Jeff Thomas declares

UFA bound

Agree. Vastly overrated as as a player here. Could have shown better for sure, but he's limited in what he can do and not outstanding at anything.

Hope he proves me wrong. Not a fan, but I hope he succeeds in whatever he does as that's just my nature.
I’m no Jeff Thomas hater but I understand the hate. Kid quit on the team last year. You wanna be a big time player, you don’t quit on your brothers no matter how bad the situation is.
Ok Thomas quit on his high school team and the staff knew that before they signed him, and then brought him back a second time after richt kicked him off and dudes were on here going crazy excited both times. The team sucks so you got grown men acting like emotional girls because a young kid wants to try his shot at the NFL while having a young child himself, I'm not gonna hate him for that, this team sucks and has a lot of problems I could name several before I got to Thomas that were a bigger issue

Half the people in here works jobs that they don’t want to but will **** on a young men’s decision to chase his dream.

Good luck JT and thank you for the moments. Hope you come back and get that degree when you can.
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Half the people in here works jobs that they don’t want to but will **** on a young men’s decision to chase his dream.

Good luck JT and thank you for the moments. Hope you come back and get that degree when you can.
Best catch I’ve seen from a Miami wr in years
Wish him the best. I hope I’m wrong, but I doubt we hear anything about on this young man unless it’s in the police blotter. Lazy, underachieving, mentally weak quitters don’t fare well in life. No way he has the wear withal for the NFL. Hate to see young people waste god given talent like this, but unless you have the mental toughness to go along with your god given athletic ability, you’re not going to cut in the league.

Mentally weak/lazy kids don’t make it out of his neighborhood.

Miami has been an epic **** show since he arrived. Poor coaching across the board, and shotttttty QB play. Had the kid gone to OSU, he would have dominated the league. We got a 98 percentile kid that all the big dogs wanted and proceeded to **** Over his skill set. He should return. But, I’m not surprised he doesn’t want to stay for the Enos & Stubbs show.
It depends if he gets a combine invite. I think if he test well, he’ll get drafted.

If he carves out a nice career at the next level, Lord help this board and the rage it will have towards the staff.

There is an Offensive Genius in KC, MO who loves this type of player. Time will tell.
Best of luck to Jeff! He didn't dominate here, but hey this it's not like Miami has never developed players before. He had some good games. As far as his attitude - hopefully that will be in the past once he gets a little patina.
i think the obly draftees will be in late rounds
Shaq Pikney and maybe Osborne

Not a great class