Joe Rose pushing Mario to Hire Jason Taylor

I think if a media guy has to promote you without your name coming to a HC through the normal coaching channels, it's a long shot. But you never know, maybe there's been interest expressed.
Your rebuttal is strong and right but the point I'm trying to make is it's almost disrespectful to put a player of JT's caliber as a GA.
It's 100% appropriate and commensurate with his level of coaching experience.

I don't give a **** if it's Aaron Rodgers. Earn your coaching stripes by rising through the ranks like the best coaches have done.
Joe was saying Jason's two sons will graduate soon and Jason is a beast studying the game and schemes and wants to stay in the game as a coach somewhere in college or the NFL soon. I would think he'd be an excellent recruiter and teaching coach and, having a HOF'er on the team, this could be a strong move. I'm not a coach or former player, just a fan, so I don't know.
Lol if that happened and he was hired as position coach that would be such a Miami thing to do. JT wants to be analyst of course
Joe was saying Jason's two sons will graduate soon and Jason is a beast studying the game and schemes and wants to stay in the game as a coach somewhere in college or the NFL soon. I would think he'd be an excellent recruiter and teaching coach and, having a HOF'er on the team, this could be a strong move. I'm not a coach or former player, just a fan, so I don't know.
Then he can move to Tuscaloosa if he wants to ride Saban. If he’s so well thought of Saban would make a position for him.

Of course Taylor wants the best of both worlds which is live down here and learn on the job at UM’s expense even though he steers kids to Bama.
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Would you steer kids to Manny? If he continues to send kids to Bama with Mario here and a top dl coach here than to **** with him
Richt did it and i was screaming to the high heavens about it from day 1 and it took guys ahwhile because of their love for the 2001 canes team before they noticed. Mtter of fact guy is still on the position he shouldve started at from jump
Richt owed him a favor and everyone knows it
One of Mario's biggest hurdles will be staying focused despite the requests he'll get.

He'll be like the family member who just won the lottery.

Cousins popping out of everywhere.
I was thinking this with the hiring of staff also.. A lot of unemployed people with ties to Mario. The Todd Orlando's of the world.