Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

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I don't know. I don't work for the university. But I do know that they shouldn't seek advice from fast food employees, vocal as they may be. Giving into the lunatic fringe is how UM ended up with the mountain of failures over the last 15 years.

He’s admittedly ignorant, an obvious liar, a propagandist shill, and has a **** obsession. This makes him a perfect member of the New Miami.
I don't know. I don't work for the university. But I do know that they shouldn't seek advice from fast food employees, vocal as they may be. Giving into the lunatic fringe is how UM ended up with the mountain of failures over the last 15 years.
You are delusional, and an excuse monger. I suspect you do work for the institution, because no one who doesn’t could possibly believe the tripe you’re selling. Or maybe you’re just a troll. Well done, I guess, if so.

As for your obnoxious point, it’s poorly put together. The issue isn’t whether the U should ‘seek advice’ from fans, let alone from fans whose lives you so obviously disdain. You sound like a pitiable person for phrasing things that way, but your failure is more logical than behavioral. The U doesn’t need ‘advice.’ It needs competent employees who understand how to do their jobs, or know how and where to find advice if they need it. Unfortunately, it hasn’t had them. As a result, it has failed In respect of this program.

William F. Buckley observed that it was better to be governed by the first 2000 names in the Boston phone book than by the faculty of Harvard University. He was right, and he understood that there were fast food employees in that book. You’d do well to think about that. Maybe there are better folks for the U to seek advice from than its fans, but until it finds them, it should really be open to all ideas, as its own choices have been proven failures.
When the bullets start flying, these people revert to their nature.

Calling women ***** and blaming leftists for football losses.

It's pitiful.

Okay Flake Jr., tell your daddy James and the rest of the BOT and Admin that you’re being a little yes man. I’m sure that they’ll reward you handsomely for it.
Here she is and this is probably how she feels about the Canes fan base

I never said there was anything wrong with it...just that I don't feel that half-illiterate, uncultured swine need to be dictating high-level searches. I imagine you as a sort of tractor salesman in Tracy, so it's not hard to see why you'd come to the rescue of your fellow mouth-breathers here.

So you're saying that being cultured is an important component to being able to pick a good football coach? Interesting.
This EnlightenedDespo is clearly compensating for his own life failures by talking down any blue collar job like being a skilled laborer is something to look down upon.

He's exactly the type of pompous, self-important fool that runs our AD.

Pretty obvious him, Saywhat, and that other tool who's screen name I can't remember right now but has been posting in D Money's thread are either on the admin staff or have some sort of relation to them. The fact they act like "the fans" WANTED any of those prior 5 coaches is the funny part.

None of those previous 5 hires were guys the fans were yelling for, at the time. The day Mark Richt was hired many of us weren't happy. Why hire a guy who's clearly on the downside of his career and got basically run out of town at Georgia? What on earth gave anyone the idea that promoting Shannon and Manny were good ideas? Who the **** on this site was yelling for Al Golden before he was hired?

Ignorance and apathy intersecting with a false sense of "We know better than you" is EXACTLY how this program found itself in the position it is today.

But it's not even intelligence. Your ignorance is showing.

Those people simply have no clue how to evaluate staff, hire/fire people, comply with rules/regulations, etc.

It's a case of simple incompetence. They wouldn't know what to do.

Actually I know a lot of people in the trades that know exactly how to do all those things.
Started turning wrenches and have their own companies. They understand more than you about all those things you cited. You on the other hand dont understand them. Makes you ignorant.
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