Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

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I guess when you are a jizzmopper like yourself you'll tell yourself anything to make yourself feel better.
Get moppin'!
Your focus on insulting people’s jobs tells me a lot about your failed ambitions. What happened sweet thing?

Mommy always told you how smart and special you were until standardized testing ripped that illusion away from you?

Who hurt you sweet cheeks?
This thread delivers. Why is it not showing up on the home page?


Gotta love athletic department personnel coming on here to insult and taunt the very people who they are supposed to be courting as benefactors of their institution. Really just goes to show the arrogance and priorities of the school.
Is there something wrong with being a mechanic in Hialeah?

If so, what?
I never said there was anything wrong with it...just that I don't feel that half-illiterate, uncultured swine need to be dictating high-level searches. I imagine you as a sort of tractor salesman in Tracy, so it's not hard to see why you'd come to the rescue of your fellow mouth-breathers here.
I never said there was anything wrong with it...just that I don't feel that half-illiterate, uncultured swine need to be dictating high-level searches. I imagine you as a sort of tractor salesman in Tracy, so it's not hard to see why you'd come to the rescue of your fellow mouth-breathers here.
What do you think should be done when the fancy educated types who run these high level searches continually fail?
What do you think should be done when the fancy educated types who run these high level searches continually fail?
I don't know. I don't work for the university. But I do know that they shouldn't seek advice from fast food employees, vocal as they may be. Giving into the lunatic fringe is how UM ended up with the mountain of failures over the last 15 years.
I never said there was anything wrong with it...just that I don't feel that half-illiterate, uncultured swine need to be dictating high-level searches. I imagine you as a sort of tractor salesman in Tracy, so it's not hard to see why you'd come to the rescue of your fellow mouth-breathers here.
High level searches, lol. That's rich
I don't know. I don't work for the university. But I do know that they shouldn't seek advice from fast food employees, vocal as they may be. Giving into the lunatic fringe is how UM ended up with the mountain of failures over the last 15 years.
So who’s more to blame for the failures over the past 15 years, the lunatic fringe fans or the people making the decisions at/for the school?
I never said there was anything wrong with it...just that I don't feel that half-illiterate, uncultured swine need to be dictating high-level searches. I imagine you as a sort of tractor salesman in Tracy, so it's not hard to see why you'd come to the rescue of your fellow mouth-breathers here.
I'm not a proctologist but I know an ******* when I see one.
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