Is is plausible that things have just not worked out the way Mario wanted and not some "Mario is just playing things really slow and super secretly" scenario?
This seems like the most likely scenario. Especially considering last year we heard that Mario reached out to several OCs and his top choices said no if I recall. Fast forward a year and a horrendous offensive season later and I wouldn't be shocked if any OC worth a **** was turning us down. Only way for Mario to change that narrative is to get out of the way and let the Offensive Coordinator run THEIR offense with THEIR guys. Doesn't seem likely but who knows.
I don't disagree with you. I am just trying to think of a plausible reason why this is seemingly taking so long. I am quite confident that Gattis is gone too. It's as strange to me as everyone else why there has been no announcement though. At a minimum, news of a job opening likely opens up some interest nationally which may broaden your search and open up opportunities he may not have contemplated.
Agreed and I think that's what makes it so frustrating, is that every scenario that comes up just seems silly and drawn out for no reason.
I think we all agree it’s annoying and frustrating that Mario moves at this pace. Just because one guy signed with another school who we probably wouldn’t hire anyway because he doesn’t run a system that Mario wants causes everyone to panic.

We have known from day 1 Mario is methodical in his approach - even people at Oregon said this and they were frustrated by it. He didn’t finish his staff until right before spring ball last year. Obviously it didn’t work out but it’s worked out with other hires of his so he’s not just gonna all of a sudden change his approach.

Several people who we all follow closely and have been spot on with everything say Gattis is gone. So whether Mario fires him, whether he leaves to the NFL or another college job, etc - at the end of the day if he’s gone by the time spring ball rolls around who cares. Sure we missed on a few portal WR, but where any of them truly game changers?

All I’m saying is every credible insider has said he’s gone. TVD came back and there’s no way he does for the same **** offense. Gattis hasn’t been out recruiting really. Rumors around players and other coaches not liking or meshing with him. Mario and Mirabal having to take an active role in game planning…. I mean the tea leaves are all there - so we just gotta take a Xanax and chill. If I’m wrong I’m wrong but I mean everyone throwing a **** fit is not gonna change anything. Dude just locked up the number 3 class. Have a ****tail and let the guy work.
It’s been a dead period for the past 3 weeks so him not recruiting means nothing…plus to sacrifice the good of the program for gattis sake, allegedly, is a cardinal sin in my book. Keeping him around this long benefits no one but gattis
I'm certain Gattis was told to find another job. He hasn't.
I'm also certain Mario has looked at other OCs. He hasn't hired one yet.

Is is plausible that things have just not worked out the way Mario wanted and not some "Mario is just playing things really slow and super secretly" scenario?
This seems pretty plausible to me, and is precisely why I don't put blind faith in the rumors, even from our more reliable insiders. It's very possible that Mario wants to move on from Gattis, but things haven't worked out the way he envisioned. Sometimes plans change.

Gattis when he hears ppl saying he is getting fired

50 cent laughing GIF
I'm certain Gattis was told to find another job. He hasn't.
I'm also certain Mario has looked at other OCs. He hasn't hired one yet.

Is is plausible that things have just not worked out the way Mario wanted and not some "Mario is just playing things really slow and super secretly" scenario?
Gattis’ employment at Miami shouldn’t be contingent on what other jobs he can land or what other teams want to hire him. To give Mario a break because it “hasn’t worked out” is laughable since he has the power to make it happen, he’s just not using it.
I'm certain Gattis was told to find another job. He hasn't.
I'm also certain Mario has looked at other OCs. He hasn't hired one yet.

Is is plausible that things have just not worked out the way Mario wanted and not some "Mario is just playing things really slow and super secretly" scenario?
I am playing devil's advocate to my own position in this thread, but anyways, let's assume that's true. If he has in fact made the decision to walk away from Gattis and find someone else, then why does he feel compelled to keep it so secret from the media/fans? I'm not sure what he gains from that, unless there's some contractual stuff we're not privy to.
I am playing devil's advocate to my own position in this thread, but anyways, let's assume that's true. If he has in fact made the decision to walk away from Gattis and find someone else, then why does he feel compelled to keep it so secret from the media/fans? I'm not sure what he gains from that, unless there's some contractual stuff we're not privy to.
I don't think he'll fire Gattis without a suitable replacement. If Gattis finds another job, great.
If he doesn't, Mario will keep him unless he can upgrade significantly.

I don't think Mario is certain he can upgrade significantly for what he's looking for.
Maybe I’m being dramatic but … At this point, it’s more likely than not that Mario will fail here.

He’s indecisive and stubborn. He clings to failed processes (like his long *** hiring process) and schemes, even though there’s mounds of evidence that his hiring process and preferred offensive scheme barely work in CFB.

Those two traits are deadly for a CFB coach, and will probably be Mario’s downfall.
Out of all the conspiracy theories, I could be convinced of this
Agreed. It's not like Gattis has a stellar year on to sell to other programs. Teams could look at what Michigan did after he left (no drop off) and how bad Miami looked after we were solid on Lashlee and say, "No thanks." If that's the case, Mario is going to have to do what has to be done, regardless of how he prefers it to go down.

It also wouldn't surprise me if he's waiting for the transfer portal window to close. If we're after Singletary, for example, he may want Addae on staff to get him signed and enrolled, them switch to DVD after.
I usually dont post and join the misery of this board.. But this has become the tipping point for my faith and hope in Mario and this program. I have a sliver of it left, but in a place where i need to join the misery of you all.

How many years have we all been fans, how many coaches and times of misery have we had the last 2 decades. We were all given a glimmer of hope when our "savior" was hired 13 months ago, with all the resources to be wildly successful. He was so prideful he had to a staff of people that he liked rather then trusting his coordiantors to bring in their own staff. Should have been red flag number one. Were all so excited hes here we never bat an eye and praise him for the staff, but in reality he spit in our faces.

Now that reality settled in and we see what those coaches produced... one of the worst seasons in our lifetimes, worst coach teams from every single level. Which rebuilds take time, sure. but here we are months after our season ended and not a single mother****ing change has been made, not a **** one. Dabo made changes, saban has adapted, oregon is running circles around us, FSU is kicking our *** on the trail and on the field. Mario, your **** does stink and you dont know a **** thing about champion football apparently. if you did you would adapt like saban, you would make championship moves like dabo.

I hope that i have to eat crow on this message and he takes a long *** look in the mirror and consults those around him on how to make this thing right. but we are on the fast track to losing this fanbase for good. WIth out us, he and this program isnt ****. Hardrock will forever be empty, those new facilities wont be funded and if they are it will be filled with a sorry *** team and staff.

Thanks for letting me vent my misery to you all.
"FSU is kicking our *** on the trail"

I look at our recruiting class and compare it to the semenholes and I'm wondering.....when did that happen?
I don't think he'll fire Gattis without a suitable replacement. If Gattis finds another job, great.
If he doesn't, Mario will keep him unless he can upgrade significantly.

I don't think Mario is certain he can upgrade significantly for what he's looking for.
Disagree. I spoke to someone whom I trust who is generally connected who said Gattis is gone. I think that's a foregone conclusion. But I still can't for the life of me understand the veil of secrecy with which he is apparently operating under (again, unless there's some contractual buy-out stuff?).
And we can agree on the "6 weeks" concept if it turns out that we hire a guy who was available 6 weeks ago.

Make no mistake, I'm angry about this. ****, you can even ask @wspcane , we talked about the chances of Riley at the UM-GaTech game. He was skeptical, while I was more bullish that Riley was a viable target.

So, yes, I'm incredibly disappointed. But it's also not wrong to point out that somehow, magically, Dabo was not "prevented" from making a job offer to Riley BECAUSE HE STILL HAD ANOTHER OC ON THE PAYROLL.

That's a fact.
I agree with all of this, BUT it is not to say that EVERY potential candidate is comfortable with interviewing while someone else still has the job. This whole process has been an unmitigated disaster and is a repeat of the mistakes from the Manny to Mario transition. If Gattis is coming back, then they need to announce it in some way that is not awkward and put an end to the speculation. Surely they all hear the noise. If not, then he needs to turn the page, finalize his OC and staff and do what needs to be done. People connecting to underclassmen recruits on here saying Gattis and Ponce reached out? WTF is that at this point. This is bizarro world. The CEO head coach is getting an F for managing his CEO duties and at this point I truly have no idea what Zo is doing if not moving this along.
This is so weird idk what to think cause we haven’t made a single change offensively or defensively no way Mario thinks it was just the roster and injuries
I don't think he'll fire Gattis without a suitable replacement. If Gattis finds another job, great.
If he doesn't, Mario will keep him unless he can upgrade significantly.

I don't think Mario is certain he can upgrade significantly for what he's looking for.
I don't mean this as an attack on you. I think you are just offering a vantage point. But if this is the case then you need to fire the guy and figure out who that suitable replacement is. The wheels will again absolutely fall off next season if you enter like this. Imagine if your boss said "listen, we know this is not working, we are looking for someone, but we will keep you around per the contract up to the point that we find someone better." It is so stupid I actually can't wrap my head around it.
Disagree. I spoke to someone whom I trust who is generally connected who said Gattis is gone. I think that's a foregone conclusion. But I still can't for the life of me understand the veil of secrecy with which he is apparently operating under (again, unless there's some contractual buy-out stuff?).

i think the angst is misplaced. the issue is not the veil of secrecy, frankly it should be no other way, but the timing and delays. that is why everyone is freaked out, and rightfully. the second cause of angst is mario's apparent (yes, apparent) inability to hire a top notch OC. he gets a pass for last year but 1/3 of the way through the season if not earlier or a bit later he witnessed that his OC was incompetent and he should have started planning for the next one. don't great coaches always have a list in their shirt pocket, as the saying goes?

add to this highsmith and radakovich, both seasoned and extremely successful professionals. unless they pull out a magic rabbit out of their ****s, it seems (yes seems) they've failed in replacing the OC
Disagree. I spoke to someone whom I trust who is generally connected who said Gattis is gone. I think that's a foregone conclusion. But I still can't for the life of me understand the veil of secrecy with which he is apparently operating under (again, unless there's some contractual buy-out stuff?).
Can you be more specific. He's obviously not gone yet. What did he mean by Gattis is gone? Did he say he'll be fired? Did he say he'd find another job?

If I were an insider, and I knew that Mario told Gattis to find another job, I would tell people that Gattis is gone.

But he's not gone yet.

If you're Mario, and you're not getting an OC you want, maybe keeping Gattis is the next best option?

Didn't he leave that door open by not firing Gattis yet?

Mario wants Gattis gone. But he's not..Mario also wants a better OC.. But he doesn't have one yet.

Things change.
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