Jeff Thomas

Dee's ego showing. He dogged Rosier ultra hard before the season and guaranteed an 8 win season if Rosier started. Instead of tipping his hat to Rosier, he's decided to double down because of ego.

I can probably count on one hand how many times I have agreed with you but this is spot on. I was trying to remember what horse BDee bet on in the QB race in the Fall and I can almost assure you IIRC it wasnt Rosier. Sounds like sour grapes.

BDee, I usually ride with you but not on this one. You sound crazy. I dont know what Sheriffs can do or Perry either but I dont care and I dont want to know. I am riding with Rosier until the wheels fall off.

I don't wanna know what either can do at this point either. Cause if we have to find out than tghe team is taking a huge step backwards. Again my issue isn't with what he's doing successfully it's I want to see him progress. Make his success more of a norm rather than an aberration. I want to see him succeed cause that means the team succeeds. It means less drama cause he'll be more consistent.
Who care about stats? LOL I only care about winning.
If Rosier completed 80% of his throws and faltered in the last minute and a half of the game, would you like him better? LOL
Yes ideally you want a QB that can do both, but it is hard to do that in a game when you don't have a running game to help and I don't care if you're Peyton Manning.
If you have all the stats in the world but don't have that it factor and the attributes to help you lead the team and come from behind to win, I don't want you on my team.
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I agree that pre snap motion should be incorporated more often. Can't argue that and wouldn't want too. I'd also think in that same equation maybe you should roll him out more often. Move the pocket. Only issue with that is several obvious ones. #1 by rolling out you eliminate a large portion of the field from the play.#2 while rosiers mobili t y is a plus his ability to throw accurately while on the run is semi limited. For me the key to this offense with t he players we have in place should be all about quick hitters. Use that to supplement the run game basically and also it puts playmakers in space to make something happen... also I don't know if you'd consider it a mental short coming or not but for the most part he is a one read qb. He doesn't really go through his different options often. He is getting better at reading his options though.

I'm not sure you answered my question, so let me clarify and rephrase. Do you think Richt has a different offense in mind, but doesn't run it because he thinks Rosier isn't capable? Or, conversely, do you think that the offense we see now is basically what he is going to run (obviously giving leeway to gameplan for your roster every year)?

You made it sound like you think its the former - that Richt is limited by Rosier. That I would disagree with, just like I disagree that Rosier is anything more than an average P5 QB. I think what we are seeing is what we get with Richt - a dated, basic offense. I don't think Richt is holding anything back cause of Rosier, I think he just doesn't have the offensive mind of a Chip Kelly type.

I think we are about equally deficient at QB and OC.
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I agree that pre snap motion should be incorporated more often. Can't argue that and wouldn't want too. I'd also think in that same equation maybe you should roll him out more often. Move the pocket. Only issue with that is several obvious ones. #1 by rolling out you eliminate a large portion of the field from the play.#2 while rosiers mobili t y is a plus his ability to throw accurately while on the run is semi limited. For me the key to this offense with t he players we have in place should be all about quick hitters. Use that to supplement the run game basically and also it puts playmakers in space to make something happen... also I don't know if you'd consider it a mental short coming or not but for the most part he is a one read qb. He doesn't really go through his different options often. He is getting better at reading his options though.

I'm not sure you answered my question, so let me clarify and rephrase. Do you think Richt has a different offense in mind, but doesn't run it because he thinks Rosier isn't capable? Or, conversely, do you think that the offense we see now is basically what he is going to run (obviously giving leeway to gameplan for your roster every year)?

You made it sound like you think its the former - that Richt is limited by Rosier. That I would disagree with, just like I disagree that Rosier is anything more than an average P5 QB. I think we are about equally deficient at QB and OC.

It's a combination of both. Richt wants to run a different offense. But his offenses have always been limited in pre snap motion. He would like to be able to spread the field more(in my opinion & from seeing what he gets to practice)personally I wouldn't mind seeing us with a oc who actually calls the game rather than simply contributes to the game plan. I think we need someone a lil more caught up in today's game which uses deception more than richt is comfortable. But this isn't a fair depiction of what richt wants us running. If you're not confident in being able to get a completion on any given down or play call why would you bother to call it? We don't wanna play the game simply to punt.
Everyone keeps mentioning that none of our WRs are open. To me, that is because of the play calling. The route patterns/combos do not create space, they don't move defenders out of position like so many other offenses do. Whatever Malik's limitations are, there is no reason for us to run such basic concepts.

Sorry for thread jacking and turning it into play calling.
Who care about stats? LOL I only care about winning.
If Rosier completed 80% of his throws and faltered in the last minute and a half of the game, would you like him better? LOL
Yes ideally you want a QB that can do both, but it is hard to do that in a game when you don't have a running game to help and I don't care if you're Peyton Manning.
If you have all the stats in the world but don't have that it factor and the attributes to help you lead the team and come from behind to win, I don't want you on my team.

You're right. Winning is what matters. But do you think performances like that will allow us to win week in and week out? If fsu capitalized on the running game and was able to score on there end what then would everyone be saying about that same exact performance? They'd be saying he didn't create enough opportunities for us to win...
I agree that pre snap motion should be incorporated more often. Can't argue that and wouldn't want too. I'd also think in that same equation maybe you should roll him out more often. Move the pocket. Only issue with that is several obvious ones. #1 by rolling out you eliminate a large portion of the field from the play.#2 while rosiers mobili t y is a plus his ability to throw accurately while on the run is semi limited. For me the key to this offense with t he players we have in place should be all about quick hitters. Use that to supplement the run game basically and also it puts playmakers in space to make something happen... also I don't know if you'd consider it a mental short coming or not but for the most part he is a one read qb. He doesn't really go through his different options often. He is getting better at reading his options though.

I'm not sure you answered my question, so let me clarify and rephrase. Do you think Richt has a different offense in mind, but doesn't run it because he thinks Rosier isn't capable? Or, conversely, do you think that the offense we see now is basically what he is going to run (obviously giving leeway to gameplan for your roster every year)?

You made it sound like you think its the former - that Richt is limited by Rosier. That I would disagree with, just like I disagree that Rosier is anything more than an average P5 QB. I think what we are seeing is what we get with Richt - a dated, basic offense. I don't think Richt is holding anything back cause of Rosier, I think he just doesn't have the offensive mind of a Chip Kelly type.

I think we are about equally deficient at QB and OC.

I wouldn't agree the offense is "dated". It's not the same under center offense he was running at FSU. With the right personnel you can make many offenses work. Matt Canada was a genius at Pitt and looks pathetic at LSU. Malzahn was a genius and recently their fans wanted him the **** out bc it was too limited, but now he's sort of ok again. Urban Meyer's offenses look really pedestrian the last 2 years. Harbaugh's offense sucks too. Mark Helfrich got run out of Oregon running the same offense Chip Kelly did.

The offense is fine, we just need the right players to run it and the players to have experience and confidence in what they're doing.
Everyone keeps mentioning that none of our WRs are open. To me, that is because of the play calling. The route patterns/combos do not create space, they don't move defenders out of position like so many other offenses do. Whatever Malik's limitations are, there is no reason for us to run such basic concepts.

Sorry for thread jacking and turning it into play calling.

Dbs are flat out lining up in position to make a play cause all were running is slants and basic routes.
Everyone keeps mentioning that none of our WRs are open. To me, that is because of the play calling. The route patterns/combos do not create space, they don't move defenders out of position like so many other offenses do. Whatever Malik's limitations are, there is no reason for us to run such basic concepts.

Sorry for thread jacking and turning it into play calling.

Dbs are flat out lining up in position to make a play cause all were running is slants and basic routes.

That's on Richt.

This team will never be elite until he gives up control of the offense. Period.
Everyone keeps mentioning that none of our WRs are open. To me, that is because of the play calling. The route patterns/combos do not create space, they don't move defenders out of position like so many other offenses do. Whatever Malik's limitations are, there is no reason for us to run such basic concepts.

Sorry for thread jacking and turning it into play calling.

Dbs are flat out lining up in position to make a play cause all were running is slants and basic routes.

That's exactly my point, which is why I can't put it all on Rosier. He has shown he can make all the throws - deep, intermediate, he will use the middle of the field. Sure, he can be inaccurate, but its not like he doesn't have the arm or the ability.

So why are we only running slants and basic routes? We heard D$ tell us that we were going to spread it out this year bc that fit our personnel better. But all we see is double slants and 4 verts type stuff. You need to be better than that against teams like FSU. That's why a guy like Cager was able to get inside position on those slants against weaker competition in the BC and Toledo games, but disappeared this week.

All I am saying is Richt isn't doing Rosier any favors. Last year it took 4 straight losses before he realized that Kaaya had to get the ball out quicker. Then adjustments were finally made and we looked like a real football team. Rosier isn't all-world, but we can win with him considering the playmakers we have, but not running the offense we've been running, esp with Walton going down.
Everyone keeps mentioning that none of our WRs are open. To me, that is because of the play calling. The route patterns/combos do not create space, they don't move defenders out of position like so many other offenses do. Whatever Malik's limitations are, there is no reason for us to run such basic concepts.

Sorry for thread jacking and turning it into play calling.

Dbs are flat out lining up in position to make a play cause all were running is slants and basic routes.

That's on Richt.

This team will never be elite until he gives up control of the offense. Period.

Serious question, whose offense do you want?
Everyone keeps mentioning that none of our WRs are open. To me, that is because of the play calling. The route patterns/combos do not create space, they don't move defenders out of position like so many other offenses do. Whatever Malik's limitations are, there is no reason for us to run such basic concepts.

Sorry for thread jacking and turning it into play calling.

Dbs are flat out lining up in position to make a play cause all were running is slants and basic routes.

Uhhhh Richards aint running just slants. Berrios aint running just slants and basic routes. What does that say of the other receivers?

Can't believe we're complaining about offensive play calling right now. In the first half, our offense was flat out getting whipped and it wasn't because of play calling. The OLine couldn't block and the wide outs weren't getting open. We come out in the second half, OLine starts playing tremendously better, and we score 24 points in one half against an elite defense.
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Dee's ego showing. He dogged Rosier ultra hard before the season and guaranteed an 8 win season if Rosier started. Instead of tipping his hat to Rosier, he's decided to double down because of ego.

Hise you need to feel free to go read up on that again cause you're putting words in my mouth... never once did I say anything about well only win 8 games with rosier or any other qb. Cause I've bet from rip in Vegas based on this schedule well win 10 all day. I definitely compared him in spring to Freeman. To his credit he has definitely stepped up from where he was in spring,sheriffs did as well and I acknowledged that progress before tghe season even started. Hes developed a different level of confidence to his game & thats pivotal. But his actual talent has a long way to go so he & the squad can catch up. I simply said hess an average qb at best and i still say that. Our defense is our strength and thatll have to pull us through this season. Its not an issue and it shouldn't be for anyone that's paid attention. Regardless of who's our qb I'm gonna support him come gametime but that doesn't make me some blind homer. People critiqued kaaya forever,Kyle Wright forever,covington,Clement,Ryan collins,Frank Costa I could go on and on. All of them won us games but got far more unfairly critiqued yet I can't state my opinion of rosier game witthout being chastised? Thats absurd. I'm sorry. We all have opinions and me I don't hesitate to share mine. It's on y'all who agrees or not. Hooray he made a fee nice throws and for everyone else that discounts almost 30 throws in that game that could be critiqued.

I expressly remember you claiming we'd win 8 games if Rosier started. I'm not going to dig up posts because I don't care enough to do that, and you're a good dude and a Cane. I don't need to turn this into a ****ing contest. I'd just hope that you realize you were wrong on Rosier like Pete and D$ and so many other respected posters were, and admit and move on.
He didn't lead us to flash for those that choose to disregard roughly 80% of homeboys throws were horrible. (The only receiver he's definitely on the same page as is brax. Everyone else he throws the ball behind on a regular) that fsu team we just eeked by is easily the worst fsu team ive been alive to witness. If he completed any passes (only reciever who flat out wasn't napping and doing his part was cager)in the first three quarters we should've blown them out... dude was shell shocked & lost in the moment. I'm not blinded by a last second win against a horrible team just because said teams name is fswho. I'm like Dennis green on this one. They are what they are,you make em what you want. Can't simplify stuff more tthan we have.


The kid goes to Doak and throws for 3 TDs in the second half vs one of the best D's in the nation. Orchestrates a last second comeback while not having A.R, or Walton.... and you still **** on him???

You may have a legit connect like none of us do to the program, but your assessment of whats going on on the field is suspect as ****..

In fairness to Dee, I don't think he's bashing Rosier's accomplishments. He EARNED the starting job & beat FSU. I'm perfectly fine with him back there as long as he keeps it going.
But he has some issues as a passer & QB in general. U can tell he played baseball. I see it in his footwork & his throwing motion. I've seen it over & over at the high school level, because a lot of high school players (where I'm at) also play baseball. He also isn't used to watching film or reading defenses. But he's progressing.
Again, I have no problem with him starting at QB & I'd neg any post I read that bashes him just to bash him. But we shouldn't completely ignore his flaws just because he beat FSU.

More trash. Dude leads two game-winning drives in the biggest rivalry game in football, and these guys are still with the "yeah, but his throwing motion isn't pretty and he didn't complete all his passes." Pretty obvious what's still going on with some of these gurus.

Chise he didn't complete even 50% of his passes. That's an issue. I don't understand how it's ignored especially when most of his passes were considered safe. As the commentators pointed out all we were running was slants and stops. Thank god we got the win. When it really mattered he stepped up. But if he just played at that level the whole game & was consistent than were not picking apart everyone else but him cause it's not a close game. It's not taking credit away from what he did succeed at. It's great he did that now let's just get him to work on this... dont understand how anyone's able to argue against that...

I don't care about his completion percentage in that game, Dee. I care that he put us on his back and did something we haven't done in 7 years. And he did it twice late in the 4th quarter. The dude's a boss and a winner. There's more to QB play than compiling stats even though Malik's stats are pretty **** good.
Everyone keeps mentioning that none of our WRs are open. To me, that is because of the play calling. The route patterns/combos do not create space, they don't move defenders out of position like so many other offenses do. Whatever Malik's limitations are, there is no reason for us to run such basic concepts.

Sorry for thread jacking and turning it into play calling.

Dbs are flat out lining up in position to make a play cause all were running is slants and basic routes.

Uhhhh Richards aint running just slants. Berrios aint running just slants and basic routes. What does that say of the other receivers?

Agreed. This offense will work fine and improve when our talent improves. Richards is the only major, and experienced WR talent on the field right now. The young guys don't seem ready yet and the veterans just really aren't that good. Harris, Cager, Langham and maybe even Mullins just seem to be average possession receivers, haven't seen anything to think different. Coley, Richards, and Njoku have been able to make explosive plays just fine within this offense.
Who care about stats? LOL I only care about winning.
If Rosier completed 80% of his throws and faltered in the last minute and a half of the game, would you like him better? LOL
Yes ideally you want a QB that can do both, but it is hard to do that in a game when you don't have a running game to help and I don't care if you're Peyton Manning.
If you have all the stats in the world but don't have that it factor and the attributes to help you lead the team and come from behind to win, I don't want you on my team.

What were his stats on those 2 game-winning drives in the 4th against FSU?

The kid goes to Doak and throws for 3 TDs in the second half vs one of the best D's in the nation. Orchestrates a last second comeback while not having A.R, or Walton.... and you still **** on him???

You may have a legit connect like none of us do to the program, but your assessment of whats going on on the field is suspect as ****..

In fairness to Dee, I don't think he's bashing Rosier's accomplishments. He EARNED the starting job & beat FSU. I'm perfectly fine with him back there as long as he keeps it going.
But he has some issues as a passer & QB in general. U can tell he played baseball. I see it in his footwork & his throwing motion. I've seen it over & over at the high school level, because a lot of high school players (where I'm at) also play baseball. He also isn't used to watching film or reading defenses. But he's progressing.
Again, I have no problem with him starting at QB & I'd neg any post I read that bashes him just to bash him. But we shouldn't completely ignore his flaws just because he beat FSU.

More trash. Dude leads two game-winning drives in the biggest rivalry game in football, and these guys are still with the "yeah, but his throwing motion isn't pretty and he didn't complete all his passes." Pretty obvious what's still going on with some of these gurus.

I have respect for Dee. Having said that, I'm not dismissing FSU whatsoever. FSU's weakness this year is their offense given that they're running game was overhyped (they did good against us on the ground), are starting a TF QB, and their O-line is flat out bad this year.

FSU still has a defense that's littered with 4/5 star players, and just about every guy on their d-line in the 2 deep will be playing on Sundays.

Rosier, for as crap as he was in the 1st half, came out guns blazing and destroyed the souls of every Tally native. This is without our start RB and freshman AA receiver in Richards.

Now we're supposed to believe that FSU went from a consensus top5 CFB preseason team to one of the worst FSU teams ever just because they lost a mediocre QB. Those guys are loaded up and down with talent from top5 classes every year for the last 7 years. They gave max effort against us too.

I'm in agreement with you. That defense that Rosier faced was still **** good and as mentioned, most of the guys on FSU's defense, particularly the d-line are going to be playing in the NFL.
Everyone keeps mentioning that none of our WRs are open. To me, that is because of the play calling. The route patterns/combos do not create space, they don't move defenders out of position like so many other offenses do. Whatever Malik's limitations are, there is no reason for us to run such basic concepts.

Sorry for thread jacking and turning it into play calling.

Dbs are flat out lining up in position to make a play cause all were running is slants and basic routes.

That's on Richt.

This team will never be elite until he gives up control of the offense. Period.

Serious question, whose offense do you want?

I think that Mike Yurich runs a phenomal offense at Oklahoma State.

He's obviously not going to come here, but something in that vain.
Everyone keeps mentioning that none of our WRs are open. To me, that is because of the play calling. The route patterns/combos do not create space, they don't move defenders out of position like so many other offenses do. Whatever Malik's limitations are, there is no reason for us to run such basic concepts.

Sorry for thread jacking and turning it into play calling.

Dbs are flat out lining up in position to make a play cause all were running is slants and basic routes.

Uhhhh Richards aint running just slants. Berrios aint running just slants and basic routes. What does that say of the other receivers?

Agreed. This offense will work fine and improve when our talent improves. Richards is the only major, and experienced WR talent on the field right now. The young guys don't seem ready yet and the veterans just really aren't that good. Harris, Cager, Langham and maybe even Mullins just seem to be average possession receivers, haven't seen anything to think different. Coley, Richards, and Njoku have been able to make explosive plays just fine within this offense.
Berrios is not? I would argue he is the best receiver we have on the team.
I agree that pre snap motion should be incorporated more often. Can't argue that and wouldn't want too. I'd also think in that same equation maybe you should roll him out more often. Move the pocket. Only issue with that is several obvious ones. #1 by rolling out you eliminate a large portion of the field from the play.#2 while rosiers mobili t y is a plus his ability to throw accurately while on the run is semi limited. For me the key to this offense with t he players we have in place should be all about quick hitters. Use that to supplement the run game basically and also it puts playmakers in space to make something happen... also I don't know if you'd consider it a mental short coming or not but for the most part he is a one read qb. He doesn't really go through his different options often. He is getting better at reading his options though.

I'm not sure you answered my question, so let me clarify and rephrase. Do you think Richt has a different offense in mind, but doesn't run it because he thinks Rosier isn't capable? Or, conversely, do you think that the offense we see now is basically what he is going to run (obviously giving leeway to gameplan for your roster every year)?

You made it sound like you think its the former - that Richt is limited by Rosier. That I would disagree with, just like I disagree that Rosier is anything more than an average P5 QB. I think we are about equally deficient at QB and OC.

It's a combination of both. Richt wants to run a different offense. But his offenses have always been limited in pre snap motion. He would like to be able to spread the field more(in my opinion & from seeing what he gets to practice)personally I wouldn't mind seeing us with a oc who actually calls the game rather than simply contributes to the game plan. I think we need someone a lil more caught up in today's game which uses deception more than richt is comfortable. But this isn't a fair depiction of what richt wants us running. If you're not confident in being able to get a completion on any given down or play call why would you bother to call it? We don't wanna play the game simply to punt.

Dee do you think Kosi gets us closer to Richt's ideal offense? I feel like during the summer and fall we heard reports of thomas/harley breaking long gains, herndon getting more touches, etc and it hasnt translated to the games. Is it mostly because Richt doesn't trust us to run those plays/sets during the game?