I have 100% confidence in our run D this season

quite a few? dont play me for a fool man. list them.

dont list any 3 techs. tell me the nose and 1 techs hes developed.

Sheldon Richardson, Steve Martin, CJ Moseley, Terry beckner jr, Ricky hatley, josh Augusta, lucas Vincent, and various others.

Coach Kul talks Josh Augusta's development

Go Canes

PS : don't ever attempt to come for me again please! When adults are speaking listen up an learn.
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I've said this before...and it's just my opinion...

But I don't believe we'll ever be an elite pass defense under Diaz. And I have my reasons.

1. Intermediate defenders staring at the quarterback and not getting proper depth in their drops.

2. Leaving WR's completely "uncovered" pre-snap allowing quick/easy throws. It's why we get dinked-and-dunked to death sometimes.

3. Not placing an emphasis on protecting the middle part of the field, which is where all of the easy throws are. Way too many times have I seen us allow inside routes run freely, whether in zone or man. In zone we don't "apex" and/or collision wide receivers and in man we get beat across our face too often.

I know we're adding more talent to the defensive backfield but even with the players we had last season there's no excuse for allowing QB's to start games 16/16 passing or having such a poor 3rd down defense.

I'm sure nobody here thinks that the 2010 defense had more talent yet they were significantly better against the pass. (one of the best in the country at the time)
I can definitely see why Diaz got shredded in a pass-happy conference
How much of this is predicated on not giving up the big play, and who’s philosophy is that (Diaz or richt)?

Our safety’s lineup real deep, and either we don’t jam WRs, or we suck at it. Everything underneath and in the middle of the field is seemingly always open.

It’s death by a million papercuts. But to an extent it worked - we almost never gave up big plays.

Any like you said, an upgrade in the talent level of the secondary would presumably help this out. How much? To be determined.
And I absolutely love this defensive philosophy for the simple fact that, as I was outlining earlier, it has the ability to put an offense in a D and D situation that it isn't built to cope with. There's not nearly as much work spent in practice working on 2nd and 17's, as there is trying to avoid getting into 2nd and 17's. A QB sack or a TFL is a drive killer 90% of the time even if it doesn't happen on 3rd or 4th down.

The only problem with this philosophy is when you don't have the personnel to pull it off. Recruiting has put a premium on long and rangy DBs, and I think this will be key to our success. The biggest shortcoming I saw last season was Manny's inability to adjust the defense to the players he had rather than the ones he'd like to have.

Then again, we didn't do too terribly, and it might have been worth it to go ahead and begin teaching the style of defense we're going to be running.

Improved personnel in the defensive backfield should make a night in day difference in what Manny is comfortable doing. I know the 4-2-5 has been discussed ad nauseum here but having extra an extra DB whether it be a striker or a nickle gives them so many more options. I would like to see them be a little more flexible with their philosophy though. Pressure does tend to cause the offense to make mistakes but when you're blatant about your blitzing, it can make things really easy for an opposing quarterback. That stick figure freshman for FSU picked apart the defense in the second half because Manny made his reads easy. I would have killed to see him drop the linebackers into coverage and make their quarterback have to go through progressions against a cover 3 rather than "read blitz/hit hot receiver" which he obviously had no problem doing. For all the acclaim that Coack Kool had, they rarely relied on just the front four getting pressure, even on third and longs.
Sheldon Richardson, Steve Martin, CJ Moseley, Terry beckner jr, Ricky hatley, josh Augusta, lucas Vincent, and various others.

Coach Kul talks Josh Augusta's development

Go Canes

PS : don't ever attempt to come for me again please! When adults are speaking listen up an learn.

man, youve been embarrassed into oblivion on this **** site. stop acting like you know anything. i asked you to back up your claim faqqit. all the extra **** is unnecessary. youre a cornball.

even after your *** *** research.. and an edited post.. you still happen to list a 3 tech AND a **** linebacker in your 1st three names which immediately discredits your entire post.

furthermore, you listed a bunch of non impact nobodies. Kul has a bunch of good talent at the 3 technique. mediocre at best from his nose tackles.

and Missouri dline was never known for run stuffing but always got after the passer.

p.s. I dont "come" for men. so i didnt come for you, hoe.
Improved personnel in the defensive backfield should make a night in day difference in what Manny is comfortable doing. I know the 4-2-5 has been discussed ad nauseum here but having extra an extra DB whether it be a striker or a nickle gives them so many more options. I would like to see them be a little more flexible with their philosophy though. Pressure does tend to cause the offense to make mistakes but when you're blatant about your blitzing, it can make things really easy for an opposing quarterback. That stick figure freshman for FSU picked apart the defense in the second half because Manny made his reads easy. I would have killed to see him drop the linebackers into coverage and make their quarterback have to go through progressions against a cover 3 rather than "read blitz/hit hot receiver" which he obviously had no problem doing. For all the acclaim that Coack Kool had, they rarely relied on just the front four getting pressure, even on third and longs.
Getting pressure with the front four should also improve with better and more solid cover guys. I'm really excited to see guys like Frierson, Ivey, Hall, and Blades contributing and helping shore up the back end.
Our last 3 games, all losses, our Run D gave up 2.9 yards per carry. Our Pass D gave up 70% completion in those 3 games and an average of 240 yards a game, not to mention the allowed average passer rating was 149. A 149 rating would make a QB Top 20 in the nation. Think about that.

And mofos here think it's the run D that's the problem???? Holy ****...….
Canezum5, yeah man, i didnt know people's names except they screen names man, they thought they were running some type of plantation forum, i know undercover rednecks when i see em, and sometimes people dont know they got a problem man. Insanez1 a.k.a. Canez1 started showing his true colors once the moron regime got there, dont get me wrong i didnt have a problem with em personally, they just didnt want to hear e Truth, he bash shannon all day long but barely said anything about the stupid moron regime, in fact he backed there methods, he didnt want to go against his I-talian bretheren, i smoked em out. He started getting to big for his britches when he started making comments like #jacory harris and the restof the poke-n-bean project crew" but in the mean time his ****** **** jersey shore pennstphile bretheren were the gayest coaches i ever seen, always starting a conversation off with how much weight a player has gained and saying so & so looks good. Got becareful when guys/coaches come from a place called/termed "Happy Valley" Cant Truss it, NO NO NO NO!

lmfaooo. yeah, Canez1 is Paul. he aint a bad guy in real life . he was a rich italian ******* tho. i liked him. well, ****. he paid for everything at the tailgates and bought me a whole bottle of liquor. me and him used to GO AT IT on those boards tho. he used to **** me off with those indirect racist comments. I actually met him at goldens 1st game when we got beat by that terrible maryland team. i remember telling him golden sucked and hed never win here. i remember paul bashing the **** out of the players and making every excuse for Al. we both left that parking lot ****ed af.me and you were THE ONLY ones who saw thru golden early. spending 1000s of dollars to travel and watch golden destroy this great program was heartbreaking.

the internet is funny man. no one talks as big as they do through these keyboards. but all them were good people. esteban, Bg, Xavier/hurri, and mary were cool af. enjoyed some good drinks and times with them.

you just used to come at Paul so hard Mary felt the need to defend him cuz she knew him personally.

im almost positive paul smashed her too. but she wasnt nothing to brag about so hed never admit it. lol.

dont forget. i want your opinion on Joshua vs Wilder
Our last 3 games, all losses, our Run D gave up 2.9 yards per carry. Our Pass D gave up 70% completion in those 3 games and an average of 240 yards a game, not to mention the allowed average passer rating was 149. A 149 rating would make a QB Top 20 in the nation. Think about that.

And mofos here think it's the run D that's the problem???? Holy ****...….

no. mofos trying to tell you the ENTIRE d needs to improve but you keep ignoring that to harp on this Run D vs Pass D narrative youve created. both need to improve. let it go.
no. mofos trying to tell you the ENTIRE d needs to improve but you keep ignoring that to harp on this Run D vs Pass D narrative youve created. both need to improve. let it go.
The Run D >>> the the Pass D, that was my entire premise here. We can win a NC holding teams to 2.9 yards per carry, we have no flucking chance giving up 149 passer ratings, none at all.


/now I will let it go, perhaps it has sunk in after 9 pages
man, youve been embarrassed into oblivion on this **** site. stop acting like you know anything. i asked you to back up your claim faqqit. all the extra **** is unnecessary. youre a cornball.

even after your *** *** research.. and an edited post.. you still happen to list a 3 tech AND a **** linebacker in your 1st three names which immediately discredits your entire post.

furthermore, you listed a bunch of non impact nobodies. Kul has a bunch of good talent at the 3 technique. mediocre at best from his nose tackles.

and Missouri dline was never known for run stuffing but always got after the passer.

p.s. I dont "come" for men. so i didnt come for you, hoe.

Calvin Michael Mosley jr ( aka CJ Mosley) is not a linebacker. Get your facts right an as for the other point they all played 0 or 1 and occasionally 3 tech.

Go Canes

Go Canes
Calvin Michael Mosley jr ( aka CJ Mosley) is not a linebacker. Get your facts right an as for the other point they all played 0 or 1 and occasionally 3 tech.

Go Canes

Go Canes
hes a nobody

dont ever call Calvin. CJ again. its only 1 CJ mosley. we reserve nicknames for players that are impactful
Hows his nut cheese taste?

You clownin people for regarding Shaq and his pops and you over here sucking off a guy that you dont even know.


I actually know the legend you guys call Franchise...my aunt even made him a sweet potato pie once.

Now how does mine taste?

You guys think I am you = internet geeks that never be around. I'm everywhere.
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I’m not going to go through all the post, but I’ll just comment on what I’ve seen thus far; 3.5 ypc is deplorable!!! If a O rushes twice and get 3.5 each time, that puts them in 3rd and 3 and ahead of the chains. That’s a dreaded position for a def to be in. Literally u have to be prepared for any and everything. The O clearly has the advantage on a 3rd and 3.

If we did allow 3.5 ypc, that’s a clear sign why we sucked on 3rd downs on def.

We gotta tighten up

Please stop making sense...I can't believe there are 2 guys here that think 3.5 ypc is actually good.



As you can see, Coach Kul has a huge emphasis on techniques that avoid engaging lineman. He dedicates most of his drills to rip moves and swim moves. The drills are reinforced with repetition using the TECHNIQUES said coach believes in. The fact that you think i cant learn this from these videos is laughable at best.

Coach Simpson shows more of a dedication to engagement/and awareness without reckless penetration. I think his techniques fit Diaz defense better.

Im not replying to you after this, dude. Ive officially destroyed your entire argument. Keep typing and get beat tf up when we meat tf up, hoe.

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Bwhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah
I've said this before...and it's just my opinion...

But I don't believe we'll ever be an elite pass defense under Diaz. And I have my reasons.

1. Intermediate defenders staring at the quarterback and not getting proper depth in their drops.

2. Leaving WR's completely "uncovered" pre-snap allowing quick/easy throws. It's why we get dinked-and-dunked to death sometimes.

3. Not placing an emphasis on protecting the middle part of the field, which is where all of the easy throws are. Way too many times have I seen us allow inside routes run freely, whether in zone or man. In zone we don't "apex" and/or collision wide receivers and in man we get beat across our face too often.

I know we're adding more talent to the defensive backfield but even with the players we had last season there's no excuse for allowing QB's to start games 16/16 passing or having such a poor 3rd down defense.

I'm sure nobody here thinks that the 2010 defense had more talent yet they were significantly better against the pass. (one of the best in the country at the time)
I can definitely see why Diaz got shredded in a pass-happy conference

Striker position will dictate a lot of what you're thinking here. 2018 will tell the tale.

Derrick Smith is my darkhorse DPOY.
Sheldon Richardson, Steve Martin, CJ Moseley, Terry beckner jr, Ricky hatley, josh Augusta, lucas Vincent, and various others.

Coach Kul talks Josh Augusta's development

Go Canes

PS : don't ever attempt to come for me again please! When adults are speaking listen up an learn.

Well done.
man, youve been embarrassed into oblivion on this **** site. stop acting like you know anything. i asked you to back up your claim faqqit. all the extra **** is unnecessary. youre a cornball.

even after your *** *** research.. and an edited post.. you still happen to list a 3 tech AND a **** linebacker in your 1st three names which immediately discredits your entire post.

furthermore, you listed a bunch of non impact nobodies. Kul has a bunch of good talent at the 3 technique. mediocre at best from his nose tackles.

and Missouri dline was never known for run stuffing but always got after the passer.

p.s. I dont "come" for men. so i didnt come for you, hoe.

LOL..it's a shame you don't know how football works.

That poster...like me totally owned you.

Take your L like and move on