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Feb 4, 2013
Just mentioned On ESPNU Radio. A big school in Power 5 will opt out tomorrow and potentially the whole conference. My guess is PAC 12 and school Stanford

They also mentioned not to freak out just prepare. But this won’t effect other conferences.
Just mentioned On ESPNU Radio. A big school in Power 5 will opt out tomorrow and potentially the whole conference. My guess is PAC 12 and school Stanford

They also mentioned not to freak out just prepare. But this won’t effect other conferences.
USC and UCLA are fully online this fall, I believe. I could easily see UCLA being the school to opt out.
Yes, but no one gives two craps about PAC 10 football being cancelled.
You can’t be fully online as a college campus for the safety and health of the student population and faculty, but have student athletes out there (mostly young black men) risking their health and families Heath by playing football for the university for $$$. Not only is it insane to do that, the optics are terrible.

Cancel the entire CFB season snd stop wasting everyone’s time
You can’t be fully online as a college campus for the safety and health of the student population and faculty, but have student athletes out there (mostly young black men) risking their health and families Heath by playing football for the university for $$$. Not only is it insane to do that, the optics are terrible.

Cancel the entire CFB season snd stop wasting everyone’s time
Let me know when one of these football players is an elderly person suffering from other respiratory diseases, and thus at real risk of getting deathly sick. If we were talking getting the 72 Dolphins back together, playing at packed out nursing homes, I'd call that a bad idea. These young men, black and white, are as much at risk of dying from COVID-19 as they are the flu.
You can’t be fully online as a college campus for the safety and health of the student population and faculty, but have student athletes out there (mostly young black men) risking their health and families Heath by playing football for the university for $$$. Not only is it insane to do that, the optics are terrible.

Cancel the entire CFB season snd stop wasting everyone’s time
You are easily the most insufferable poster on this site. Completely insufferable.
You can’t be fully online as a college campus for the safety and health of the student population and faculty, but have student athletes out there (mostly young black men) risking their health and families Heath by playing football for the university for $$$. Not only is it insane to do that, the optics are terrible.

Cancel the entire CFB season snd stop wasting everyone’s time

The players can opt out at no penalty. They would continue as normal students with the option to return or transfer.

The kids who are playing want to play and understand the real (but relatively low) risks.
You can’t be fully online as a college campus for the safety and health of the student population and faculty, but have student athletes out there (mostly young black men) risking their health and families Heath by playing football for the university for $$$. Not only is it insane to do that, the optics are terrible.

Cancel the entire CFB season snd stop wasting everyone’s time
It’s actually safer for it to be online only and just have athletes on campus. It’s an optics problem and nothing else. A football program consisting of 170 people who you can monitor and test or a 20k student body roaming freely. Guess which one I’d rather be around if my health was a concern.
You can’t be fully online as a college campus for the safety and health of the student population and faculty, but have student athletes out there (mostly young black men) risking their health and families Heath by playing football for the university for $$$. Not only is it insane to do that, the optics are terrible.

Cancel the entire CFB season snd stop wasting everyone’s time
Why do we have to shut out everyone for the few that want to opt out? Why do others have to live in the tyranny of others fear? Just let them make their choice based on their perceived risk, as small as it is
Hope schools have major insurance coverage when the players' liability lawsuits hit.
You can’t be fully online as a college campus for the safety and health of the student population and faculty, but have student athletes out there (mostly young black men) risking their health and families Heath by playing football for the university for $$$. Not only is it insane to do that, the optics are terrible.

Cancel the entire CFB season snd stop wasting everyone’s time
If no ones on campus how does that increase the player's risk? People are out all day and don't get sick. It's only percentage. That's the law of averages in regular mortality.
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