Jon Drummond and Chad Wilson....and a question for Pete.....

The only school that doesn't need these guys is Bama.

Kids are tripping over one another to go there. Easily the best run college football organization ever.

With that kind of a budget and in that kind of a community, it is not a surprise. And, I don't doubt that Bama does what it has to do to get where it has to go.

Bottom line for UM--put a product on the field that makes the local kids want to stay home and play for the local school and in front of their families. Do the things in the community to make UM the place that the parents want their kids to be. You do that, and the rest is background noise. If UM is the place to be for local kids, street agents will be a minor issue, at most.

And, for God's sake, stay away from the trash (not speaking of anyone in particular). Play nice with those guys by visiting their schools, recruiting their kids and treating them as you would any other school to the extent that you can, but don't get in bed with them.
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So an administrator of this site thinks we should play ball with these shady characters? Interesting.

Adapt or die

While on NCAA probation? Look at the smack Oregon got just for playing Lyles 25K. Do you know what would happen if we got nailed paying off these d*ckbags again? And once you open the door, its Pandoras Box. There will be 100 Genron's with their hands out. **** there ALREADY ARE. But if they know we are "playing ball" you basically get everyone expecting something.

Its a very slippery slope.
I am in no way advocating paying players. Just make these people a part of the process as they want to be.

But why do they want to be part of the process? Because they profit from it. They are using these kids for personal gain, next they'll be trying to sign up 10-11 year olds. This is ******* ridiculous, make grown *** men part of the process of recruiting student athletes for their own personal gain? Wow. The one sport, that I grew up watching and admiring because I knew it wasn't about money is now starting to be corrupted to the max. Might as well say **** college and let them sign up to be professionals straight out of high school.
I am in no way advocating paying players. Just make these people a part of the process as they want to be.

Can't go that far. The way they want to be will not work for Miami. There has to be a good middleground satisfactory for the school and for the leechers. You think UM can interact with these guys the same way UF/OSU/FSU/etc can? They can't but they need to find a creative way of doing it in a way that does not expose them to potential issues.
JEEZUZ Pete, really? "Part of the process"? What "part of the process" do you think they want to be in?

Whose paying for Champagnat to go to Baton Rouge and play at University Lab next fall? What about the "gas money and some Mcdonalds Money" that your boy Genron was QUOTED talking about??? And he HIMSELF said guys like him were taking money from schools, though he denied he was taking anything more than "gas money" to ESPN. I mean he was BOOTED from SFE for "unethical behavior" which involved "profiting" from player recruitment. LOL. How much more obvious does it have to get? When the **** founder of SFE Goetz himself said its become a cesspool and its out of control, when even $EC coaches are bemoaning how sleazy things have gotten, how on Earth are we supposed to deal with that with the Miami Herald, NCAA, Yahoo, ESPN, SI, all breathing down this program's neck constantly?

And MARK MY WORDS, Champagnat is going to be blown up within a year or two. At a minimum they are going to get booted from the FHSAA. Its painfully clear what is going on at that school. Ferman went there on NSD, said it was the most bizarre school he's seen. Said it was basically a day care center sandwiched between two car lots in Hialeah. And now all these great so Fla players are flocking to that school, that doesnt even have a football field?

Look I know its impossible to remain totally clean these days in this game. But how exactly can this program learn to "adapt" to a guy like Genron who has ADMITTED he takes money from schools?
I am in no way advocating paying players. Just make these people a part of the process as they want to be.
Expand on this statement, specifically "part of the process as they want to be". I'm genuinely interested, not flaming you at all. I don't agree, but I want to know your perspective on this.

I will say this though--why should they be part of the process? Because they injected themselves into it as a mentor/advisor, disguised as a 7on7 coach? They're not the ones getting an offer for their football talents in return for a scholarship to pay for's the player, and it's their family. These 3rd parties need to be de-emphasized, and our coaches need to build a more solid relationship with the player and his family.
So an administrator of this site thinks we should play ball with these shady characters? Interesting.

Adapt or die

Or end up with the Death Penalty for associating with street agents.

All big time schools have the equivalent of boats and hoes going on at their programs yet we are the only ones that got hammered for it.

To me it is clear that while under sanctions Golden cut these guys and any other questionable characters out.

At first maybe they understood and didn't get butt hurt but, now that the "cloud" has cleared they are upset that Golden continues to ignore their influences with recruits and doesn't exploit the NCAA loopholes to pad their wallets.
I am in no way advocating paying players. Just make these people a part of the process as they want to be.
Expand on this statement, specifically "part of the process as they want to be". I'm genuinely interested, not flaming you at all. I don't agree, but I want to know your perspective on this.

I asked the same question for the same reason. I'm truly intrigued to know what that statement means and not as a flame or for the basis of criticizing Pete. I'm just curious to understand what the disconnect is and how it is supposed to be bridged, if it isn't just about money.
C4L, Did you miss the part where Pete said Yearby had a handler? You think he got paid too?

You people see the word 'handler' and assume it involves shady dealings. A lot of these dudes grow up without fathers and so they have mentors, coaches, uncles, buddy from the block, etc. who are a part of their life and eventually become a part of their recruiting process. Some coaches consider those people 'third parties' and don't want to work with them but that's problematic. If a kid has been mentored by a guy since pop warner then why the **** would that person not be a part of their recruiting process? These are people they trust. That's what Pete means by embracing the third parties. But I guess its best to remain ignorant and accuse everybody of shopping kids for a payoff.
I am in no way advocating paying players. Just make these people a part of the process as they want to be.
Expand on this statement, specifically "part of the process as they want to be". I'm genuinely interested, not flaming you at all. I don't agree, but I want to know your perspective on this.

I asked the same question for the same reason. I'm truly intrigued to know what that statement means and not as a flame or for the basis of criticizing Pete. I'm just curious to understand what the disconnect is and how it is supposed to be bridged, if it isn't just about money.

I think it's been talked about before...things like supporting 7on7s more, recruiting/exposing these handlers' other players, bring them onto campus on visits if they want to come, etc. I think those kinds of things are things that the school can do more of without risking itself.
Lets just hope we don't NEED any players from any if these guys school. I don't see why they need to have a major role in where the kid and his family decides for him to go to school.
Question, are we going to have a weekly thread about these two guys? Bunch of whiny ******* around who don't know how recruiting/football works in South Florida.
So an administrator of this site thinks we should play ball with these shady characters? Interesting.

Adapt or die

Pete - do you ever get any face time with the coaching staff? More specifically, have you ever been able to share your insight with them in person? Do they know who you are and what you do? Being a boots on the ground guy and having built relationships with a lot of these third parties, I would think your insight would be quite valuable. Thanks.
C4L, Did you miss the part where Pete said Yearby had a handler? You think he got paid too?

You people see the word 'handler' and assume it involves shady dealings. A lot of these dudes grow up without fathers and so they have mentors, coaches, uncles, buddy from the block, etc. who are a part of their life and eventually become a part of their recruiting process. Some coaches consider those people 'third parties' and don't want to work with them but that's problematic. If a kid has been mentored by a guy since pop warner then why the **** would that person not be a part of their recruiting process? These are people they trust. That's what Pete means by embracing the third parties. But I guess its best to remain ignorant and accuse everybody of shopping kids for a payoff.

Not enough CAPITALIZED words IN your POST, C4L will just IGNORE
C4L, Did you miss the part where Pete said Yearby had a handler? You think he got paid too?

You people see the word 'handler' and assume it involves shady dealings. A lot of these dudes grow up without fathers and so they have mentors, coaches, etc. who are a part of their life and eventually become a part of their recruiting process. Some coaches consider those people 'third parties' and don't want to work with them but that's problematic. If a kid has been mentored by a guy since pop warner then why the **** would that person not be a part of their recruiting process? These are people they trust. That's what Pete means by embracing the third parties. But I guess its best to remain ignorant and accuse everybody of shopping kids for a payoff.

No NO NO sir. Im sorry but its clear we are talking about different things here. We are OBVIOUSLY Dealing with "handlers and mentors" already, since as you and Pete have clearly stated, Yearby had one, as did some of these other kids. But were now talking about Genron, and there is this implication that we need to make a guy like that a "part of the process". A guy who has ADMITTEDLY taken money from schools to shop players, and was booted from SFE for unethical behavior.

So were talking about two different animals here. Because if this was simply about dealing with a handler or mentor of a kid, it would obviously be a moot point no? Since we just signed several that had them.
Wow you guys have no real clue. If you really think Chad and Jon are problems to Miami then you don't understand the landscape of Miami or Recruiting. Just because they had prospects that didn't pick UM doesn't mean they were the problem. Rip the coaching staff for not offering those Uschool platers and Rip the coaches for playing that terrible soft defense. As a coach you do your best to help kids pick a school that's best for THEM not your favorite team. I wouldn't steer a kid to go play DT in that system, or BEG a school to come recruit a highly rated LEGACY player smh. They're doing a thankless job for the most part. As a coach I commend them for the way they help get kids offers that otherwise couldn't even step foot on some of these campuses.
Make this guy part of "the process"? C'mon, Pete.

These guys aren't going no where so maybe golden can learn from Pete about having good relationships. If we want to win recruiting battles we better learn to win coaches.

I am in no way advocating paying players. Just make these people a part of the process as they want to be.
Expand on this statement, specifically "part of the process as they want to be". I'm genuinely interested, not flaming you at all. I don't agree, but I want to know your perspective on this.

I asked the same question for the same reason. I'm truly intrigued to know what that statement means and not as a flame or for the basis of criticizing Pete. I'm just curious to understand what the disconnect is and how it is supposed to be bridged, if it isn't just about money.

I think it's been talked about before...things like supporting 7on7s more, recruiting/exposing these handlers' other players, bring them onto campus on visits if they want to come, etc. I think those kinds of things are things that the school can do more of without risking itself.

So, basically, legitimize people you believe are scumbags? Bring them on campus so that the community now views them as an acceptable part of the process, allowing them to get their hooks into more kids? Do things to give them more power and influence in the community and, therefore, over you and your program?

Sorry, just about everything with what would be this kind of trash is a slippery slope. You treat trash like what it is. We just need to right our ship and start playing exciting, aggressive football and winning. The rest will take care of itself.
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Just make these people a part of the process as they want to be.

How? Then what? What do we do when they start putting their hand out for the next kid? They say, "Hey, I brought you Kid A this year...if you want Kid B next year, and Kid C the year after that, here's what it will take. Do it, or you get no more kids from me." I wouldn't be shocked to find out that we're already at this stage of dealing with these guys. Pete, I appreciate the info you bring to us...really, I do...but you are advocating a very slippery slope here.