Rumor Jake Garcia to Nebraska

As of today people I talk to say they haven’t heard that. “Just rumors”.

I know all he wants is a shot to compete in spring and win the job. If Tvd beats him then I could see him leaving after that . It’s not crazy to think Tvd bounces after one more season and he’s the guy.
Exactly! At worst he waits one year behind TVD. Mario will be in his ear telling him that first year he starts is when this thing will be taking off and there’s no better place to be. Jake is just as important to this program as TVD.
That would be a BIG mistake. While I get this kid loves competition and a chance, that place is the pits. Maybe he should look at the number of kids that have transferred out over the last 3 years and the fact that the head coach may be the next one to go.

2 way street.... most of the heisman winners the last 5 years have been transfer QBs.........................
he needs to hook with the teta martell's former girlfriend from a few semester, i'm sure that would keep him around.
Amazing!!!! OP sites no link and all you mongoloids automatically ASSume it’s true………

I expect to be scoring so much that TVD only plays first half, even vs Texas A&M and Clemson. García got mopp up duty. Riding this coaching/AD hire to the ******* moon baby
I don't think Garcia would have to sit out a year if he were to transfer.

I also don't think Jake should transfer. But the Jake Garcia I saw in high school and in the Central Connecticut game looks like a guy who wants at least the chance to compete - even though he would know it's doubtful he would beat out TVD, given what TVD did in competitive games. If you aren't even going to get a chance to compete, why not explore a transfer? Mario knows this.
Jake just wants to play. Doesn't want to sit for potentially 2 years.
I’ll ask my buddy to ask his Nebraska big time booster if their is any truth to this give me a few hours and I’ll have a answer for you guys
Look at it from Garcia's perspective. While the odds are TVD goes pro, you never know. Maybe there's a lot of QB's in the draft or something and he wants to wait a year. If you're Garcia you can't just assume everything's going to go that way. Maybe if you know who was here.
We need Garcia to stay. Garcia will be making a huge mistake by leaving. The o-line he will have when he starts will be night and day better than what TVD had to work with, he will be a Heisman candidate for sure if he just waits. The Nebraska implosion is sure to happen and Mark Whipple as we have lived it, is not going to stun anyone with his offense. If Joe Brady comes here and Garcia leaves then he will have no one to blame but himself.